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31 European Projects Found

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...ntal interaction between research, education and innovation, as key driver of a knowledge-based society. Furthermore, the Union recognised that the relationship between the business community and the university, considering its double role as education and research institution, is of strategic importance for a modern vision of future and development. Several “case-studies”, made across the whole E ...
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The Solar Cooling System is particularly innovative from a technological point of view. It allows to cool and refresh environments using the air conditioning system powered by the heat produced by solar panels, that are traditionaly used to produce hot water, instead of using electrical energy to power traditional air conditioners. This type of system, for the way it operates, consumes almost excl ...
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motion of Financing Innovation in South-East Europe  (PROFIS)

Start date: Dec 31, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

PROFIS aims at developing new capacities and capabilities in the SEE region to facilitate early stage funding of innovative projects of both individual inventors and spin-off or start-up companies. New services will be developed, introduced and tested at non-profit intermediary organisations which are active in the field of innovation promotion at regional level. The project will provide a state o ...
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SEE-GRID eInfrastructure for regional eScience (SEE-GRID-SCI)

Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2010,

eInfrastructure in Europe has reached a mature state where the GÉANT network forms a backbone on top of which a distributed computing infrastructure – the Grid – provides processing and storage services for eScience research. The South-East European eInfrastructure initiatives are committed to ensuring equal participation of the less-resourced countries of the region in European trends. SEEREN ini ...
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...actices in BH, best practices from the EU several project outcomes are anticipated. The project will result in establishing the Support Office which will be the main point in addressing SEN in each university. Another outcome will be a significant body of educational and promotional materials, as well trained academic and non-academic staff able to address SEN of university students. The project w ...
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The project aims at the Modernisation and Reconstruction of University Management and Structure at 8 Western Balkan universities (BA, MK, RS, HR- majority of the University are from Bosnia Herzegovina- 4). The consortium further includes 4 EU universities and one external expert, the involvement of which and his contribution to specific activities could have been more profoundly demonstrated. The ...
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...knowledge triangle’ in parts of the WB region: RS, BA (Rep Srpska), HR and ME. It aims to enhance and modernise HE capacity in VMT (virtual manufacturing technologies) and develop a new model for university-enterprise collaboration. The specific objectives are: "• To set up and equip regional Collaborative Training Centers in four WBC countries, aimed at enhancing the universities’ collaboration ...
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This project aims to build on the experience gained through past Tempus programme projects and utilising a well balanced consortia, to develop structured doctoral level programmes for the Western Balkans. These courses will be based on the principles of the Bologna third cycle and the project also aims to coordinate developments across the Western Balkans. The specific objectives are: "To develop ...
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...g specific higher education structural reform issues of Western Balkan countries and its benchmarking with the best European practice. (DEV) 2. Strengthening capacity for change of Partner Country's university staff in order to facilitate internal reform and genuine implementation of Bologna agenda. (DEV) 3. Capacity building of the staff in the institutions that govern higher education in Partn ...
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... state of the art in the area of Key Performance Indicators ( KPI) in EU, a set of common key performance indicators will be developed for B&H Universities, as well as the monitoring system. The B&H university management staff members will be trained for monitoring KPI and for using KPI in strategic governance of the University. After analysis of information which each University must have at its ...
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The aim of this project is advancement of the foreign language studies in the region, by focusing on critical comparison of two academic practices and on regional implementation of the best European foreign language study models. The project will harmonize the foreign language studies in the region, promote cooperation in the region, enabling easy mobility of students, teachers, and ideas in gene ...
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The project is designed to advance capacity in education, research, innovation and exploitation of knowledge in the area of Renewable Energy and Environmental Technology in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Ukraine through cooperation with European Universities within a framework of Doctoral Programme.To meet this overall objective, the project team will:- introduce advanced Bologna- ...
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...onitoring of curricula. Therefore this Project will provide: 1. Analysis of the current curricula 2. Establishing and equipping of Centers for Curricula Modernization and Lifelong Learning at each university 3. Developing of Information and monitoring system and development of Interactive Web Application for development and modernization of curricula at the university level 4. Education for Cent ...
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TC Dialogues for Europe

Start date: Dec 1, 2010,

The aim of the TC "Dialogues for Europe" would be to strengthen the human capacities of the involved organizations in this event through training their future project animators, facilitators and group leaders on how to use methods that focus on intercultural learning through dialogue as part of the process of implementing youth exchanges and international events concerning social inclusion. Our ob ...
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Creative Leaders in modern Leadership

Start date: Dec 20, 2010,

This training course is focusing on organizations organizing intercultural youth exchanges from Germany, France, Serbia and Macedonia in which volunteers are playing a vital role in leading and managing projects. It will take place in Sremski Karlovci, Serbia, last for 7 days and involve 25 participants from 4 countries.\Am of this TC is to increase knowledge of youth workers in ("about" and "for" ...
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Start date: Jul 15, 2011,

...oinEU-SEE III is a scholarship scheme supporting academic mobility between EU and Western Balkan countries. The project consortium, which consists of a total of 20 institutions, is coordinated by the University of Graz, which also acts as the coordinating institution of JoinEU-SEE I and II. Students and university staff applying for the programme have the chance to win attractive scholarships to s ...
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...s aimed at:1. Integration and more efficient management of doctoral education at 8 public BiH universities by the end of 2013;2. Formulation and adoption of Quality Standards in Doctoral Education at university and state level by the end of 2013;3. Development of one doctoral program per university (8 pilot projects) aligned with adopted procedures and quality standards by the end of 2014.The pri ...
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The CONGRAD project’s wider objective is to enable higher education institutions (HEIs) in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina to continuously conduct graduate surveys for the purpose of enhancing study offerings and facilitating permanent modernisation processes. CONGRAD is expected to contribute to the improvement of institutional self-evaluation processes by collecting systematic and ...
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...llution and to support the water policies in Western Balkan countries. This will be achieved in the following partial steps:• Development of capacity to provide up-to-date training for the staff of University of Novi Sad, University of Belgrade, University of Sarajevo, University of Banja Luka related to monitoring of priority substances, emerging substances, persistent organic pollutants and othe ...
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..., research and innovation. It has as its ultimate goal the creation of strong entrepreneurial universities and innovative regions. Five specific objectives of the project are:1. To establish Regional University Innovation Platform (UIP) at 5 WBC universities for integration and focusing of innovation potential and for fostering technology transfer and commercialization2. To reinforce existing and ...
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... It would primarily seek to benefit partner universities in Tempus countries of the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo), while also involving experts from other universities, university associations, policy makers, national agencies, as well as producing outputs that will have a much broader impact for all HEIs, in the region or beyond, in the early stages of developing th ...
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...c of Serbia, have clearly shown, that theatre technicians and stage managers working in theatres and all sorts of public venues in Serbia are not adequately trained. In recent years, some related university level studies have been established, but it is unrealistic to expect from all currently working theatre technicians to undergo full four years of study, having in mind the age and the prior exp ...
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The project is designed to establish system for training of public authorities aimed at improving level of environmental expertise, facilitating good governance and sustainable infrastructure development in Western Balkan countries. To meet this overall objective, the project team will:• develop training programme for capacity building of the staff of public authorities in sustainable infrastructu ...
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The main objective of this Project is to develop and implement interdisciplinary curricula in the field of BE&MI in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina, in total 5 PhD, 6 MSc and 3 Spec. programmes. The well rooted BE&MI education at most EU countries is not available for students in West Balkan (WB) countries. Therefore the aim of the project is to transfer good EU practice in this fiel ...
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AGRIVOC project focuses on the improvement of vocational studies in agriculture (crop rpotection, animal husbandry, viticulture & viniculture, farming and crop protection), and food technology. The project aims to upgrade the knowledge base and practical ability of students to work in agricultural and food related field by improving the curriculum of courses, subjects and methods of teaching and b ...
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...versities in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina for upgrading human and infrastructural potential necessary to achieve the objectives through teacher training, acquisition and the development of university text-books and the acquisition of equipment, cooperation between universities as well as cooperation with non-academic partners and the transfer of knowledge and experience.
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... in EU countries. After analysis of situation regarding approaches of benchmarking in EU and B&H a benchmarking handbook for B&H HEI's will be developed. Pilot project will focus on several areas of university work (governance, QA, curriculum reform, external impact, reputation, competitiveness...). A detailed QA strategy for B&H HE and an action plan for implementing benchmarking at BH HEI's wil ...
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...licies on financing and equity in higher education; (d) development of a policy framework for an efficient, effective and equitable higher education systems in the three countries; (e) development of university financing models based on sensible diversification of income streams and strengthen universities' capacities to implement these models; and (d) the establishment of Regional Resource Point ...
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... 40 to graduate during the whole project period (WP.4)• Quality control and monitoring will be provided by the project management team. Internal assessment will be done by QA offices, the university Senate, Student Parliament and Ministry of education and external assessment by EU partners(WP.5) • Dissemination process will be performed during the whole project period with the elaboration of spec ...
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...rricula in history and art history with heritage module (30 ECTS).Principal outcomes planned: full MA curriculum in archaeology implemented (UNISA), Heritage module implemented at 3 universities, new university teachers trained, new adequate equipment and libraries upgraded.
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