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Over 40 European Projects Found

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Hybrid Optomechanical Technologies (HOT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

The hybrid optomechanical technologies (HOT) consortium will lay the foundation for a new generation of devices, which connect, or indeed contain, several platforms at the nanoscale in a single “hybrid” system. As hybrid interfaces they will allow to harness the unique advantages of each subsystem within a nano-scale footprint, while as integrated hybrid devices they will enable entirely novel fun ...
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Though security is a field of study capable of diverse applications in daily life, security science is a young discipline requiring larger inter-disciplinary effort. ESSENTIAL seeks to develop security science by addressing two of its main problems: the ad-hoc approach to security research and the growing complexity of the security environment. To do so, ESSENTIAL has set itself two main goals: a) ...
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The SeaDataNet pan-European infrastructure has been developed by NODCs and major research institutes from 34 countries. Over 100 marine data centres are connected and provide discovery and access to data resources for all European researchers. Moreover, SeaDataNet is a key infrastructure driving several portals of the European Marine Observation and Data network (EMODnet), initiated by EU DG-MARE ...
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International Master in Adult Education for Social Change

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2020,

...mpetently in changing socially diverse contexts.Course durationTwo years (120 ECTS credits).Brief descriptionIMAESC is a joint master's degree delivered and awarded by the following universities: the University of Glasgow (UK), the University of Malta, the Open University of Cyprus and Tallinn University (Estonia). This programme also has an optional summer school in Penang at the Universiti Sains ...
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Most maritime products are typically associated with large investments and are seldom built in large series. Where other modes of transport benefit from the economy of series production, this is not the case for maritime products which are typically designed to refined customer requirements increasingly determined by the need for high efficiency, flexibility and low environmental impact at a compe ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2020,

Within the EU, and particularly following the economic crisis; tourism will be, the ‘engine for economic growth’, particularly in the underperforming Mediterranean economies; where tourism has traditionally been a dominant economic sector. The world market of tourists continues to grow and Europe has unique selling points for further tourist growth from within and outside the EU (including China). ...
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Land, food, energy, water and climate are interconnected, comprising a coherent system (the ‘Nexus’), dominated by complexity and feedback. The integrated management of the Nexus is critical to secure the efficient and sustainable use of resources. Barriers to a resource efficient Europe are policy inconsistencies and incoherence, knowledge gaps, especially regarding integration methodologies and ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

GrowSmarter aims to:• Improve the quality of life for European citizens by better mobility, housing and the quality of urban infrastructure while improving the citizens economy by lower energy costs and creating as much as 1500 new jobs (on the demonstration level).• Reduce the environmental impact by lower energy needs by 60 % and increased use of renewable energy thus reducing GHG emissions eve ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2019,

"R2π examines the shift from the broad concept of a Circular Economy (CE) to one of a Circular Economy Business Models (CEBM), by tackling both market failure (business, consumers) and policy failure (conflicts, assumptions, unintended consequence). Its innovation lies in having a strong business-focus, examining stimuli beyond environmental goals (including ICT and eco-innovation), and in examini ...
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...arning for prospective maths and science teachers. These modules will be purposefully designed (flexible structure, modular, user guidance) so that they can be easily used in existing university courses and curricula. Piloting and peer review of the modules will ensure high quality.Two international summer schools will give prospective teachers the opportunity to experience interculturality first- ...
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In the past two years, MOOCs have moved into the mainstream of European Higher Education. According to the European MOOC Scoreboard, 675 courses have been offered freely by European universities between March 2015 and February 2016. However, despite this impressive offering, there are few examples within the EHEA of institutions strategically deploying MOOCs to complement their own educational off ...
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Next gEneration netwoRked mEdia over 4G+ infrastrUctureS

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

.... Although parts of this new S/T domain have been included within a few HEIs’ postgraduate degree curricula, they are absent from the undergraduate curricula in the majority of the respective University Departments (Informatics, Networks & Telecommunications, Computer Science, Media and Social Media, ICTs, etc.). TEI of Crete has identified this gap since 2012, taking the appropriate actions towar ...
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Europe in Crisis

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

The “Europe in crisis” (e-Crisis) project is a three-year Strategic Partnership in the Field of Education aiming to produce an innovative solution for the teaching and learning of crucial 21st century skills relating to conflict resolution, creative thinking and reflective debate, so that Europe’s children and teenagers can develop into responsible citizens and creative solvers of the unprecedente ...
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NUCLEUS develops, supports and implements inclusive and sustainable approaches to Responsible Research and Innovation within the governance and culture of research organisations in Europe. A major goal of the transdisciplinary project will be to stimulate research and innovation which continuously reflects and responds to societal needs.In order to achieve a multifaceted and cross-cultural New Und ...
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CROSSCULT aims to make reflective history a reality in the European cultural context, by enabling the re-interpretation of European (hi)stories through cross-border interconnections among cultural digital resources, citizen viewpoints and physical venues. The project has two main goals. The first goal is to lower cultural EU barriers and create unique cross-border perspectives, by connecting exist ...
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Professional Action and Practice for Youth Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

...nal Action and Practice for Youth Refugees and Asylum Seekers. The 5 country Project Consortium is comprised of EU-based NGO and HEI partners (CESIE an NGO from Italy; Kopin, an NGO from Malta; the University of Applied Science, Finland and Manchester Metropolitan University, UK), along with an NGO from a third country partner, the Western Balkans Institute from Serbia, who bring added value to th ...
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...ations identified through HTS. To this end, this Twinning action will focus on the transfer and exchange of knowledge between expert groups from two internationally-leading research institutions, the University of Cambridge (UCAM) and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven), and scientists, postgraduates and academics from the University of Malta (UoM); through varied forms of training such ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

FOWARIM (Fostering Water-Agriculture Research and Innovation in Malta) objective is to strengthen the research capacity of the Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology (MCAST)’s Water Research and Training Centre in 4 crucial themes related to the field of water use in agriculture: (a) Decreasing Water Demand, (b) Making Use of Alternative Sources of Water (c) Renewable Desalinization, On-Farm ...
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Despite examples of excellent practice, rare disease (RD) research is still mainly fragmented by data and disease types. Individual efforts have little interoperability and almost no systematic connection between detailed clinical and genetic information, biomaterial availability or research/trial datasets. By developing robust mechanisms and standards for linking and exploiting these data, RD-Con ...
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The ENEPLAN project was conceived to address the lack of interdisciplinary approaches in higher education on energy planning and RES development in Mediterranean areas, by increasing the capacities of future professionals through innovative ICT-based educational approaches, able to integrate different disciplines (spatial planning, environment, engineering, landscape) and foster collaboration with ...
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An IT-based, multi-disciplinary diploma accompanied with 4 professional certificate programs in clinical toxicology targeting both pharmacists, physicians (and nurses in the certificate programs) in a cross-cutting education discipline is at hand with a goal to introduce a new line of qualified professionals capable to manage, attend and deal with increasing threat of natural and synthetic poisons ...
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MyFuture - Improving digital skills for career guidance at school

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

... local career guidance systems: in particular, those provided by Public Local Authorities and by Career Services of Higher Education Institutions (HEI).The international consortium is promoted by the University of Camerino in Italy and it includes partners that are engaged in this field, with great experiences and innovative proposals in using and developing new technologies for career education a ...
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DESIRE will focus on epileptogenic developmental disorders EDD, i.e. early onset epilepsies whose origin is closely related to developmental brain processes. A major cause of EDD are malformations of cortical development (MCD), either macroscopic or subtle. EDD are often manifested as epileptic encephalopathies (EE), i.e. conditions in which epileptic activity itself may contribute to severe cogni ...
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CREATIONS - Developing an Engaging Science Classroom (CREATIONS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

The CREATIONS coordination action aims to demonstrate innovative approaches and activities that involve teachers and students in Scientific Research through creative ways that are based on Art and focus on the development of effective links and synergies between schools and research infrastructures in order to spark young people’s interest in science and in following scientific careers. It aims to ...
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Bridging the Gap: world of school-world of work

Start date: Sep 19, 2016, End date: Sep 18, 2018,

The project plays an important role in the acquisition of technical and professional skills. It allows the participants to acquire hard and soft skills as well as personal and linguistic skills that provide the young trainees with a professional and initiative knowledge that they can practise on both a local and international level. Within the mobility activities, the project plans to involve 25 ...
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STEAM communication in Europe

Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Europe has several issues it needs to address to improve social wellbeing and its economic competitiveness. These include improving scientific literacy amongst its population, increasing the uptake of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) careers and enhancing the transferable skills of current researchers. In Malta, the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) ...
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...ademic institutions and researchers, including scholars from the Pontifical Academy for Life, UNESCO, EthiMed (the network of Mediterranean Bioethicists), the Fondazione San Raffaele and the Catholic University of Leuven as well as leading practitioners in the field from Malta, the UK, the Republic of Ireland, Italy, France, Belgium and Holland. It will be addressing the critical issue of end of l ...
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CReativity E-MOdules in Education

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

...obably the most effective mean for becoming more creative. Embodied creativity is trained using simulated, short and induced exercises in which you learn-by-doing using your body and mind. Aalborg University has for years been developing one of the most advanced embodied creativity training programmes in the world. The programme builds individual and collaborative competences. This project will t ...
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Robotics for Primary Schools in the 21st Century

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

21st Century IT Teaching for Primary Schools is a collaborative project involving a range of partners with distinctive expertise in primary and adult education, teaching and learning, robotics and information communication technology (ITC). The overarching theme is the development and dissemination of a common pedagogy based on the rapidly changing developments and requirements for ICT including c ...
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Small States in Europe: Towards a Cross-Disciplinary Approach

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Small state studies are a growing discipline within International Relations, where it is an increasingly accepted notion that in order to fully understand the intricate structure of the international community it is important to study all states – small and large. The discipline has clear cross-sectoral relevance with its focus on the specific challenges facing small states in all areas of public ...
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'Mediterranean Imaginaries: Literature, Arts, Culture'

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

...ns the horizons of the students and academics taking part and makes them more aware of the wealth of knowledge on Mediterranean affairs harboured in 6 European and 1 North African university. This will enhance the international competitiveness of the participating universities. Students will also become more conscious of the practical ways in which literature can influence society, for example, ...
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Mapping and assessment of ecosystems and their services (ES) are core to the EU Biodiversity (BD) Strategy. They are essential if we are to make informed decisions. Action 5 sets the requirement for an EU-wide knowledge base designed to be: a primary data source for developing Europe’s green infrastructure; resource to identify areas for ecosystem restoration; and, a baseline against which the goa ...
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Background Marine habitats are becoming more vulnerable, largely due to the impact of human activities. Some are listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive and following a Natura 2000 marine biogeographic seminar in 2010, and various communications with the Commission, Malta is required to protect certain of these marine habitats. However, it lacks marin ...
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Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe 2020 (OpenAIRE2020)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

OpenAIRE2020 represents a pivotal phase in the long-term effort to implement and strengthen the impact of the Open Access (OA) policies of the European Commission (EC), building on the achievements of the OpenAIRE projects. OpenAIRE2020 will expand and leverage its focus from (1) the agents and resources of scholarly communication to workflows and processes, (2) from publications to data, software ...
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IFA VET mobility+ 2016

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The funding applied for within the framework of the project will be used to finance stays abroad for a total of 555 individuals and 8 accompanying persons.337 apprentices will complete a 2 to 6 week internship specifically suited to their profession, individual level of training, knowledge and skills at a company active in their professional field. IFA will organize internships in small groups sta ...
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Health Care Work Exchange 2016

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

...nistered by the EU Liaison Office (EU-Hochschulbüro Hannover/ Hildesheim) at the Leibniz Universität Hannover. Meanwhile more than a hundred partner organizations throughout Europe, such as university teaching hospitals, private medical practices, rehabilitation centers, public and private hospitals and clinics offer such Erasmus+ internships. In addition, numerous educational institutions offer t ...
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Sustainability of societies in a restricted or fragile environment forms a perpetual question, past and present underpinning questions of the rise and fall of civilisation. Today, the eroded Maltese islands support one of the densest human populations in the world. When first colonised in the 6th millennium BC, pristine soil and forest covered the landscape, but within centuries the landscape was ...
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This project aims to understand what kind of social identity change is going on within European societies. For policy-making, the analysis of social identity is highly valuable because the social identity moderates the impact of policies. And this is particularly true in times of crisis. In particular, the project aims: A) to verify whether the symbolic universes grounding the social identity ha ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

CIMULACT has as a main objective to add to the relevance and accountability of European research and innovation – Horizon 2020 as well as national - by engaging citizens and stakeholders in co-creation of research agendas based on real and validated societal visions, needs and demands. The project will expand the outlook and debate on STI issues, increase scientific literacy in a broad sense, whic ...
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Project EURO-FPB twith title: " Basic FP: Overcoming the past, working the present, discovering the future " , it is orientated for teachers' formation and for students' labor practices of Basic FP and Vocational Training, carried out in the context of the permanent learning of new knowledge and the acquisition of new professional competences in the sectors of commerce, bussiness administration, ...
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