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A Systems medicine approach to chronic inflammatory disease (SYSCID)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Mar 31, 2022,

"The SYSCID consortium aims to develop a systems medicine approach for disease prediction in CID. We will focus on three major CID indications with distinct characteristics, yet a large overlap of their molecular risk map: inflammatory bowel disease, systemic lupus erythematodes and rheumatoid arthritis. We have joined 15 partners from major cohorts and initiatives in Europe (e.g.IHEC, ICGC, Twins ...
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The negative employment and social developments across Europe since the start of the crisis, coupled with increased fiscal constraints and changing migration patterns, have led to increasing depictions of EU and third-country immigrants as ‘abusers’ of their social protection systems. Member States have accordingly sought reduce migrants’ ability to access social protection benefits, despite the f ...
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During the course of eukaryote evolution, photosynthesis was propagated from primary eukaryotic algae to non-photosynthetic organisms through multiple secondary endosymbiotic events. Collectively referred to as “secondary algae”, these photosynthetic organisms account for only 1-2% of the total global biomass, but produce a far larger part of the global annual fixation of carbon on Earth.ATP is th ...
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"The BIOCYCLE Project proposes to test and critically assess the benefits and risks of an innovative regimen for improving the treatment of Crohn’s disease (CD), a chronic immune-mediated inflammatory disease affecting the gastro-intestinal tract of an increasing number of patients. Currently, the combination of anti-TNFα monoclonal antibodies and immunosuppressants used without interruption is th ...
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PROTECTED aims to develop expertise and protective capabilities against Endocrine Disruptors (EDs). EDs and their mixtures are a modern day health concern leading to failing ecological systems, poor agricultural production and health effects such as obesity, cancer and infertility. While analytical methods have advanced enormously, focus has been mainly on synthetic chemicals, overlooking emerging ...
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Optical Infrared Coordination Network for Astronomy (OPTICON)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

Europe has become a global leader in optical-near infrared astronomy through excellence in space and ground-based experimental and theoretical research. While the major infrastructures are delivered through major national and multi-national agencies (ESO, ESA) their continuing scientific competitiveness requires a strong community of scientists and technologists distributed across Europe’s nations ...
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The ENIGMA network will train a new generation of young researchers in the development of innovative sensors, field survey techniques and inverse modelling approaches. This will enhance our ability to understand and monitor dynamic subsurface processes that are key to the protection and sustainable use of water resources. ENIGMA focuses mainly on critical zone observation, but the anticipated tech ...
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As the number of older people in Europe grows, increasing healthy life years is a priority. Cognitive decline, dementia (e.g. Alzheimer’s disease, AD), sleep disturbances and depression, all related to psychological distress and anxiety, are significant drivers of reduced quality of life in older adults. This project builds on evidence that lifestyle factors and meditation practice have the potent ...
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In the course of the last decade, African countries rich in mineral resources have experienced an unprecedented boom in mining investment. The copperbelt that crosses the border between Zambia and Congo, where our research will be carried out, represents one of the most striking cases of this “new scramble for Africa”: mining companies of various sizes and origins have flocked to these countries o ...
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The SeaDataNet pan-European infrastructure has been developed by NODCs and major research institutes from 34 countries. Over 100 marine data centres are connected and provide discovery and access to data resources for all European researchers. Moreover, SeaDataNet is a key infrastructure driving several portals of the European Marine Observation and Data network (EMODnet), initiated by EU DG-MARE ...
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Most maritime products are typically associated with large investments and are seldom built in large series. Where other modes of transport benefit from the economy of series production, this is not the case for maritime products which are typically designed to refined customer requirements increasingly determined by the need for high efficiency, flexibility and low environmental impact at a compe ...
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Heart valve prostheses are currently among the most widely used cardiovascular devices. To maintain enduring optimal biomechanical properties, the mechanical prostheses, based on carbon, metallic and polymeric components, require permanent anticoagulation, which often leads to adverse reactions, i.e. higher risks of thromboembolism, hemorrhage, and hemolysis. Continuing advances in heart valve pro ...
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Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a major cause of death and disability, leading to great personal suffering to victim and relatives, as well as huge direct and indirect costs to society. Strong ethical, medical, social and health economic reasons therefore exist for improving treatment. The CENTER-TBI project will collect a prospective, contemporary, highly granular, observational dataset of 5400 p ...
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"Agricultural production in Europe has significantly damaged soil and water resources, ecosystem biodiversity, socio-economic well-being and contributed to climate change. Expected further intensification of production to ensure food safety for population growth must be sustainable to minimise future impacts and negative externalities. This ETN addresses these challenges by training 15 early stage ...
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European Gram Negative Antibacterial Engine (ENABLE)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2020,

The intensive use and misuse of antibiotics has resulted in some level of antibiotic resistance in essentially all human bacterial pathogens. There is a growing concern that the loss of therapeutic options will present us with a post-antibiotic era where present and future medical advances are negated. Resistant bacteria dramatically reduce the possibilities of treating infections effectively, a ...
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Oblomov is the well-known Russian novel by Ivan A. Gončarov which portrays a nobleman who is incapable of undertaking any important action. Oblomov is the incarnation of the indolent man: he hardly leaves his bed and just manages to move from his bed to a chair. Laziness is a risk for the entire lifestyle as it involves other epidemic diseases such as overweight and obesity. The Oblomov Project ( ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

Excessive attrition rates during clinical trials dramatically impact on Drug Discovery and Development (DDD). Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion studies carried out on larger series of drug candidates at an earlier stage of the DDD timeline and evaluation of drug efficacy through better assessment of pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic relationships, target engagement and receptor occu ...
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Our proposal encompasses parallel clinical trials addressing the feasibility and the effectiveness of donor-derived regulatory T cells (Treg) as a therapeutic agent in the treatment and prevention of tissue and organ damage resulting from graft versus host disease (GVHD) after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT).We propose a collaborative clinical study in which Treg therapy for GHVD is ...
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Energy for Smart Objects (EnSO)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

The goal of EnSO is to develop and consolidate a unique European ecosystem in the field of autonomous micro energy sources (AMES) supporting Electronic European industry to develop innovative products, in particular in IoT markets. In summary, EnSO multi-KET objectives are:• Objective 1: demonstrate the competitiveness of EnSO energy solutions of the targeted Smart Society, Smart Health, and Smart ...
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People for tHe eurOpean bioENergy mIX (Phoenix)

Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2019,

The development and adoption of renewable and sustainable forms of energy has become a major priority for Europe and is an important theme in H2020. Research into new, energy-related technologies to reduce Europe’s reliance on non-renewable fossil fuels is a critical need, and requires more newly qualified people in areas such as renewable-energy infrastructure management, new energy materials and ...
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Background According to a 2006 survey by the FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations), agriculture accounts for about 18% of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). Methane produced by dairy cows represents 76% of total methane emissions. On the other hand, the complicated digestive system of ruminants allows them to convert even poor-quali ...
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Energy Management Scools

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

A school is an ecosystem that brings together a variety of actors and different missions in one place: students, teachers, educators, administrative staff, technical staff, parents, maintenance and operating technical equipment companies... and it is often difficult to address the energy issue because it is often considered daunting, complicated and restrictive or constraining. Heating, lighting, ...
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The new working methods focused on BIM (Building Information Modeling and / or Management) require radical changes in all the practices of all stakeholders of an architectural project , and collaborative involvement of all stakeholders to make the best in each business the benefit of this new methodology. It is also a philosophy, a way of working and a tool to enrich and maintain throughout the bu ...
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What is consciousness? Can it be measured? While humankind has struggled with these questions for millennia, our project will focus on more modest but nonetheless ambitious and related goals. Inspired by recent developments in neuroscience and the potential role of fundamental concepts such as information integration and algorithmic complexity, we will study, model, quantify, and alter observable ...
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The Marine Mammals proposes to create a European consortium of education and research institutions, alongside small to medium enterprises, to promote STEM subjects and students’ interest in science careers. All project partners are internationally renowned experts in their field of work. Together with teachers and educational scientists they will form expert groups who will develop teacher trainin ...
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European Joint Doctorate in Functional Materials Research (EJD-FunMat)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2019,

EJD-FunMat is a European Joint Doctoral programme in the field of functional materials research. EJD-FunMat is embedded in an existing research network, with previous experience in co-tutelle doctorates, but the project will add new major elements, with the strategic aim of becoming a permanent reference European Joint Doctoral School in Materials Science and beyond.The key innovative aspects of t ...
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African literatures attest not only to the diversity of mobilities typical of the global era, but also to the fact that Europe continues to occupy a special place in the African literary imaginary. This study analyses the ways in which African Franco- and Anglophone diasporic literatures address the idea(l) of a cosmopolitan world citizenry in varied Afro-European contexts of mobility. In order to ...
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European Education in Advanced Ship Design

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2019,

Objective The objective of the European Education in Advanced Ship Design Erasmus Mundus Master programme is to provide a high education in Naval Architecture and Ship and Offshore Design.Course duration One and a half years (90 ECTS)Brief DescriptionThe European Education in Advanced Ship Design master programme corresponds directly to the needs of the European and Worldwide Marine Industry. The ...
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Integrated Activities for the High Energy Astrophysics Domain (AHEAD)

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2019,

We propose a set of integrated Activities in the High Energy Astrophysics Domain (AHEAD) in response to the INFRAIA-2014-2015 call Research Infrastructures for High EnergyAstrophysics.The overall objective of AHEAD is to integrate national efforts in high-energy Astrophysics and to promote the domain at the European level, to keep its community at the cutting edge of science and technology in this ...
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Environmental Diplomacy and Geopolitics (EDGE)

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2019,

This proposal seeks to increase and reinforce the cooperation that has been initiated between the University of Economics in Bratislava, Sciences Po and the University of Liège in the field of Environmental Diplomacy and Geopolitics. This field of international relations is gaining increasing importance, as environmental issues have become an increasingly important matter in international politics ...
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Europe’s bioeconomy is expected to foster economic growth and to tackle significant societal challenges with less harmful environmental effects through innovative, sustainable and inclusive use of European forest resources. Increasing demand for biomass and other ecosystem goods and services calls for changes in forest-related policies at different levels and across different sectors. Accordingly, ...
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FabSpace 2.0 aims at making universities open innovation centres for their region and improving their contribution to the performance of societies. It will concentrate on one innovation area with high expected socio-economic and environmental impact: geodata-driven innovation, by leveraging space data in particular.When Universities must endorse a new role as co-creators of innovations in the cont ...
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Be International Post-Doc - Euregio and Greater Region (BEIPD)

Start date: Feb 1, 2013, End date: Jan 31, 2019,

The University of Liege has run an international Incoming postdoctoral fellowship programme for years (2006-2012) with excellent results: 120 fellows, hundreds of joint publications, lots of professional and transferable skills attendees. Fellowships are based on a bottom-up approach of the fellows. Applicants define their own research project in cooperation with their host unit, so that they can ...
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"One of the most significant goals of modern astronomy is establishing whether life exists around other stars. The most direct path towards its achievement is the detection and spectroscopic characterization of terrestrial planets orbiting in the habitable zone of their host stars. The ~1000 nearest ultra-cool stars (UCS, spectral type M6 and latter) represent a unique opportunity to reach this g ...
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The recent explosion of next generation sequencing (NGS) data has caught Europe unprepared and led to a critical shortage of computational biology expertise. As NGS methods are expected to become pervasive from basic science to personalised medicine there is an urgent need for highly skilled young scientists trained in both computational biology and experimental wet lab biology. Our network addres ...
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The requirement for sustainable food production is a global issue to which the EU contributes as a major livestock producer. It is critical to improve animal production efficiency while sustaining environmentally friendly milk production. More profitable dairy production requires increased milk yield, cow health, longevity and fertility; reduced environmental footprint and optimised use of inputs. ...
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Early Life Traces, Evolution, and Implications for Astrobiology (ELITE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Tracking the early traces of life preserved in very old rocks and reconstructing the major steps of its evolution is an exciting and most challenging domain of research. How amazing it is to have a cell that is 1.5 or 3.2 billion years old under a microscope! From these and other disseminated fragments of life preserved along the geological timescale, one can build the puzzle of biosphere evolutio ...
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Food safety issues have reached a dramatic level in most Asian Countries. in its "integration program" ASEAN has put food security as one of its 12 priorities. It is abundantly documented that most of these problems are due to both qualitative and quantitative limitations in food safety management, mainly due to inadequate skills of workers, who often do not operate in compliance with the good pra ...
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Despite the advances in modernization and capacity building of the research landscapes of the Western Balkan countries, especially in universities, management of the human resources in research and science is still lagging behind the level of the practices and standards of the EU universities. The national funding of science in the WB countries is far below the ERA Lisbon targets, and it is projec ...
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Atmospheric methane (CH4), the second most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide, contributed to one-fifth of the increase in radiative forcing by human-linked greenhouse gases since 1750. The recent increase of its abundance since 2005 is not fully understood and the changes in the source(s) or sink(s) responsible for it have yet to be identified and quantified. The main iso ...
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