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Photonics, nanotechnology, advanced materials, and advanced manufacturing technologies have been identified as key enabling technologies (KETs) for the EU. Today the photonics global market alone is around €300 billion and Europe has established a strong position with a total share of 20%, directly employing about 290,000 people. However, the shortage of sufficient skilled labour and entrepreneurs ...
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Health Care Work Exchange 2016

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The “Health Care Work Exchange 2016” project will enable 100 apprentices and students of health care vocational schools from 1 June 2016 to 31 May 2018 to carry out an internship in all countries participating in the ERASMUS+ Mobility Program. Apprentices and students in the fields of nursing, midwifery, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, special education and in medical techn ...
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"This project leads to the development of novel MEAs comprising components elaborated by the electrospinning technique. Proton exchange membranes will be elaborated from electrospun ionomer fibres and characterised. In the first stages of the work, we will use commercial perfluorosulfonic acid polymers, but later we will extend the study to specific partially fluorinated ionomers developed within ...
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The overall aim of the EC call is building up a scientifically literate society, which enables its citizens to participate in the research and innovation process as part of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). This calls for democratic citizenship education, in which two educational approaches, often presented independently in schools, are integrated, viz. Inquiry-Based Science Education (IB ...
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At the doorstep of Europe, the NW African plate boundary system is paradoxically the least understood segment of the Earth global plate system. This largely reflects the intrinsic complexity of the present-day plate boundary, characterized by a diffuse geometry and several lithospheric domains accommodating the relative motion between Eurasia and Africa. Despite long stand collaborations, research ...
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This project aims at strengthening research partnerships through staff exchanges and networking activities between 4 European research organizations, from Finland, United Kingdom, and France, and 4 organisations from China and Japan. It is based on a 4 years coordinated joint programme of exchange of researchers for periods of 1-12 months, thus providing mobility possibilities to individual resear ...
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Integrated Methods for Advanced Geothermal Exploration (IMAGE)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

"The IMAGE project will develop a reliable science based exploration and assessment method to ""IMAGE"" geothermal reservoirs using an interdisciplinary approach based on three general pillars:1 Understanding the processes and properties that control the spatial distribution of critical exploration parameters at European to local scales. The focus will be on prediction of temperatures, in-situ str ...
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"Supramolecular polymeric assemblies represent an emerging, promising class of systems with superior versatility compared to their covalent polymeric counterparts. They offer exciting new opportunities for stimuli-responsive structures exhibiting reversible tunable properties, with applications in foodstuff, coatings , cost-efficient processes or biomedical areas. To explore their potential and de ...
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"Amputation of a limb may result from trauma or surgical intervention. The amputation traumatically alters the body image, but often leaves sensations that refer to the missing body part. In 50-80% amputees, neuropathic pain develops, also called phantom limb pain (PLP). Both peripheral and central nervous system factors have been implicated as determinants of PLP. Also, PLP may be triggered by ph ...
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Health Care Work Exchange 2015

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

From 1.6.2015 to 31.5.2017 the project “Health Care Work Exchange 2015” will offer 100 apprentices and students of health care vocational schools an opportunity to carry out an internship in all countries participating in ERASMUS+. Foremost apprentices and students in the fields of nursing, midwifery, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, special education and in medical technica ...
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The introduction of general numerical methods in the form of widely available software can have a dramatic effect on the development of a scientific field. In electronic structure theory, for example, general-purpose programs (such as GAUSSIAN, MOLCAS, MOLPRO...) combined with better computational resources have in part led to molecular electronic structure calculations becoming a ubiquitous tool ...
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In this project I will study the impact of salinity changes on the physiology of three model intertidal organisms. Organisms inhabiting the intertidal ecosystem exist in the margins of marine and terrestrial realms, and thus, must cope with dramatic physical and chemical daily changes in their environment. Understanding the physiological and evolutionary adaptations that allow these organisms to w ...
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Advanced multi-functional computing systems realized in forthcoming manufacturing technologies hold the promise of a significant increase in device integration density complemented by an increase in system performance and functionality. However, a dramatic reduction in single device quality and reliability is also expected.CLERECO research project recognizes early accurate reliability evaluation a ...
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The Mont-Blanc project aims to develop a European Exascale approach leveraging on commodity power-efficient embedded technologies. The project has developed a HPC system software stack on ARM, and will deploy the first integrated ARM-based HPC prototype by 2014, and is also working on a set of 11 scientific applications to be ported and tuned to the prototype system.The rapid progress of Mont-Blan ...
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Computing devices with multiple processing cores are now the norm. Most smartphones, tablets, game consoles, and of course personal computers and servers, can process software tasks in true parallel fashion. This trend will keep on going, and the number of cores per device will grow to dozens and hundreds, which will enable us to run more complex applications, and more of them at the same time. Ho ...
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Health Care Work Exchange 2014

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

From 1.6.2014 to 31.5.2016 the project “Health Care Work Exchange 2014” will offer 100 apprentices and students of health care vocational schools an opportunity to carry out an internship in all countries participating in ERASMUS+. Foremost apprentices and students in the fields of nursing, midwifery, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, special education and in medical technica ...
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Parasites exact a devastating toll on health and economic productivity, infecting man and also domestic livestock. Drugs used to combat parasitic diseases are deficient in many ways and new, better drugs are needed to establish sustainable means to combat diseases caused by protozoan parasites that include malaria, trypanosomiasis and leishmaniasis in man, and coccidiosis among others in animals. ...
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"Project CATAPULT proposes to develop a radically new concept for automotive PEM fuel cell catalysts based on novel structures wherein platinum is deposited as an extremely thin layer (
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Graphene-Based Revolutions in ICT And Beyond (GRAPHENE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

This Flagship aims to take graphene and related layered materials from a state of raw potential to a point where they can revolutionize multiple industries – from flexible, wearable and transparent electronics, to new energy applications and novel functional composites.Our main scientific and technological objectives in the different tiers of the value chain are to develop material technologies fo ...
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Virtual Embodiment and Robotic Re-Embodiment (VERE)

Start date: Jun 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

VERE aims to carry out research on the fusion of the human body with virtual or physical surrogates. By fuse we mean that human participants would operate under the illusion that the virtual body is their own, or that they are actually in the physical space of the real world in a robotic body that they perceive as their own. As well as providing a radical extension of traditional virtual reality ...
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Inductive Constraint Programming (ICON)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

In industry, society and science advanced software is used for solving planning, scheduling and resource allocation problems, collectively known as constraint satisfaction or optimization problems. At the same time, one continuously gathers vast amounts of data about these problems. This project starts from the observation that current software typically does not exploit such data to update sched ...
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There is a continued need for higher compute performance: scientific grand challenges, engineering, geophysics, bioinformatics, etc. However, energy is increasingly becoming one of the most expensive resources and the dominant cost item for running a large supercomputing facility. In fact the total energy cost of a few years of operation can almost equal the cost of the hardware infrastructure. En ...
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In the last years, Protists (Protozoa) gained a significant attention from the scientific community because of their role as Trojan horses respect to opportunistic pathogens of humans and animals. Although this role is nowadays well established and accepted for some Protists like Acanthamoeba, little is known for other groups of possible hosts. Recently, members of the coordinating unit of Pisa go ...
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FUnctional Nitrides for Energy Applications (FUNEA)

Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

The FUNEA vision is to develop an integrated and multidisciplinary research and training programme in the field of inorganic nitrides for energy applications. In terms of fundamental research, the FUNEA aims to advance the state-of-the-art knowledge and understanding of inorganic nitrides and mixed nitride-anion systems by achieving the ability to synthesise, manipulate, characterize, understand a ...
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"The increasing number of elderly people will have a major impact on the prevalence of age-related diseases, which will pose major challenges to keep health systems in Europe sustainable. Current knowledge is insufficient to identify the transition of normal brain ageing into Alzheimer`s Disease (AD)-like brain damage. Elucidation of the genes and pathways contributing to the earliest stages of AD ...
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Biocluster Transnational du Sud-ouest européen (TRANSBIO SUDOE)

Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

La spécialisation du territoire SUDOE dans le secteur de la bioéconomie peut améliorer la conjoncture actuelle de l'espace. C'est une activité qui favorise la compétitivité et la création d'emplois qualifiés liée à de multiples secteurs.À cet effet, le projet TRANSBIO SUDOE vise à répondre à cet objectif en transformant les résultats de la recherche en réalités économiques dans le cadre du domaine ...
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Le projet FI4VDI propose une infrastructure informatique sur le nuage (Cloud Computing) en utilisant les ressources disponibles de différents centres de calcul intensif situés dans le territoire de l'espace SUDOE, afin d'assurer la protection des données des utilisateurs, la conformité, et la sécurité des données. Le lancement de ce service entraînera l'amélioration de la compétitivité et des écon ...
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ENERMASS répond à la problématique d'absence de cluster entrepreneurial à périmètre SUDOE sur la thématique de la valorisation énergétique de la biomasse (chaîne de la bioénergie), avec comme corollaire une valorisation inégale des déchets dans les PME, une moindre cohérence industrielle (déchets versus produits nobles) et une moindre innovation dans les solutions proposées par les entreprises du ...
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Amputation of a limb is a surgical intervention used as a last resort to remove irreparably damaged, diseased, or congenitally malformed limbs where retention of the limb is a threat to the well-being of the individual. The procedure traumatically alters the body image, but often leaves sensations that refer to the missing body part, the phantom limb. In 50-80% of cases, these sensations are painf ...
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"The consortium behind AGROBIOFILM project – a group of European SME suppliers and users of agricultural plastics – wishes to address a major market opportunity through the development and performance demonstration of mulch films that would be able to fulfill the three main following requirements: to be more environmentally friendly (i.e; biodegradable in soil without containing a high content in ...
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"CRYSTAL2PLATE is a coherent training and career development platform for early stage and experienced scientists in Geodynamics. It involves 6 European research teams internationally recognized for their excellence in complementary fields of Earth Sciences, 2 high-technology SME, and 2 multinational companies in the oil and gas industry. It places emphasis in experience-based training through cro ...
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The objective is to develop radically innovative electrical insulating tapes and process to improve the energy conversion efficiency of electrotechnical systems. It mainly addresses the electric power generation issue. Today, the energy conversion efficiency of generators is restricted by (i) thermal as well as (ii) electrical strength limitations due to the electrical insulator tapes themselves. ...
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Mitigating ADverse Ecological impacts of open ocean fisheries (MADE)

Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2012,

"A particular attention has been paid worldwide on longline fisheries as they catch considerable amount of by-catch (seabirds, turtles, sharks, etc.). Seabird and turtles by-catch mitigation methods have now been established in many fisheries worldwide, but similar efforts must be put to reduce by-catch of sharks. In the same ecosystems, another issue attracts the attention of international tuna c ...
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El proyecto TRAIN² se propone crear un espacio consolidado de investigación, innovación y educación en el ámbito de la nanociencia y nanotecnología en el territorio SUDOE. Se pretende coordinar las infraestructuras de investigación de vanguardia y los centros de investigación en estos campos emergentes para mejorar la competitividad científica y la transferencia tecnológica y permitir así identifi ...
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ARAKNES stems from the innovative idea to transfer the technologies of bi-manual laparoscopic surgery to the endoluminal surgical approach, thus further reducing the operative trauma and enhancing the therapeutic outcome of minimally invasive surgical procedures for morbid obesity and gastro-esophageal reflux. The worldwide number of bypass surgeries for obesity is predicted to rise up to 1.3 mill ...
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Intervention strategies against malaria (InterMalTraining)

Start date: Oct 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2012,

Malaria exacts a devastating social and economic cost across the globe. Europe is at the forefront of the battle against this disease. It contains many of the leading malaria research groups, most of which are members of at least one of two consortia; BioMalPar, a Network of Excellence focused on basic research into the biology and pathology of malaria; and AntiMal, an integrated project aiming ...
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Mediterranean Intermittent River Management (MIRAGE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2011,

"The implementation of the WFD in catchments with temporary rivers presents a significant challenge for watershed managers. The MIRAGE project will, for the first time, comprehensively investigate the applicability of specific management options under the characteristic flush and drought conditions of temporary streams. Through investigations in seven basins, MIRAGE will provide a framework for ma ...
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"FUNENTECH intends to reinforce technology transfer of Ultra High Pressure Homogenising (UHPH) processing to SME of liquid-food and cosmetic sectors. The Consortium is constituted by five SME and four RTD partners: Stansted Fluid Power Ltd (UHPH equipment); Nectina S.A. (vegetable milks); NAHO Cosmetics (innovative cosmetics); ABbiotics (biotechnology); Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Uni ...
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The SensHy proposal focuses on novel photonic gas sensors for the detection of hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons can be detected most sensitively in the 3.0 to 3.6 µm wavelength range. Two particular challenging applications with significant market potential are investigated within the project. Unfortunately there are no application grade semiconductor lasers in this wavelength range yet: On the short-wa ...
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El proyecto propone tratar la problemática medioambiental ligada al desarrollo de las algas invasoras, a su limitación en el medio y a los impactos de esta eliminación sobre la calidad del medio y sobre la biodiversidad. ECO-LAGUNES tiene por objetivo demostrar que la gestión medioambiental de los medios acuáticos de las marismas puede garantizar el desarrollo de una actividad económica sostenible ...
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