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32 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

The proposed project aims to study the relations between inequalities and young people's ways of doing politics as well as to advance scenarios for future democratic models and political systems in Europe that are more inclusive for young people. It has three main objectives: (1) To provide systematic evidence on the ways in which inequalities are lived by young people and (re)acted upon, explorin ...
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My Active and Healthy Aging (my-AHA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

BackgroundWe propose a holistic view of interrelated frailties: cognitive decline, physical frailty, depression and anxiety, social isolation and poor sleep quality, which are a major burden to older adults and social and health care systems. Early detection and intervention are crucial in sustaining active and healthy ageing (AHA) and slowing or reversing further decline.Aims and RelevanceThe mai ...
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International Assisted Communication for Education

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

CONTEXTInter-personal communication and international cooperation play a key role in education and, in a broader sense, in active citizenship. These opportunities should be equally available to all, promoting social inclusion. This is a concern of modern society and a key issue in European Education.However, the access to these opportunities by disabled people is constrained, in particular for dea ...
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.... These innovative teaching methods contribute substantially to enhancement of students’ competitiveness and employability as witnessed in various universities across Europe. Each partner country university chose a study program to be re-designed based on these innovative teaching methods: MSc in Business Administration (AESM); MSs in Information Technology (TUM); MSc in Human Rights (MSU); MSc in ...
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The purpose of DEMOKLEOS is, after its lifetime to have empowered and inspired, as a beautiful flower, educational community about Democratic Awareness and Collective Responsibility, both fundamental to a quality European school. Mainly to be a weapon against misguided trends affecting the prosperity of European Democracy: hate crimes, racism, discriminations, political and social extremism ,all o ...
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Blended Academic International Mobility

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

International exposure during studies has a significant impact on personal and inter-personal development of students and on their employability but there are several obstacles of different kind to international mobility. Innovative teaching paradigms are required in order to facilitate international exposure and to develop transversal skills required by the labour market. Blended mobility overcom ...
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TransSOL is committed to the systematic, interdisciplinary and praxis-oriented analysis of European solidarity in times of crisis. It has three overarching objectives: (a) it will map and analyse solidarity in Europe by means of a cross-national database that comprises three surveys addressing the general population, organized civil society, and claims-making in the media; (b) it will gather syste ...
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Correctness by Construction (CORCON)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

"As software becomes ever more ubiquitous in our lives, the need to ensure it runs without error becomes ever more important. Restarting a phone is a simple, if inconvenient task; restarting an aeroplane in mid-flight is not an option!Correct by construction programming offers a revolutionary approach to program verification where programs can contain not just computations as is normal, but also ...
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All Rights Reserved? Barriers towards EUropean CITIZENship (BEUCITIZEN)

Start date: May 1, 2013, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

...mplains that these remain underused. Therefore, it has included in FP7 a call for a large-scale IP, identifying and analyzing ‘barriers’ to exercising such European citizenship rights.Utrecht University is initiating a response to this call. In its project proposal it identifies research questions and several categories of potential hindrances as answers to some of them: contradictions between dif ...
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The proposed research deals with citizens’ reactions to economic crises and their social and political consequences. It examines in particular the ways in which European citizens have reacted to the crisis that, at different degree of intensity in different countries, struck Europe since 2008, but also how they deal with economic crises and their consequences more generally. We examine both indivi ...
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Computable Analysis (COMPUTAL)

Start date: Feb 1, 2012, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

The proposed programme focusses on logical and algorithmic aspects of processing infinite data. Through a network of institutes from three European and three Third countries, all of them among the leading groups in the relevant research, we aim at facilitating the interplay between the underlying branches of computable mathematics, i.e. computable analysis and topology, as well as exact real numbe ...
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Description Design and fabrication of a soft robotic arm that can reconfigure itself and stiffen by hydrostatic actuation In Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS), tools go through narrow openings and manipulate soft organs that can move, deform, or change stiffness. Currently, there are limitations on ...
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Smart Intelligent Aircraft Structures (SARISTU)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

The project proposal concerns the challenges posed by the physical integration of smart intelligentstructural concepts. It addresses aircraft weight and operational cost reductions as well as animprovement in the flight profile specific aerodynamic performance.This concerns material concepts enabling a conformal, controlled distortion of aerodynamicallyimportant surfaces, material concepts enablin ...
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Integrated Quantum Information Technology (iQIT)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

IQIT will develop and demonstrate novel routes towards scaling up physical devices for quantum in-formation science (QIS). Communication between different parts of a quantum processor by means of a quantum bus will receive particular attention. Developing a scalable technology will be pursued by first advancing two successful solid-state and atom-optical devices, namely A) arrays of superconductin ...
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ICT based System to Predict & Prevent Falls (iStoppFalls)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

Description ISTOPPFALLS develops and implements ICT based technologies for fall prediction and prevention and integrates them in daily life practices of older people living at home. They allow for exercise training and fall risk assessment with discrete measuring technologies and adaptive assistance functions. The Senior Mobility Monitor (SM ...
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Novel strategies for wound management (KOALA)

Start date: Feb 1, 2012, End date: Jul 31, 2014,

"The objective of the proposed research is the exchange of staff between Europe and Australia for the development of intelligent, bio-responsive materials that will SIGNAL and TREAT INFECTION in wounds as well as SUPPLY valuable medication “on demand” for rapid healing. Wound healing is a worldwide challenge and is, in its basic requirements, common to all people. Different areas of the world, how ...
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Active wound dressings based on biological mimicry (BacterioSafe)

Start date: Jul 1, 2010, End date: Jun 30, 2014,

The aim of the Bacteriosafe consortium is to construct, test and develop a unique active wound dressing, which incorporates novel colourimetric sensor and active therapeutic processes for detecting and counteracting pathogenic bacteria in wounds. The inspiration for this project is the natural nano-biological mechanism of bacterial attack on healthy cells. The outer cell walls are ruptured by an a ...
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In the quest for the realization of quantum information processors, trapped ions occupy a prominent position. The challenge of realizing large-scale processors and quantum simulators based on ions will, however, require that one deals with more complex structures, which may include mesoscopic ordered ion ensembles, i.e., ion Coulomb crystals. In this regime, it is expected that the effect of noise ...
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Description Integrating data in personal and business sphere by a single, user-controlled point of access. The use and disclosure of personal information for private and business life is a major trend in information society. Advantages like enhancing social contacts, personalising services and pro ...
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"Air traffic is predicted to grow by 5% per year in the short and medium term. Technology ad-vances are required to achieve this growth without unacceptable levels of noise. FLOCON addresses this issue by reducing fan noise at source through the development of innovative concepts based on flow control technologies. FLOCON is aimed primarily at reducing fan broadband noise. This is one of the most ...
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"The overall objective of this proposal is to develop and validate a quantitative, minimally invasive diagnostic tool for early and conclusive detection, diagnosis and monitoring of disease and disease progression of breast and prostate cancer. A methodology will be developed making use of a combination of the probably most exciting recent advances in the field of light microscopy, for fluorescenc ...
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"The project HERCULES-B is the Phase II of the HERCULES programme, conceived in 2002 as a 7-year strategic R&D Plan, to develop the future generation of optimally efficient and clean marine diesel powerplants. The project is the outcome of a joint vision by the two major European engine manufacturer Groups, MAN Diesel and WARTSILA, which together hold 90% of the world’s marine engine market. The r ...
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The competitiveness of EC companies in micro and nano technologies (MNT) very much relies on short time-to-market. That is true in particular for collaborative, distributed design and fabrication scenarios typical for an area where SMEs are strongly involved. Reduced time-to-market can only be achieved by faster product engineering. MNT product design and fabrication process development is an expe ...
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TNE_QA (PROMOTING QUALITY AND RECOGNITION OF TRANSNATIONAL EDUCATION IN ARMENIA AND GEORGIA) is a three-year multi-country project, under the priority of Governance Reform, EACEA N° 35/2012, 6th call, National Priorities and Structural Measures action. The wider objective is to enhance quality, and promote regulation and recognition of transnational education provisions in Armenia and Georgia thro ...
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Family learning in foster families

Start date: Nov 1, 2013,

Family Learning covers all forms of informal and formal learning that involve more than one generation. Families are not only our first and most important teachers, they also teach us the most important things in life. The values, attitudes and culture that we learn from our families can stay with us throughout our lives. However, family learning in the traditional understanding becomes difficult ...
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The project CoDec (Colonisation and Decolonisation in National History Cultures and Memory Politics in European Perspective) deals with several important research issues and approaches towards history cultures and memory politics in Europe: - studying the reappraisal of the colonial past and processes of decolonisation in different European states in a comparative perspective and in cooperation wi ...
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Modern economy is highly dependent on technology requiring engineers to excel in collaborative and communication skills at an international setting. But these competences are not addressed in most engineering curricula. There is a general absence of an international context across engineering curricula.Thus, developing working habits at an international setting as early as possible may be a very v ...
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Despite official educational guidelines, improved linguistic skills have been limited in all partner countries due to cuts in their national budgets. As a consequence CLIL experiences have been lessened, to the sole benefit of those involving English. Another reason for this project resides in the difficulty in modifying the guidelines of national programmes, that are often short-sighted as far a ...
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To increase exchange of informations and common knowledge between surgeon department of different universities The specific objectives are: "• Development of BA and MA curricula in social work in line with Bolognarequirements by August 2009• Modernisation of courses and teaching methods at Russian partners by July 2010.• Development of social work courses for professionals and beginners by July 20 ...
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This project aims to respond to the identified needs for Azerbaijan to develop meaningful international links by developing a network of International Relations Offices in the 4 identified Higher Education institutions. Supported by the Ministry of Education and aided by an international consortium involving universities in Italy, Greece, Poland and Germany this project aims to train staff, estab ...
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... can be adapted and transferred to other sectors and geographical regions. The consortium consisted of four partners from academia and industry namely, the institute of knowledge based systems at the University of Siegen (P0) in Germany, Palle Damkjaer Consult ApS (P1) in Denmark, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (P2) in Greece and Tecnalia research & innovation foundation (P3) in Spain. P0 as ...
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The project Adaptive Medical Profession Assessor (Med-Assess) has been funded as an innovation transfer project in the context of the LEONARDO DA VINCI call Lifelong Learning Programme (2012-2014). The developed solution of OntoHR ( has been transferred from the IT domain to the health domain as well as from the Netherlands and Hungary to Germany, while still staying as a multi-lingu ...
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