Search for European Projects

18 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Project in brief Arts, Crafts and Design (ACDs) are traditionally rooted in trading and harbour cities of the Mediterranean area. Historically in these cities the production and sale of such goods were particularly vibrant and, besides inhabitants, concerned visitors came to shop for what they could not find in their place of residence. This commercial network kept alive and dynamic the crafts in ...
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This project wants to modernize curricula by introducing techological management and management of services activites among PC universities. This modernization will introduce new courses and will induce creation of new degrees at master’s level. This will also induce courses for vocational from companies and from public administration. Such objective should favour modernization of curricula and te ...
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The main aim of the project is to develop a strategic plan for reforming environmental studies in the Palestinian higher education system through development of partnerships with enterprises, on the basis of local and international practices and experience. The project will evaluate the current status and practices of environmental studies in Palestinian higher education institutes. The best pract ...
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The project aims to develop a set of contemporary knowledge materials by the Partner Universities, consistent with EU standards that will fulfill the needs of the national plans of Palestine to implement IT based solutions for e-Government. The project will the foster transfer of state-of-the-art knowledge and best-practices from Europe to Palestine on electronic services in general, and e-Governm ...
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... enabling them to develop sustainable programmes in entrepreneurship in their countries. The specific objectives of the Project are: (i) To develop and implement a 3-module Enterprise Pathway in each university, using VLE delivery. (ii) To develop and implement a Masters Programme in Entrepreneurship in each partner country. (iii) To promote the adoption of the Bologna system (together with QA p ...
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Start date: Oct 18, 2010,

Lot 3b is a partnership of 16 European and Palestinian universities, led by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). Its aim is to stimulate academic mobility at ali levels and both ways, but especially at PhD level since the project will support the Palestinian universities in setting up doctoral programmes. VUB and most of the European partners have extensive experience in academic cooperation with ...
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The project proposes “Middle Eastern Partnership in Sustainable Engineering”. Sustainable engineering comprises of the idea that appropriately designed products, technologies, production systems and services are critical to social and economic performance of industrial sector across partner countries (PCs). This concept fits into the development strategies of both PCs.ME-Eng aims to strengthen the ...
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Lifelong Learning in Palestine

Start date: Oct 15, 2011,

Wider objectives are to enhance the quality & relevance of LL capacities in HE institutions and non-university partners in Palestine by rolling out LL to society at large. Specific objectives are to:1. Construct a needs analysis of current education provision – WB & G - with a view to developing Lifelong Learning collaborations between HE & relevant local groups. 2. Facilitate a collaborative app ...
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The project builds capacity of selected faculties of education and higher education institutions in the MENA region by introducing international best practices from the EU in three areas: action- research, effective practicum and school-based teacher CPD. The project aims to strengthen partnerships between universities and schools. Schools are social institutions constituting the work place of fu ...
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Joint MSc in Software Engineering

Start date: Oct 15, 2012,

This Project aims to enhance the capacity of the six consortium universities in EG and PS by enabling them to develop sustainable program in software engineering. The specific objectives of the Project are: (i) To develop and implement the total of 12 modules in Software Engineering in partner country universities, using e-learning in teaching. (ii) To develop and implement a Masters Programme in ...
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PHOENIX intends to develop a structured mobility based cooperation between 8lot2 HEIs and 9 EU HEIs . This cooperation network aims at supporting students from all levels (under-, Master and PhD), Potdoc and senior administrative staff to gain experiences, expertise and skills through interaction in an international environment. project activities:1-organizing of consortium first meetings "kick o ...
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The overall aim of HERMES is to develop training and scientific exchanges between European and the Middle East higher education institutions which will build and strengthen links between them and result in a strong sustainable contribution to the construction of a Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education and Research Area.The specific objectives are: - To develop higher education teaching and learning ...
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Joint MSc in Electrical Engineering

Start date: Dec 1, 2013,

This Project aims to enhance the capacity of three PS universities by developing a sustainable joint MSc programme in electrical engineering focused on energy/power & networking and communications and provide necessary facilities to be utilized by graduate students during their studies and thesis. The main target groups of this project are the staff of three PS universities and the students study ...
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The aim of RecoNow project is to favour and to increase the quality of vertical and horizontal student mobility within Middle East and European higher education systems. Partners intend to improve competencies and skills of credential evaluators by defining common practices and realising common tools among European and Middle East national bodies and HE institutions, starting from the experience o ...
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This Project aims to enhance the capacity of the four consortium universities in TN and PS by enabling them to develop sustainable curriculum in Serious Games.The specific objectives of the Project are:1- To develop and implement the total of 8 courses in Serious Games in partner country universities, using e-learning in teaching.2- To develop serious games teaching case studies with emphasis on e ...
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