Search for European Projects

29 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

The overall aim of PrimeFish is to improve the economic sustainability of European fisheries and aquaculture sectors. PrimeFish will gather data from individual production companies, industry and sales organisations, consumers and public sources. The data will be related to the competitiveness and economic performance of companies in the sector; this includes data on price development, supply chai ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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This project suggests the development of an open access remote PV laboratory for educational purposes. The remote PV laboratory will be installed outdoors at the facilities of the TEI of Athens - Greece, which is in a geographical region characterized by a large number of annual sunshine hours, allowing the users to perform real-world tests and experiments with photovoltaic panels over the interne ...
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Marketing Communication Innovativeness of European Entrepreneurs

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The importance of entrepreneurs is significant for the economic development the European economies and it has been documented in many cases. The development of particular competences are crucial in the preparation and the process of creation. Nevertheless, the existing education of universities provides a limited preparation for these challenges. Entrepreneurs have the chance to differentiate the ...
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Access to cultural heritage networks for Europeana (AthenaPlus)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

AthenaPlus will build on the successful experience developed by the previous ATHENA project – where LIDO and the ATHENA Ingestion Server and Mapping Tool (MINT), widely used across the Europeana's ecosystem of projects including the ongoing Linked Heritage project were developed, in order to further advance and complete the effective infrastructure and tools developed to support museums and other ...
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“Mobilizing knowledge” suggests that there is need to dynamize the context in which knowledge about risks is developed, shared, and maintained. It conveys the implicit assumption that knowledge is perhaps currently fragmented and stuck in different compartments and bodies, be they institutions, agencies, universities, research centres, communities, individuals.While with this proposal we fully agr ...
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Network of Excellence in Internet Science (EINS)

Start date: Dec 1, 2011, End date: May 31, 2015,

The goal of EINS is coordinating and integrating European research aimed at achieving a deeper multidisciplinary understanding of the development of the Internet as a societal and technological artefact, whose evolution is increasingly interwined with that of human societies. Its main objective is to allow an open and productive dialogue between all the disciplines which study Internet systems und ...
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NAMDIATREAM will develop a cutting edge nanotechnology-based toolkit for multi-modal detection of biomarkers of most common cancer types and cancer metastases, permitting identification of cells indicative of early disease onset in a high-specificity and throughput format in clinical, laboratory and point-of-care devices. The project is built on the innovative concepts of super-sensitive and highl ...
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MIcrowave and TErahertz PHOtonics (MITEPHO)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

"MITEPHO (MIcrowave and TErahertz PHOtonics) is an Initial Training Network that seeks to investigate and optimize photonic sources for CW signal generation at Microwave and Terahertz frequencies. The main objective is to integrate these two disciplines, usually addressed separately, through the development of techniques based on the photonic oscillator concept, a rather new technique for generati ...
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Le but final de notre projet est de contribuer au développement des compétences des acteurs du tourisme afin de permettre une meilleure adaptation de ce secteur aux évolutions du contexte économique, social et environnemental. Pour ce faire, des formations continues conjointes franco-suisses de niveau EMBA (Executive Master of Business Administration, 60 crédits ECTS) centrée sur linnovation t ...
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Linked Heritage has 3 main objectives: I) to contribute large quantities of new content to Europeana, from both the public and private sectors; II) to demonstrate enhancement of quality of content, in terms of metadata richness, re-use potential and uniqueness; III) to demonstrate enable improved search, retrieval and use of Europeana content.Linked Heritage will facilitate and deliver large-sca ...
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NAno-sOndes Multifonctionnelles pour l'Imagerie - NAOMI (NAOMI)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

L'objectif est de développer de nouveaux outils de diagnostic in vivo/in vitro extrêmement sensibles.Ces outils,combinant le développement de marqueurs innovants et de techniques dimagerie avancées,seront appliqués pour le dépistage précoce de 3problèmes: -pathologies pulmonaires, -traitement de cardiopathies par des cellules souches, -marquage spécifique de bactéries. Ce projet peut engendrer ...
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Start date: Jun 30, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2012,

Il progetto si articola in due tipi di attività, tecnica e scientifica: uno studio a carattere regionale delle Alpi Occidentali finalizzato al riconoscimento dei rischi potenziali nei settori glacializzati e recentemente deglacializzati; diversi studi a carattere locale su siti pilota caratterizzati da reali situazioni di rischio.
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Le projet est un projet de recherche appliquée dont l’objectif est de renforcer un point fort de l’activité économique des deux cotés de la frontière Franco Suisse : la réalisation de produits à forte valeur ajoutée (horlogerie, automobile, médical, domotique…). Il s'agit de définir une méthodologie de mesure et de modélisation de la perception humaine de la qualité de l'aspect de ces produits en ...
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Shrink-Path of Ultra-Low Power Superconducting Electronics (S-PULSE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2010,

Description The project supported joint efforts of European academic and industrial groups in the superconductive technologies field The Support Action S-PULSE aims to prepare Superconducting Electronics (SE) for the technology generation beyond the CMOS scaling limits ("beyond CMOS"). Scaling law ...
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Background Wastewater treatment plants face recurrent problems such as sludge production and the toxicity of treated effluents. Technological solutions have already been tested at research scale with significant results, particularly in terms of sludge production. When the technology was applied to municipal wastewater, the results showed a drastic reduct ...
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Start date: Jun 30, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2007,

Questo progetto consiste nel rinforzare e rendere permanente una rete di azioni transfrontaliere al fine della prevenzione e della lotta contro le diverse tipologie di inquinamento marino. Riguarda una Comunità di agglomerazione, due Comuni francesi delle Alpi Marittime e quattro Comuni italiani della Provincia di Imperia. Monaco potrà partecipare al progetto.
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Les activités qui au regard de la pratique du ski, peuvent être considérées comme des activités clés, portent sur, la préparation, l’entretien des pistes, la sécurité préventive et le secours sur le domaine skiable. Ces activités constituent la préoccupation majeure des stations de ski. Les personnels qui travaillent à remplir ces objectifs ont des missions très diverses : aménagement, préparation ...
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In order to strenghen the European Competitiveness, several organisations have been set up to support innovation and industrial cooperation: clusters, pôles de compétitivité, technopôles, innovation parks, etc.Mission of these organizations have been to provide training and consulting services to their members, in particular to high-tech SMEs.The goal of TRANSMIT project was to transfer a training ...
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Le projet se propose de systématiser et de promouvoir l'utilisation des archives cadastrales pour la gestion des écosystemes et le développement durable des territoires transfrontaliers. Achievements: Etudes d'applicationRecherche scientifiqueGuide pratique d'interpréta ...
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Identifier et proposer de nouveaux produits " méditerranéens " pour accroitre la compétitivité et les ventes. Offrir de nouvelles opportunités pour la création et le développement des pépinieres et des entreprises de transformation. Valoriser les nouvelles ressources botaniques. Favoriser l'agriculture sur la Riviera franco-italienne liée aux marchés segmentés et principalement adressée à la meme ...
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Mise au point de modeles et d’outils de gestion de la biodiversité, par la prise en compte d’une prise de conscience du contexte territorial (bilan des connaissances et des expérimentations, recherches et études complémentaires), et des retombées spécifiques sur les acteurs de terrain, publics et privés. ...
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The project aims to develop a set of contemporary knowledge materials by the Partner Universities, consistent with EU standards that will fulfill the needs of the national plans of Palestine to implement IT based solutions for e-Government. The project will the foster transfer of state-of-the-art knowledge and best-practices from Europe to Palestine on electronic services in general, and e-Governm ...
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Les voies de linnovation touristique contribuent au développement des compétences des acteurs du tourisme a n de permettre une meilleure adaptation de ce secteur aux évolutions du contexte économique, social et environnemental. Pour ce faire, le projet propose aux cadres et aux décideurs du secteur touristique, une formation continue conjointe franco-suisse de niveau EMBA (Executive Master of Bus ...
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Décidées à améliorer l'employabilité des étudiants, les universités marocaines réunies au sein de P@LMES ont choisi de se doter d’un CADRE NATIONAL COMMUN pour la CERTIFICATION DES COMPETENCES transversales acquises par leurs étudiants au cours de leur cursus et demandées par les entreprises lors de leur embauche.Pour atteindre cet objectif, une COMMISSION NATIONALE, qui associera tous les établis ...
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Promouvoir et organiser un échange de compétences, connaissances et savoir-faire entre chercheurs, techniciens et responsables des régions concernées en matière de risques gravitaires liés à lévolution du permafrost. Fournir aux gestionnaires du risque en montagne des procédures pour choisir et mettre en œuvre les méthodes et les instruments les plus pertinents pour la surveillance des parois. App ...
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Favoriser lintégration de loffre touristique de la Haute-Savoie et de la Vallée dAoste, sappuyant sur des expériences pilotes et sur la création dun réseau qui facilite la collaboration et la synergie entre les deux versants de la frontière. Achievements: Conception du ...
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Construire et rendre opérationnelles des méthodes et des pratiques de coopération transfrontalère visant à élaborer et développer d'une facon intégrée et participée le domaine du tourisme culturel et la promotion des savoirs et des saveurs des territoires concernés. Achievements: ...
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Given that European enterprise is losing business due to insufficient language skills (ELAN 2006), there is an acute need for higher language proficiency in professional settings. Especially speaking has remained the least available skill in online assessment tools, despite exceptions like WebCEF (2006-‘09). CEFcult will meet these needs by developing an online environment that brings together the ...
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