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29 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Integrated assessment and energy-economy models have become central tools for informing long-term global and regional climate mitigation strategies. There is a large demand for improved representations of complex system interactions and thorough validation of model behaviour in order to increase user confidence in climate policy assessments. ADVANCE aims to respond to this demand by facilitating t ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

Participation in the Erasmus+ program – including especially student and staff mobility – is at the heart of our threefold strategy for international relations: enhanced quality in academics and research, increased levels of internationalization, and improvements in the rigor and transparence of our policies and procedures. Participation in Erasmus+ key action 1 is a springboard to (further) devel ...
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Access to cultural heritage networks for Europeana (AthenaPlus)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

AthenaPlus will build on the successful experience developed by the previous ATHENA project – where LIDO and the ATHENA Ingestion Server and Mapping Tool (MINT), widely used across the Europeana's ecosystem of projects including the ongoing Linked Heritage project were developed, in order to further advance and complete the effective infrastructure and tools developed to support museums and other ...
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BioASQ will push for a solution to the information access problem of biomedical experts by setting up a challenge on biomedical semantic indexing and question answering (QA). Biomedical knowledge is dispersed in hundreds of heterogeneous knowledge sources and databases; many of them are connected on the Linked Open Data cloud. Biomedical experts, on the other hand, are in constant need of highly s ...
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Description Creating new technologies in the area of Machine Learning through networking and technology transfer PASCAL2 builds on the PASCAL Network of Excellence that has created a distributed institute pioneering principled methods of pattern analysis, statistical modelling, and computational l ...
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Science Teacher Education Advanced Methods (S-TEAM)

Start date: May 1, 2009, End date: Apr 30, 2012,

"Helping teachers raise the quality of science teaching and its educational environment has the potential to increase student engagement, attainment, scientific literacy and science career choices. S-TEAM will achieve this by connecting existing science education research and teacher knowledge to teacher education. This task requires the power of coordinated action across a wide range of instituti ...
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Science Created by You (SCY) (SCY)

Start date: Mar 1, 2008, End date: Feb 29, 2012,

Description The SCY system for constructive and productive learning of science and technology will be based on a flexible and adaptive pedagogical approach to learning and on learning objects created by learners.SCY's basic philosophy is that the learning of science is a process of creating knowledge by learners. The overall objective of ...
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In 2006, over 45.000 European citizens died of cirrhosis of the liver and 44,000 additional citizens of liver cancer, knowing that the same year 48,700 new liver cancer cases were declared. Surgical procedures remain the options that offer the foremost success rate against such pathologies. Regretfully, surgery is not so frequent due to several limitations. Indeed, eligibility for liver surgery is ...
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PAthways for Carbon Transitions (PACT)

Start date: Oct 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2011,

Most «business-as-usual scenarios» built up till now have shown that hydrocarbon resources scarcity and the growing release of greenhouse gases will bring the world far away from sustainability over the next decades. Then, deep changes in behaviours away from «BAU» are unavoidable long before the turn of the century in a move towards a post-carbon society. Urbanisation and mobility are probably ...
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Full Costs of Climate Change (ClimateCost)

Start date: Dec 1, 2008, End date: Jul 31, 2011,

There is increasing interest in the economics of climate change to inform policy on a) long-term targets, b) the costs of inaction (the economic effects of climate change), and c) the costs and benefits of adaptation. The objectives of this study are to advance knowledge across all three areas, i.e. the full economic costs of climate change, through the following tasks: 1. To identify and develop ...
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"The FRIDA (‘Fostering Regional Innovation and Development through Anchors and Networks’) project aims to improve regional policy making within the EU, by advancing state of the art understanding of the importance of anchor firms to regional development and cohesion. Anchor firms are known to be increasingly important to regional development as highly entrepreneurial, multi-national firms restruct ...
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Language Technology for Lifelong Learning (LTfLL)

Start date: Mar 1, 2008, End date: Feb 28, 2011,

Description LTfLL created next-generation educational services for learners and tutors, making extensive use of Language TechnologiesThe project created next-generation support and advice services to enhance individual and collaborative construction of knowledge in educational and organisational settings. The project made extensive use of ...
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In order to realise the vision of Ambient Intelligence in a future network and service environment, heterogeneous wireless sensor and actuator networks (WS&AN) have to be integrated into a common framework of global scale and made available to services and applications via universal service interfaces. SENSEI creates an open, business driven architecture that fundamentally addresses the scalabilit ...
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« Métropole Nature » sintéresse aux espaces naturels péri-urbains dans un contexte de développement territorial urbain durable. Ces espaces naturels péri-urbains (ENP : ouverts, naturels, non construits, dintérêt environnemental ou agricole, forestiers….) sont souvent situés dans des zones qui ne sont plus ni urbaines, ni rurales, au sens traditionnel du terme. Ensemble, ils participent au fonctio ...
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ARTESS Project will provide international mobility from Argentina to Europe for Doctoral, Post Doctoral and Staff (both academic and administrative) levels, in the field of Social Sciences and Public Administration. The project intends to promote capacity building through mobility flows not only for the researchers and academic community, but also for Argentinean nationals employed in private and ...
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The OIKODOMOS Virtual Campus ( has been created with the support of the LLLP programme 2007-2009. We have developed, implemented, tested and evaluated an innovative pedagogic model based on a blended learning approach which combines on-line learning activities carried out in web-based environments with seminars and design studios physically taking place at the participating univ ...
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...du projet DEVETER est de créer, en réseau, un master, recherche et/ou professionnel, sur le " développement territorial, l'aménagement, le tourisme et la mise en valeur du patrimoine " dans six universités du Liban( Beyrouth et Kaslik), de la Syrie (Damas et Lattaquié) et de l'Algérie (Bejaia et Tizi-Ouzou). Ce réseau s'adresse au public de formation initiale et de formation continue, en présent ...
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Le projet vise à mettre en place un cursus de Master (M1 et M2) en Psychologie du Travail dans les six universités de trois pays bénéficiaires du Maghreb -Algérie, Maroc et Tunisie (MPTUM). Cette formation s’inscrit pleinement dans la demande et des besoins des pays du Maghreb en adéquation avec l’environnement économique. La proposition est également liée aux réformes de l'Enseignement Supérieur ...
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Le projet proposé vise le développement de la Société de l’Information par la création du réseau Europe-Russie-Asie Centrale de Masters «Informatique Seconde Compétence» entre quatre Universités russes, trois Universités kazakhes, deux Universités kirghizes et cinq Universités de l’Union européennes. Sur la base du Master «Double compétence en Informatique et Sciences Sociales» créé dans le cadre ...
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The project aims to create an innovative pedagogic methodology integrating online activities with the curricula at each partner institution, implemented, tested and validated; critical analysis of e-learning methods and tools applied in architectural education (virtual design studios, repositories of cases of study); educational open resources stemming from the learning activities conforming to st ...
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To boost innovation and knowledge based economic development by stimulating structural reforms in Tunisian higher education institutions via the implementation of a well structured, sustainable scheme for the creation and reinforcement of industry-enterprises partnerships at Tunisian Universities. The specific objectives are: "• Creation of a Universities-enterprises cooperation network comprising ...
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Effective exploitation of trade union training throughout Europe : PECS provides a single document recording the training and experience of trade union officials, in order to highlight their skills for the purposes of professional career development. This project started in 2003 and lasted 24 months.
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The 3-year SMHES project intends to prepare a survey of methodologies applied in the three partner countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan) in order to assess the level of convergence in evaluation methods and procedures even if quality accreditation and assurance still varies in many respects, as well as to create groups of experts on internal and external QA. Within the project 3 Quality A ...
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The project aims at development of the National action groups of Bologna Practitioners in the Partner Countries together the four main groups of stakeholders - Academia, Market, Government, Students - to work out and implement the strategy of Bologna Promotion in their home countries. The specific objectives are: "Creation of ""Government -Univesrity - Student - Market (GUSM) Tetragons"" - collab ...
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The expected outcomes of the project are: an innovative pedagogic methodology integrating on-line activities with the curricula at each partner institution, implemented, tested and validated; critical analysis of e-learning methods and tools applied in architectural education (virtual design studios, repositories of cases of study); educational open resources stemming from the learning activities ...
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At the European level the Electrical and Information Engineering (EIE) field is structurally morphing from one with a predominance of large industries to one dominated by Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME). The EIE field will be at the heart of many of the major challenges facing the EU in the near future, renewable energy, improved personal and organisational communications, new advanced m ...
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"The project aims at integrating modules of teaching modules about economics and management in the curricula for engineers;" The specific objectives are: "? Intégrer des modules d’enseignement en économie et management dans les curricula d’ingénieurs? Intégrer des modules d’enseignement en technologies et énergie, dans les curricula d’économistes? Créer des enseignements des fondements et instrume ...
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Valoriser et sauvegarde du patrimoine artistique et culturel. Renforcer l'identité culturelle et l'habitat traditionnel (espace rural, montagne et lac). Interpréter l'héritage culturel au moyen de la valorisation de la mémoire historique. Offrir sur le marché du tourisme culturel de nouveaux produits intégrés. ...
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Le projet Tempus PROMIS se place dans la continuité du projet Tempus ERAMIS qui a permis de créer un réseau de Masters « Informatique Seconde Compétence » (ISC) dans 4 universités de Russie, 3 universités du Kazakhstan et 2 universités du Kirghizstan. Il a pour objectif élargi d'étendre ce réseau en Asie Centrale et d'en faire un réseau d'excellence, tout en renforçant significativement le caractè ...
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