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7 European Projects Found

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Pathway to a Competitive European FC mCHP market (PACE)

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2021,

...period. This will:- Enable fuel cell mCHP manufacturers to scale up production, using new series techniques, and increased automation. By 2018, four leading European manufacturers (Bosch, SOLIDpower, Vaillant and Viessmann) will have installed capacity for production of over 1,000 units/year (each will install over 500 units in PACE). These production lines will test the manufacturing techniques w ...
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Fuel cells have shown great promise for residential micro-Combined Heat and Power (mCHP) generation due to their high electrical efficiency and ability to run on conventional heating fuels. Technology leaders in this sector are nearing commercial deployment following extensive field trials but high capital costs remain a key challenge to the advancement of this sector and mass market introduction ...
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ene.field will deploy up to 1,000 residential fuel cell Combined Heat and Power (micro-CHP) installations, across 11 key Member States. It represents a step change in the volume of fuel cell micro-CHP (micro FC-CHP) deployment in Europe and a meaningful step towards commercialisation of the technology.The programme brings together 9 mature European micro FC-CHP manufacturers into a common analysis ...
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Most of the energy consumption in Europe is due to heating and cooling used for domestic, tertiary and industrial purposes; This energy is largely produced by directly burning fossil fuels with a negative environmental impact. RES directive and the SET Plan focuses its attention on the use of RES to drive systems for heating and cooling in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the dependenc ...
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The COMTES project has as goal to develop and demonstrate three novel systems for compact seasonal storage of solar thermal energy. These systems will contribute to the EU 20-20-20 targets by covering a larger share of the domestic energy demand with solar thermal energy.Main objective of COMTES is to develop and demonstrate systems for seasonal storage that are significantly better than water bas ...
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SUper-Resolution Photonics for Advanced Storage Systems (SURPASS)

Start date: Jun 1, 2008, End date: Nov 30, 2011,

The purpose of the restructured SURPASS project is to develop key technologies to achieve super-resolution beyond the diffraction limit in air at visible wavelength. The application fields covered by the project are optical data storage, wafer inspection, maskless optical lithography and confocal microscopy.The first super-resolution technology is based on so-called super-RENS materials (Super-Res ...
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Main outcomes of the project are further training modules in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy applications.Mainly targeting technical teachers, training modules also aims large mass of professionals from electricity, installation and construction sector.The definition of “EP” is at the basis of the sustainable energy policy of the buildings, and it’s simply the total primary a ...
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