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Digital Agenda for New Tourism Approach in European Rural and Mountain Areas (DANTE)
Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The objective of DANTE is to improve the effectiveness of the regional policies in the area of Innovation, by enhancing the key enabling role that Information Society can play in the tourism economy of rural and mountain areas.In line with the growth strategy of the Lisbon Agenda, DANTE aims to promote a new regional policy approach to design a knowledge-based plan for the tourism economy of the rural and mountain territories. The DANTE network will optimise nine innovative good practices already existing at regional level, demonstrating the benefits of Information Society for the competitiveness of the tourism sector in disadvantaged areas. Through an interregional cooperation framework, DANTE will promote a knowledge sharing process that will: Exchange the knowledge gained by more advanced regions in the development of regional ICT projects for rural and mountain areas through learning instruments dedicated to the consortium; Support eight European Regional and Local Governments and Agencies to define an effective plan able to address the challenges of the tourism economy in their rural and mountain areas, thanks to the adoption of ICT tools and methodologies; Demonstrate the feasibility of the transfer process, through a light pilot action in a rural or mountain area, able to support the regional and local authorities in the design of their strategies, thus ensuring the sustainability of the eight implementation plans. Spread the benefits achieved among the consortium to external organisations, by addressing all the relevant stakeholders in Europe, from the policy and decision makers to the tourism operators and the mountain and rural associations.DANTE network will involve 14 partners covering a wide geographic area of INTERREG IV C: 6 partners are representing the IP-South Area (Italy, Spain and Greece), 1 is representing the IP-North Area (Germany), 4 are representing the IP-East area (Poland and Slovenia) and 3 are representing the IP-WEST area (France and Netherlands). Moreover the partnership composition reflects the willingness of matching less and more advanced partners with regard to Information Society policies: DANTE involves 5 ICT experienced partners at regional level and 7 local/regional bodies involved in the tourism strategy of rural and mountain territories; in addition 2 organisations will ensure a wide promotion of DANTE results at EU level. Through the implementation of a 30 months interregional cooperation, DANTE will contribute to the competiveness of the rural and mountain territories of Europe, better integrating ICT policies into the tourism strategies defined at regional level. Achievements: The DANTE project started its activities with the Kick off meeting in Turin on 16 and 17 February 2012 during which the partners have investigated in depth the project to start the planned activities. They discussed the technical aspects as well as those relating to the aspect of the partnership and the financial issues. All partners have also addressed the issue of communication, both internal between the LP and the partner is the strategy of external communication and to stakeholders. A representative of project I- SPEED as been invited to the second day of the kickoff given the synergies between the two projects. During the meeting in Turin the partners as also worked on the definition of the Partnership agreement to regulate the relationship between partners. A template form was developed to fill with the important aspects of each good practice and sent to interested partners to allow a uniform and synthetic presentation of each experience and at the same time emphasize the most interesting technical aspects. The project website was created and all partners have participated to deliver content. Also a project’s profile was created on the social network Face Book. A brochure has been created and translated into various languages, available in electronic format and hard copy for conferences and fairs. The partners have jointly decided to create a profile on a free platform dedicated to working groups (WIGGIO) to share documents, meet in a virtual space to exchange messages in real time and visible to all partners. This strategy allows a greater sharing of ideas and feedback on the project with the aim to achieve better results and a full sharing between partners. The first workshop took place in Crete, a big opportunity to start sharing GP between partners, to know in detail the different local realities and to discuss the methodology to be used in the forthcoming activities.
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  • 77.8%   1 728 295,20
  • 2007 - 2013 Interreg IVC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

12 Partners Participants