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Over 40 European Projects Found

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Mechanical control of biological function (MECHANO-CONTROL)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2021,

Mechanical forces transmitted through specific molecular bonds drive biological function, and their understanding and control hold an uncharted potential in oncology, regenerative medicine and biomaterial design. However, this potential has not been realised, because it requires developing and integrating disparate technologies to measure and manipulate mechanical and adhesive properties from the ...
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Brain-Specific, Modular and Active RNA Therapeutics (B-SMART)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2021,

The overall objective of B-SMART is: 1. to design modular nanoparticles, 2. to manufacture them via a quality-by-design protocol, 3. to achieve delivery of therapeutic RNAs to the brain and treat neurodegenerative diseases. I. To design modular nanoparticles consisting of o an active RNA payloado established (lipid-based), emerging (trigger-responsive polymer-based) or exploratory (extracellular v ...
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This consortium will pioneer disruptive technology for bio-electronic medicine to provide much needed therapies for cardiorespiratory and functional neurological disease. The technology implements small neural networks known as central pattern generators (CPG) to deliver fit-and-forget bio-electronic implants that respond to physiological feedback in real time, are safer, simpler, non-invasive, an ...
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Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major global public health threat, and most troublesome is the rapid emergence and dissemination of multidrug resistant (MDR) Enterobacteriaceae, Acinetobacter species and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. There is an unmet medical need to prevent P. aeruginosa infection in critically ill patients and to develop new antibiotics for infections caused by Gram-negative bacte ...
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MetaMaterials antenna for ultra-high field MRI (M-CUBE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

M-Cube aims at changing the paradigm of High-Field MRI and Ultra High-Field antennas to offer a much better insight on the human body and enable earlier detection of diseases. Our main objective is to go beyond the limits of MRI clinical imaging and radically improve spatial and temporal resolutions. The clinical use of High-field MRI scanners is drastically limited due to the lack of homogeneity ...
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Neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a major cause of death or long-term disability in infants born at term in the western world, affecting about 1-4 per 1.000 life births and consequently about 5-20.000 infants per year in Europe.Hypothermic treatment became the only established therapy to improve outcome after perinatal hypoxic-ischemic insults. Despite hypothermia and neonatal inte ...
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CircRTrain focuses on circular RNAs (circRNAs), a new large class of single-stranded RNAs with covalently closed ends. CircRNAs have only very recently attracted high general interest and become the focus of an increasing number of publications: recent discoveries through sequencing technology and computational analyses have revealed the widespread existence of circRNAs in animal cells. Particular ...
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Stroke and dementia rank among the most pressing health issues in Europe. Cerebral small vessel diseases (SVDs) have emerged as a central link between these two major co-morbidities. SVDs account for more than 30% of strokes and at least 40% of dementia cases. They encounter multiple distinct diseases that can be separated based on their underlying genetic defects, risk factors, and clinical prese ...
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Boost Brittle Bones Before Birth (BOOSTB4)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is, in its severe forms, a devastating inherited disorder characterised by brittle bones. A person with severe OI is affected throughout their lifetime with repeated, multiple fractures, considerable pain and handicap. There is no curative or effective treatment for OI. Our preclinical studies and initial clinical cases have demonstrated that transplantation of fetal m ...
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The problem: finding the right patient for the right treatmentDespite a large and growing disease burden in osteoarthritis (OA), many pharmaceutical companies have de-emphasized or even abandoned OA drug development due to perceived hurdles. Crucial in this is the lack of appropriate outcome measures that can robustly identify patient benefit from a specific therapy. The lack of specific and sensi ...
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I propose to research, build and evaluate Interventional X-ray and Scintigraphy Imaging (IXSI). This will provide for the first time real-time, multimodality imaging during medical interventions by combining live x-ray and live nuclear imaging simultaneously from an identical viewpoint. The hybrid x-ray/nuclear imaging device will enable surgeons and interventional radiologists to exploit the powe ...
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Safest, reliable, individualised care of patients at-risk of deterioration needs patients themselves to play an active role in their care whenever possible: late detection or escalation of deterioration causes avoidable harms, and deaths. In this project we will challenge industry to develop robust monitoring and communications systems that connect patients, carers and health professionals, provid ...
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Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is a major human pathogen and cutaneous infections are among the leading cause of emergency department visits. Unfortunately, S. aureus vaccine development is hindered by the lack of known correlates of protection. Three dimensional organotypic human skin models may represent a valid alternative to animal infection model.Indeed, S. aureus expresses several human-s ...
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Tribbles Research and Innovation Network (TRAIN)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2020,

This proposal was developed in the context of the medical need to tackle the clinical consequences of obesity-related diseases more holistically. Dysregulation of common molecular pathways that govern the physiological functioning of adipocytes, immune cells and prostate epithelium cells have been reported in immuno-metabolic disease (such as obesity) and several cancers. The individual projects ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2020,

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a common fatal inherited disease with a frequency of 1 in 2500 live births, affecting approximately 36,000 (0.737/10,000) people in the EU. Chronic bacterial pulmonary infection leading to an irreversible decline in lung structure and function is the main cause of mortality and morbidity in patients with CF, with more than 95% of deaths due to respiratory failure. Pseudomon ...
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HarmonicSS vision is to create an International Network and Alliance of partners and cohorts, entrusted with the mission of addressing the unmet needs in primary Sjogren Syndrome; working together to create and maintain a platform with open standards and tools, designed to enable secure storage, governance, analytics, access control and controlled sharing of information at multiple levels along wi ...
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3D Bioprinting of JOINT Replacements (3D-JOINT)

Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2020,

The world has a significant medical challenge in repairing injured or diseased joints. Joint degeneration and its related pain is a major socio-economic burden that will increase over the next decade and is currently addressed by implanting a metal prosthesis. For the long term, the ideal solution to joint injury is to successfully regenerate rather than replace the damaged cartilage with syntheti ...
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Every year, 1.3 million Europeans have a stroke and one million ultimately die of stroke. One third of stroke patients remain dependent on the help of others. The annual costs for stroke care in Europe are estimated at € 64.1 billion. Stroke incidence increases almost exponentially with age, and the personal, societal, and economic burden of stroke is therefore largely driven by its frequent occur ...
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Most older adults have multiple chronic diseases (multimorbidity) and multiple medications (polypharmacy). However, multimorbid patients are often excluded from clinical trials and most guidelines address diseases in isolation. Inappropriate drug prescription and poor drug compliance are common and contribute to up to 30% of hospital admissions. OPERAM investigators developed STOPP/START criteria ...
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Herpesviruses are widely spread, and cause life-long infections. Most individuals carry multiple herpesviruses, which can cause severe diseases, especially in children, immunocompromised individuals, and elderly. There are currently no safe vaccines against herpesvirus infections and current treatments are not satisfactory. With new insights into the molecular basis for diseases caused by immunode ...
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Zoonotic Anticipation and Preparedness Initiative (ZAPI)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2020,

Emerging infectious diseases are occurring at increasing frequency in Europe and other regions of the world, having profound impacts on public and/or veterinary health as well as disruptive effects on sector, regional or even global economy. The predominantly zoonotic nature of emerging pathogens calls for a One Health approach uniting the human medical and veterinary fields, dedicated to swiftly ...
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How complement molecules kill bacteria (ComBact)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2020,

This proposal aims to provide insight into how bacteria are killed by the complement system, an important part of the host immune response against bacterial infections. Complement is a large protein network in plasma that labels bacteria for phagocytosis and directly kills them via the formation of a pore-forming complex (Membrane Attack Complex (MAC)). Currently we do not understand how complemen ...
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The heart of stroke: Pipes, Perfusion, Parenchyma (HEARTOFSTROKE)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2020,

My aim is to understand the cause of stroke in every single patient. Brain microinfarcts and macroinfarcts cause a major healthcare burden in Western societies both in terms of morbidity and costs. Cardiovascular thromboemboli from the heart, aorta and neck arteries are considered as the main cause. Still, the vast majority of brain infarcts are unexplained. In contrast to the thromboembolic expla ...
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Multi-drug resistant Gram-negative bacteria (MDR-GNB): the ultimate challenge!Antibiotic resistance is a global public health concern recently elevated to the top three threats identified by the WHO, and subject of numerous national and international government activities. Although focused strategies have beneficially influenced infection rates due to methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (M ...
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Abstract 9Neuroimaging (NI) has enormous potential to improve the clinical care of patients with psychiatric disorders, but has yet to deliver. The PSYSCAN project will address this issue directly by developing a NI-based tool that will help clinicians resolve key clinical issues in the management of patients with psychotic disorders. Clinicians will use the tool to assess patients with a standard ...
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Stem Cell therapy in IschEmic Non-treatable Cardiac diseasE (SCIENCE)With more than 17 million deaths worldwide each year, ischemic heart disease (IHD) caused by coronary artery disease is the most common cause of death and a major cause of hospital admissions in industrialised countries. IHD caused over four million deaths in Europe in the year 2012 constituting 47% of all deaths. Today IHD is th ...
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Tools and TECHNOlogies for Breakthrough in hEArt Therapies (TECHNOBEAT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

Cardiovascular diseases including myocardial infarction (MI), which entails the irreversible loss of heart muscle tissue, constitute a major socio-economic burden in global healthcare. With whole organ transplantation as the only treatment option for end-stage heart failure, MI patients could particularly benefit from advanced cell therapies aimed at the functional reconstitution of damaged hearts ...
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Combatting Bacterial Resistance in Europe (COMBACTE-NET)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

The emergence of Antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB) is a global problem, having recently been elevated to the top three threats identified by the World Health Organisation (WHO), and subject of numerous national and international government activities, including the Trans-Atlantic Task Force on Antimicrobial Resistance established by the US and EU presidencies. The estimated costs of ARB are aro ...
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In this project, Yildirim Beyazit University, University of Utrecht, University of Bristol, Heidelberg University and Institute of Rizzoli will participate for establishing a network between high quality researchers both in basic and clinical sciences in musculoskeletal education and trainining (for third cycle degree education) for medical doctors and basic scientists in order to provide high qu ...
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The social and economic challenges of ageing populations and chronic disease can only be met by translation of biomedical discoveries to new, innovative and cost effective treatments. The ESFRI Biological and Medical Research Infrastructures (BMS RI) underpin every step in this process; effectively joining scientific capabilities and shared services will transform the understanding of biological m ...
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Anaemia is the most common pathological condition affecting 1.6 billion individuals worldwide. It thus presents a serious health care problem and an economic burden. Reduction in red blood cell (RBC) number can be caused by blood loss, diet, stress conditions including endurance sport, and pathologies which are caused by primary genetic aberrations or are secondary to the malfunction of other cell ...
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Clinical validation of miniature wearable dialysis machine (WEAKID)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Jun 30, 2019,

The project aims to validate a miniature wearable dialysis machine in a clinical setting and to prepare the system for CE-marking. Wearable dialysis allows renal patients to dialyze conveniently and continuously at home or at work, independently from a fixed water supply, up to 24 hrs/day. Such a continuous treatment mimics healthy kidneys and is twice as effective as current dialysis techniques, ...
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Cardiac micro-engineered tissue for high-throughput screening (CAMEOS)

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2019,

Heart disease is the most significant cause of morbidity and mortality in the industrialized world, and the cause of 4 million death each year within the European Union. The prevalence of the disease is a huge burden on society estimated to cost the EU economy 60 billion annually on drug therapy, patient care, and loss in productivity. Nonetheless, despite the latest advances in research much rema ...
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Mobility, important for well-being, is seriously impaired by chronic low back pain and osteoarthritis in many people due to degeneration of cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral disc and joint. To develop a treatment for these diseases this ETN aims to combine expertise in novel highly advanced drug delivery carriers with dedicated targeting tools, state of the art imaging techniques and expe ...
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Far from receding, the threats posed by infections with epidemic potential grow ever greater. Although Europe has amongst the best healthcare systems in the world, and also the world’s supreme researchers in this field, we lack co-ordination and linkage between networks that is required to respond fast to new threats. This consortium of consortia will streamline our response, using primary and sec ...
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Postoperative delirium (POD) is characterized by the progressive deterioration of sensory/cognitive function after surgery with incidences of up to 30-80%. It is frequently followed by postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) which tends to persist over time. In elderly patients, POCD resembles chronic dementia and appears to accelerate the cognitive decline in Alzheimer dementia. POD is strongl ...
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European Training Network on Bone Pain (BonePain)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

The aim is to create an innovative European PhD training network in bone pain. Millions in Europe and beyond suffer from bone pain, a debilitating complication of many musculoskeletal disorders such as arthritis and bone metastasis. However, being a truly multidisciplinary subject spanning neuroscience, bone biology, and even cancer research, it demands a multidisciplinary approach. Despite a huge ...
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Nudge-it engages internationally leading experts in the neurobiology of motivational behaviour, the neuroscience of reward pathways, the neuroendocrinology of homeostatic regulation of appetite, experimental psychology, functional brain imaging, behavioural economics, and computational modelling. They will work together to develop new tools and approaches that can provide the evidence needed to in ...
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Ensuring the Integrity of the European food chain (FOODINTEGRITY)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Food Integrity “the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished or in perfect condition”.Providing assurance to consumers and other stakeholders about the safety, authenticity and quality of European food (integrity) is of prime importance in adding value to the European Agri-food economy. The integrity of European foods is under constant threat from fraudulently labelled imitations that try to ...
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Small vessel disease (SVD) causes 25% of all cerebral strokes and is a major cause of cognitive decline (dementia) and functional disability (ageing) in the elderly. Two important challenges hamper the development of effective treatments. First, still little is known about the mechanism by which SVD leads to macroscopic, ischemic brain damage and, thus, to cognitive decline. Second, the current cl ...
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