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2 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Demographic Change is a main driving force all over Europe. The population within most mountain regions of the Alpine Space already today differs from the surrounding metropolitans. Beside the general trend of the aging of the Europeans there exist additional Alpine specific factors of regional different influence: migration (in – out), commuting (rural to urban areas) settlement and housing (cost ...
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maNET - Permafrost long-term monitoring network (PermaNET)

Start date: Jun 30, 2008, End date: Jul 13, 2011,

Permafrost is highly sensitive to climatic changes. Permafrost degradation and related natural hazards affect traffic routes, tourism areas, settlements and infrastructures. The main problem is a lacking strategy for the consideration of these newly observed specific impacts of climate change in risk prevention and territorial development. With the joint development of a common strategy for dealin ...
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