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17 European Projects Found

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AC4SME is a large scale European project implemented by Chambers of Commerce & Industry (hereafter ‘Chambers’ or CCIs) in 12 Erasmus+ countries (AT, BE, BG, CY, CZ, ES, FR, IT, LV, RO, RS, TR) and under the coordination of EUROCHAMBRES, the association of European Chambers of Commerce & Industry. It is a response to the observation that small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are less likely to ...
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There is a significant gap between the reality of the workplace and the educational world that need trimming. Collaborations business partnerships with schools and training centers represent a bridge on which to base a relationship that provides benefits to both parties. Corporate Volunteering provides an opportunity to connect both realities so that both centers as businesses see enhanced mutual ...
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Background The EQAMOB project addresses the crucial issue of strengthening the quality of in-company learning mobility, notably for apprentices. Building on their experience in learning mobility and on the results of the EuroApprenticeship network, EQAMOB project identified two main issues to support the integration of "in company" leaning mobility in the regular training curricula: first, improve ...
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The project finds its rationale in the needs of training and education providers, students, production companies, ngos and the European Commission. The need for the ethical training of employees has already formally been acknowledged by the European Commission claiming to integrate CSR in the skills and competences of managers and employees. These are regarded as key elements in terms of individu ...
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Gothenburg Technical College is the result of a unique private/public sector collaboration between Volvo Car Corperation, Volvo Group and the municipalty of Gothenburg. The College is jointly owned and managed by both organizations. The purpose of GTC is to provide high quality technical education within the technical industrial sector. GTC has for many years sent about 35 students abroad in Europ ...
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Italy struggles among the less performing EU countries, when it comes to youth employment. The EU Strategy Europe 2020 calls up our country to renew its Education and Training systems, to make young people achieve competences that are key to economy and the knowledge society, to improve their employability and become an instrument to enforce internationalisation of companies. At the same time, in ...
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Legislation, norms and regulations in the field of waste management are under constant development and new technologies and knowledge emerge continuously, requiring industry to adapt rapidly to survive. This requires the capacity to detect, understand and apply these developments. There are sectors which are facing great difficulties to detect, understand and apply these developments, while at th ...
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The critical situation of youth unemployment in Spain, and the great possibilities offered by other European countries in terms of jobs , makes international mobilityand traineeships , ia great oportunity to improve the employability of HE VET graduates either in the country of origin or in the destination country . The global economy has a direct consequence an increasingly competitive business ...
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The EU Strategy Europe 2020 and its flagship initiative “Youth on the move” call up member states to design modern Education and Training systems, in order to achieve competences that are key to economy and the knowledge and excellence society, to cut off youth unemployment by making training more respondent to young people’s needs and by encouraging them in taking advantage from EU funding for le ...
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Tendenzen zonder grenzen

Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

Werken over de grens blijft een hele opgave, zelfs in België en Nederland, waar toch dezelfde taal wordt gesproken. Tal van belemmeringen maken het de mensen die over de grens willen werken en de werkgevers die aan de andere kant van de grens willen rekruteren, moeilijk. Voor het Interreg-project Samen voor de glastuinbouw is eerder al een inventarisatie gemaakt van deze knelpunten en in het boek: ...
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ntelligent Modern System Design (I-Mosyde)

Start date: Feb 28, 2014, End date: Nov 29, 2014,

I-Mosyde "Intelligent MOdern SYstem DEsign" in automation is based on embedded system design and (industrial) data communication, and uses advanced diagnostics.Not only industry, but also automation in general services, in health-care (assistive technology for mobility for communication or for living at home independently for elderly people), in building automation, ..., all these "fields" are usi ...
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2 Seas Trade (2ST)

Start date: Mar 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

The 2ST project aims to help SMEs in the 2 Seas area to take the first steps to trading and doing business on a crossborder basis as a way to help them grow, following the recession. Helping small businesses to begin to look beyond their national boundaries, to undertake crossborder trade activities and develop international business collaborations will make a direct contribution to the developmen ...
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Samen voor de glastuinbouw

Start date: Apr 3, 2008, End date: Apr 3, 2012,

Dit project wil inspelen op de verschillende noden van de glastuinbouwsector en zo een kansrijke toekomst voor de glastuinbouw in de grensregio uitbouwen. Voldoende arbeidspotentieel speelt in deze sector een cruciale rol. De projectpartners willen door middel van hun gezamenlijke inspanningen zoveel mogelijk mensen uit het grensgebied met afstand op de arbeidsmarkt (laaggeschoolde werkzoekenden, ...
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Developing Best Practice in Promoting Enterprise (BPPE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Sep 29, 2011,

The main aim of BPPE is to develop an enterprise culture and promote entrepreneurship in disadvantaged areas so that individuals can earn a living, gain self respect and grow the work ethic within their communities. Achieving this entrepreneurial spirit will mean creating the conditions and attitudes to be developed so that individuals can gain access to support and success in starting businesses. ...
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Students with proven entrepreneurial characteristics should be stimulated to continue after graduation. There are difficulties for this group of starters in fact: colleges take care for students and not for entrepreneurs (after graduating) and support organisations (mainly) support entrepreneurs (registered at the Chamber of Commerce) and not students. The project aims to bridge this gap in suppor ...
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Reason: European SME’s find themselves in a fast changing globalizing and highly competitive world.  Specific competencies are required to internationalize successfully. A need underlined by the EC policy for New Skills for New Jobs, where particular attention is given to globalisation + international trade with BRIC countries. Next to financial and production requirements, knowledge (markets, ...
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Om een nog sterkere, internationale en competitieve economische regio uit te bouwen, wilden de kamers van koophandel Oost-Vlaanderen en Zeeland, de partners in dit project, een basis creëren voor het ontwikkelen van een strategische grensoverschrijdende visie ten aanzien van de inplanting, ontsluiting en het beheer van bedrijventerreinen. Die nieuwe ontwikkelde visie zou ondersteund moeten worden ...
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