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24 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

DIFFERENT aims at building the foundation of a new generation of space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radars (SAR) with a significant reduction in cost, size, mass and power consumption, and enhanced performances with respect to systems currently available. The final product will be a compact, dual-band, dual-polarization radar with DBF capabilities. DIFFERENT will achieve these results setting up a co ...
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SmArt water management with Integrated Decision support systems (SAID)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

"The need for providing high quality water to citizens and to reduce damages produce by floods and droughts has motivated research and development of many software-based decision support systems (DSSs). However, despite the notable technical advances DSSs, most of the water infrastructures in Europe are still managed by expert operators based on traditional best practices but with little support f ...
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The SITOGA project will address for the first time the integration of transition metal oxides (TMO) materials in silicon photonics and CMOS electronics. TMOs have unique electro-optical properties that will offer unprecedented and novel capabilities to the silicon platform. SITOGA will focus on two disruptive TMO materials, barium titanate (BaTiO3) and vanadium oxide (VO2), for developing advanced ...
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DOTSEVEN is a 3.5 year IP proposal for a very ambitious R&D project targeting the development of Silicon Germanium (SiGe) Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (HBT) technologies with cut-off frequencies (fmax) of around 700 GHz. Special attention will be paid to clearly demonstrate the capabilities and benefits of this technology with benchmark circuits and advanced system applications in the 0.1 to ...
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Graphene-based Devices and Circuits for RF Applications (GRADE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

Description Demonstration of the proof-of-concept of novel graphene-based electronic devices operating at terahertz (THz) frequencies GRADE is a project focusing on advanced RTD activities necessary to demonstrate the proof-of-concept of novel graphene-based electronic devices operating at teraher ...
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Modular CMOS Photonic Integrated Micro-Gyroscope (MERMIG)

Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

Space system vendors seek for solutions to deliver small size and cost-effective sensor systems to “de-congest” satellite payloads, drastically reduce the equipment cost and open the possibility for new generation of micro-payload systems. MERMIG aims to provide this technology replacing current expensive, bulky, heavy and power-consuming fiber optic gyroscopes (FOGs). To address these key challen ...
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RF communication and remote sensing (radar/radiometric) systems are facing the demands ofincreasing complexity/number of frequency bands, increased bandwidths and higher frequencies forhigher data throughput, while at the same time the power consumption, the form factor of the systems,and the overall system costs need to be reduced. Smart micro-/mm-wave systems will have to achieveself-reconfigura ...
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Stroke is a disease with very high socio-economic impact. In average the healthcare expenditure cost for Strokes across different countries in Europe and USA is 3% of their entire healthcare expenditure. This includes inpatient treatment cost, outpatient hospital visits and long-term rehabilitation and care. Analysis showed that costs of long-term care have increased from 13% to 49% of overall cos ...
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ESSenTIAL will bring silicon photonics within reach of European small and medium sized enterprises, thereby building on the track record of the Silicon Photonics Platform ePIXfab ( and its integration into Europractice. To this end, ESSenTIAL offers affordable access to standardized active and passive silicon photonic IC and packaging technology, a path from design to manufacturing ...
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Very High Speed Serial Interfaces (VHiSSI)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2014,

Space-based Earth observation and scientific instrumentation currently under development will push the limits of on-board data-handling technology. In the past Mil-Std 1553 and proprietary data-links were used to get instrument data from the instruments to the on-board mass memory unit and to the down-link telemetry system. Over the past decade the proprietary data links have been replaced with a ...
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FLEXWIN proposes a significant advance towards smart RF microsystems by combining 1.) an RFMEMS switch process monolithically integrated with a Si/SiGe BiCMOS process, 2.) highly reconfigurable mm-wave building blocks, able to be used over a broad frequency range and for different applications, 3.) a new RF-system design paradigm built around the concepts of reusability, multifunctionality and re ...
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TAMper Resistant Sensor node (TAMPRES)

Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

As the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes a reality the trustworthiness of all its components assumes the utmost importance. The trustworthiness of any system in the definition of call 5 i.e. security, reliability etc. depends on its weakest part. When wireless sensor nodes (WSN) are included in the IoT it is likely that one of the more vulnerable parts will be the sensor nodes themselves. These dev ...
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This proposal between the researcher dr Adam Szyszka, the Polish fellow, and dr Thomas Schroeder, the scientist in charge of the German host IHP institute in Frankfurt (Oder) concern on investigation and fabrication of gallium nitride planar UV radiation detectors grown on silicon substrate with use of novel double oxide buffer layer.Gallium nitride and its ternary alloys with aluminium and indium ...
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Description The GALACTICO photonic technology platform aims to disrupt the transition from 10/40G to Terabit long-haul networks providing new generation 100G and next generation 400G and 1T photonic interfaces.Galactico answers the question of how to make the internet 100 times faster without developing optical networks from scratch.Proje ...
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SUCCESS targets to develop a technology platform and best-practice design methods to enable the breakthrough of silicon mm-Wave SoCs for high-volume applications. Silicon technology (CMOS, SiGe) has made tremendous progress towards ever higher device cut-off frequencies. Nowadays all RF components for mm-Wave sensing applications up to 120 GHz can be realized in silicon. Silicon technology hence ...
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pHotonics ELectronics functional Integration on CMOS (HELIOS)

Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Nov 30, 2012,

Photonics on CMOS is a candidate technology for applications where functional integration is needed for improving system performance while reducing size and cost.Functional demonstration of basic building blocks such as a µlaser, a detector, coupling, and link has been realized in previous research projects. As a next step the HELIOS project proposes to integrate photonics components with integrat ...
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"Hypoxic (low oxygen) conditions in aquatic ecosystems increase in number, duration and extent due to global warming and eutrophication. Global warming will lead to degassing of oxygen, increased stratification, reduced deep-water circulation and changes in wind patterns affecting transport and mixing. Projected increases in hypoxia (e.g. doubling of “dead zones”) are accompanied by enhanced emiss ...
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MyOcean is THE PROJECT to set up infrastructures, services and resources to prepare the operational deployment of first Marine Core Services. My Ocean answers to the topic SPA.2007.1.1.01 - development of upgraded capabilities for existing GMES fast-track services and related (pre)operational services. MyOcean is proposed by a consortium of 67 partners spread in maritime countries: - federated aro ...
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INtegrated European Signalling System (INESS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2012,

"Due to the seamless guidance by rails, the railway system requires a dedicated signalling sub-system, whereby a major part of the functionality must be ensured and controlled on the infrastructure side. From a European perspective, the traditional signalling is one of the most conservative parts of the railway system strongly bound to the national traditions by all involved parties.Since 1990 the ...
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BOOM is an integration project that aims to pursue the systematic advancement of Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) integration technology to develop compact, cost-effective and power efficient silicon photonic components that enable photonic Tb/s capacity systems for current and new generation high speed broadband core networks. BOOM develops fabrication techniques as well as flip-chip bonding and wafer- ...
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DOTFIVE is a three-year IP proposal for a very ambitious project focused on advanced RTD activities necessary to move the Silicon/germanium heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) into the operating frequency range of 0.5 terahertz (THz) (500 gigahertz GHz) enabling the future development of communication, imaging or radar Integrated Circuits (IC) working at frequencies up to 160 GHz . For a giv ...
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Advanced MIMO Systems for Maximum Reliability and Performance (MIMAX)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2011,

MIMAX aims at developing of a pervasive, low-power consuming and low-cost MIMO network platform with reliable data-rate of up to 100 Mb/s in environments with strong multipath and coverage ranges up to several hundred meters. The current state-of-the-art performs the combining and processing of the complex antenna signal in the baseband. Since complete transmitter and receiver paths are required f ...
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Home Gigabit Access (Omega)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2011,

Gigabit Home Access Networks are a pivotal technology to be developed if the EU Vision of the Future Internet is to be realised. Consumers will require such HANs to be simple to install, without any new wires, and easy enough to use so that information services running on the HAN will be just another utility, as, for instance, electricity, water and gas are today. The OMEGA HAN is centred round th ...
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GALS InterfAce for CompleX Digital SYstem Integration (GALAXY)

Start date: Dec 1, 2007, End date: Nov 30, 2010,

This project builds on a technology approach in which the EU currently has world leadership, thanks to previous pan-European funding, and in which the participants are recognised centres of excellence. We propose to provide an integrated GALS (Globally Asynchronous, Locally Synchronous) design flow, together with novel Network-on-Chip capabilities, that will materially aid embedded system design f ...
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