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31 European Projects Found

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Description (EN): The Alpine region must tackle rising energy consumption and, accordingly, CO2 emissions reduction, related mostly to heating needs (mainly from residential and tourism sectors). The potential of renewable energy sources to handle this energy requirement has been discussed in some recent studies. However, the opportunity to utilize Near-Surface Geothermal Energy (NS ...
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...graduates.ECCUM project outputs: Interdisciplinary Master Program in Mathematical Engineering (qualification descriptors, curriculum, syllabuses),Established Computing Centres in each partner country university; shared by partners web-platform with the opportunity to join for outer stakeholders (HEIs, companies, scholars) for the purpose of professional development, e-learning; research and academ ...
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Background In the European Union, landfilling of municipal solid wastes remains the principal waste management option. Landfill criteria and procedures are regulated by annex II of the EU Landfill Directive (1999/31/EC) and by the article 16 of the Council Decision (2003/33/EC) establishing criteria and procedures for the acceptance of waste at landfills. ...
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Climate Neutral Urban Districts in Europe (CLUE)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,, innovations and strategies. Best practices identified within the project will be used as reference points for European cities and regions. The project partnership involves local, regional and university actors from various European countries, who are proactive in the development of climate neutral urban districts.CLUE will deliver:- International conferences, work meetings and expert workshops ...
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Cleantech Incubation Europe (CIE)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

...rgy consumption in Finland – Viikki Environment house. Completed in September 2011, the energy-efficient office building is used by the City of Helsinki Environment Centre and the University of Helsinki. 62 people registered for the event – 51 of them participated in the seminar and 29 joined the site visit in Viikki. The seminar organizing work and the event went according to project plan and no ...
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Ageing population, safeguarding a healthy workforce, and an emerging demand for quality and highly professional health services have boosted the significance of the health sector. The health sector absorbs large amounts of labour, commodities and research and thus creates incomes, which in turn flow back into the economic cycle of locations, regions and the overall economy. Within regions, health ...
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The objective of DANTE is to improve the effectiveness of the regional policies in the area of Innovation, by enhancing the key enabling role that Information Society can play in the tourism economy of rural and mountain areas.In line with the growth strategy of the Lisbon Agenda, DANTE aims to promote a new regional policy approach to design a knowledge-based plan for the tourism economy of the r ...
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latform to Form Opinions Related to Mobility (PLAT.F.O.R.M.)

Start date: Aug 31, 2013, End date: Nov 29, 2014,

PLATFORM aims at integrating social sustainability into infrastructure planning decision making, considering community needs, equitable accessibility and polycentric design that enhances social participation. As EU policies underline, social impacts and interests of local authorities and civil society affected by a common project should be taken into account to prevent conflicts. In this policy fr ...
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The main problem addressed is the marginalization that a major transport infrastructure (MTI) can cause to alpine areas. The project aims at making mountain areas catch the opportunities of MTIs, rather than just suffer their environmental and social impact, targeting the phases of piloting and policy implementation.The project foresees the elaboration of an unbiased method to measure the value of ...
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Open Innovation in Alpine SMEs (OPEN-ALPS)

Start date: Jun 30, 2011, End date: Jun 29, 2014,

OPEN-ALPS strengthens the competitiveness of the Alpine Space by introducing and realising innovations in SMEs based on the Open Innovation (OI) paradigm. Main objective is to support Alpine SMEs in technology branches on their way from internal closed innovation to "open innovation". This shall encourage innovation, entrepreneurship and strengthen research and innovation capacities for SMEs in th ...
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Transnational cooperation on transport crisis management due to incidents in tunnels and rare strong natural events is an outstanding challenge for Alpine Space security and emergency authorities. TranSAFE-Alp aims at capitalizing innovative decision making tools already developped in previous ASP projects for the creation of an integrated ICT-share area for jointly support and coordinated interve ...
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ducer Services for European Sustainability and Competitiveness (PROSESC)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

...d a successful highlevel policy event in Brussels in March 2011 on the mobility of the future and the perspectives on both sides of Atlantic. Following a keynote speech by Dr. Sven Beiker of Stanford University, a panel discussion with Philippe Lambert, MEP (European Parliament), "Dr. Reinhard Büscher (EC), Dr. Reha Tözün(PROSESC) and Sylvain Haon (POLIS /ERTRAC) took place. The event was coorgani ...
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Institutional Capacity for Territorial Development (SMART-IST)

Start date: Sep 30, 2010, End date: May 31, 2012,

The targeted analysis will address the institutional factors explaining the efficiency of public institutions in designing and implementing successful territorial development strategies and policy in the framework of EU Cohesion Policy. The main objective of this targeted analysis is to develop a common methodology aiming at recognizing, assessing and enhance institutional efficiency. This methodo ...
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RURuRBaLs objectives are: - to establish a common charter of territorial governance for the sustainable development in periurban territories, centered on a process of promoting the commercialization and consumption of local products; - define the access conditions at the Charter; - create a European network; The common strategies in the field of territorial governance will be defined based on the ...
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Background The loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta), a priority species under the Habitats Directive, is severely threatened in the entire Mediterranean basin, as it is across the world. The main problems are related to the impact of by-catch fishing and the loss of nesting beaches due to human disturbance. Over the last 30-50 years, the number of nestin ...
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Application and effects of the ESDP in Member States (ESDP impact)

Start date: Oct 12, 2004, End date: Feb 12, 2007,

The European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP) was adopted at the Council meeting in Potsdam in May 1999. Now, seven years after the presentation of the final version of the ESDP, the effects of the ESDP at EU level and in each Member State are being assessed in order to identify the potential of the ESDP and to find best examples of its application and implementation at European, transnation ...
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Governance of territorial and urban policies (Governance)

Start date: Jul 22, 2004, End date: Nov 28, 2006,

Project 2.3.2 holds an important position in the definition and elaboration of a common ground for investigating the institutional and instrumental aspects of implementation of territorial and urban policies in Europe. The project focuses on the question how effective different systems are, e.g. considering a policy mix of spatial planning (in different forms implemented by Member States), local g ...
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Urban areas as nodes in a polycentric development (Polycentricity)

Start date: Sep 5, 2002, End date: Apr 20, 2005,

The European urban system is a main territorial structure and the cities are key drivers in the development of regions and larger territories. The specific functionality and potentials of cities are being explored and a typology of the European urban reality developed. The ESDP highlighted the objective of a polycentric development in support of a balanced and harmonious European territory. The pr ...
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Sign Media

Start date: Dec 1, 2010,

European deaf people like their hearing counterparts should have equal access to the medium of written English. In each EU country there is a clear deaf community, (Pellet Boodle & Ochre, 2008) with members using the specific Sign Language of that community as their first language. Sign Language in each country is linguistically distinct from the spoken and written language (Woll et al), but wri ...
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The main objective of the project is to produce a new generation of engineers capable of performing constructive engineering works in the Mechatronics field meeting today’s and tomorrow's technology challenges. Specific objectives are:1. Develop 8 new master degree courses including 2 general methodological courses and 3 PhD courses at BTI, FPI, NMI, TARI, TPU in Mechatronics and control engineeri ...
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...ll as between industry and research. European Knowledge and Innovation communities (KICs)would serve as example for building TIMUR partnership.The project partner institutions from EU are: Wageningen University (NL),- applicant, Swedish University of Agricultural Science (SE), Czech University of Life Sciences (CZ), Hohenheim University (DE), University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Scienc ...
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TERSID is a regional project, to be carried out in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, focused on the renewal of some curricula for the engineering field, to introduce more modern and efficient technologies to be adopted for saving of natural resource (raw materials, fossil fuels, water) as prevention action, or for wastewaters, solid wastes and air pollutant treatment as reduction action. The project wil ...
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MEDLAND2020 has as main objective to promote international cooperation towards a common integral land management scheme to protect natural resources in synergy with social and economical valorisation in the Mediterranean. The specific objectives of the project are: 1. Create synergies among projects and partners and build up a -network of networks-� in the Mediterranean context, with all its speci ...
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The main aim is to contribute to the establishment of a European lifelong learning space, by providing tools and guidelines by which mutual trust between countries and between labour market and educational field is achieved more easily.Background.Experiences from earlier projects tell that Europe-wide agreements on qualification profiles do not always hold when it comes to their implementation as ...
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The main objective of the project is to create a new Master program specialized in Neuroscience and Biotechnology adapted to international standards. This two-year Master will raise, by on-site and distance teaching, well-trained scientists, covering all aspects of collaborative scientific projects in bioscience, from techniques to management. Neuroscience is a field of growing importance in biome ...
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ENERGEIA tackles the topic of supporting entrepreneurship in the energy sector. Developing entrepreneurship out of research outputs and competences is a key action that will contribute to reach Europe2020 objectives - in terms of energy consumption from renewable sources and energy savings - direct impacts on EU economic development, wealth creation and employment. Data on the energy sector in Eur ...
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The specific objective of the project is to develop the structure, the teaching contents and to introduce new Master studies programme (based on the ECTS and adequate for a mutual recognition of degree by partner country universities) in Product Lifecycle Management with Sustainable Production (PLM), as a new offer on postgraduate level in industrial engineering and management, with business and m ...
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The objective of this project is to bridge the gap between university and society, through the establishment of 4 Technology Transfer Offices in four Egyptian universities, including e-learning activities and other capacity building activities to establish the TTO’s. The universities' faculty, administrators and students will be educated about technology transfer and its aspects. An awareness prog ...
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... by so doing to help develop the acceptance of the Bologna three cycle approach and associated activities e.g. ECTS and quality Assurance. The specific objectives are: "1. To intensify and deepen the university–industry cooperation by developing methodology and specific interface for “translation” of occupation profiles and standards into acfdemic application.2. To develop descriptors for Higher E ...
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...oblem. EADIS will therefore develop training and infrastructure to enable European companies to operate more innovatively and efficiently. This project is executed in partnership with: Coventry University (CEPAD), UK Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Finland, Munster University of Applied Sciences , Germany Turin Polytechnic , Italy Technical University of Delft, the Netherlands
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