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ALUFIX proposes an original strategy for the development of aluminium-based materials involving damage mitigation and extrinsic self-healing concepts exploiting the new opportunities of the solid-state friction stir process. Friction stir processing locally extrudes and drags material from the front to the back and around the tool pin. It involves short duration at moderate temperatures (typically ...
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Force nanoscopy of staphylococcal biofilms (NanoStaph)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2021,

Staphylococcus aureus is a leading cause of hospital-acquired infections, which are often complicated by the ability of this pathogen to grow as biofilms on indwelling medical devices. Because biofilms protect the bacteria from host defenses and are resistant to many antibiotics, biofilm-related infections are difficult to fight and represent a tremendous burden on our healthcare system. Today, a ...
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Hexahedral mesh generation in real time (HEXTREME)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2021,

Over one million finite element analyses are preformed in engineering offices every day and finite elements come with the price of mesh generation. This proposal aims at creating two breakthroughs in the art of mesh generation that will be directly beneficial to the finite element community at large. The first challenge of HEXTREME is to take advantage of the massively multi-threaded nature of mod ...
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In survival analysis investigators are interested in modeling and analysing the time until an event happens. It often happens that the available data are right censored, which means that only a lower bound of the time of interest is observed. This feature complicates substantially the statistical analysis of this kind of data. The aim of this project is to solve a number of open problems related t ...
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Children in multi-local post-separation families (MobileKids)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2021,

This project focuses on the experience of two cohorts of children aged 10 and 13 at the beginning of the study and who are living in multi-local, post-separation families in Belgium, in France and in Italy, that is, families where the mother and the father are either divorced or separated, live in different households in the same country, and share the physical custody of their child(ren). A major ...
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Land is a nexus for crucial societal and environmental challenges including food security, access to water, land degradation, biodiversity loss, and climate change. Development of solutions to balance these tradeoffs and synergies is currently hindered by the lack of theories explaining the conditions under which different pathways of land change occur and lead to different outcomes, integrating h ...
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We propose a European Training Network that will provide a total of 540 ESR-months of training in Monte Carlo event generator physics and techniques, and related applications in experimental particle physics.Monte Carlo event generators are central to high energy particle physics. They are used by almost all experimental collaborations to plan their experiments and analyze their data, and by theo ...
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"The BIOCYCLE Project proposes to test and critically assess the benefits and risks of an innovative regimen for improving the treatment of Crohn’s disease (CD), a chronic immune-mediated inflammatory disease affecting the gastro-intestinal tract of an increasing number of patients. Currently, the combination of anti-TNFα monoclonal antibodies and immunosuppressants used without interruption is th ...
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Regulatory T lymphocytes (Tregs) inhibit immune responses and are required to maintain immune tolerance. Tregs express membrane protein GARP, which displays latent TGF-β1 on the cell surface. Immunosuppression by human Tregs appears to require GARP-mediated activation of TGF-β1.My objectives are to unravel the molecular aspects of TGF-β1 activation by GARP and determine the functional importance o ...
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ES-Cat will use directed evolution as a tool to reproduce Nature's remarkable ability to generate molecular machines - in particular enzymes – that perform at levels near perfection. Instead of seeing rational and combinatorial approaches as alternatives, we combine them in this network to achieve a ‘smarter’ and more efficient exploration of protein sequence space. By harnessing the forces of Dar ...
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MetaMaterials antenna for ultra-high field MRI (M-CUBE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

M-Cube aims at changing the paradigm of High-Field MRI and Ultra High-Field antennas to offer a much better insight on the human body and enable earlier detection of diseases. Our main objective is to go beyond the limits of MRI clinical imaging and radically improve spatial and temporal resolutions. The clinical use of High-field MRI scanners is drastically limited due to the lack of homogeneity ...
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TRANSlating the role of Mitochondria in Tumorigenesis (TRANSMIT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

The consolidation of the knowledge that cancer is not only a genetic, but also a metabolic disease, has led scientists to investigate the intricate metabolic plasticity that transformed cells must undergo to survive the adverse tumor microenvironment conditions, and the contribution of oncogenes and tumor suppressors in shaping metabolism. In this scenario, genetic, biochemical and clinical eviden ...
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Sustainable food security and increasing availability of plant biomass for human nutrition and bioindustries is the key challenge for the coming decades. The analysis of crop performance with respect to structure, function, quality and interaction with the environment (“phenotyping”) remains the bottleneck for the exploitation of crop genetic diversity required for the enhancement of plant product ...
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The global goal of the CYBERLEGs Plus Plus project is to validate the technical and economic viability of the powered robotic ortho-prosthesis developed within the framework of the FP7-ICT-CYBERLEGs project as a means to enhance/restore the mobility of transfemoral amputees and to enable them to perform locomotion tasks such as ground-level walking, walking up and down slopes, climbing/descending ...
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Expectations and Social Influence Dynamics in Economics (ExSIDE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

Expectations play a crucial role in determining the behaviour of many economic decision makers. The recent financial and economic crisis has highlighted the importance of expectation dynamics for economic development, the success of firm strategies and public policies. The Innovative Training Network ExSIDE aims at improving our understanding of the role of expectation formation and social influen ...
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Train2Target is a multidisciplinary European Training Network built to address the challenge of the discovery of alternative antimicrobials. Innovative strategies to deliver a next generation of drugs are urgently needed. The alarming threats and spread of multi-drug resistant bacteria is currently leaving clinicians with very limited options to combat infections especially those from Gram-negativ ...
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Arctic climate change increases the need of a growing number of stakeholders for trustworthy weather and climate predictions, both within the Arctic and beyond. APPLICATE will address this challenge and develop enhanced predictive capacity by bringing together scientists from academia, research institutions and operational prediction centres, including experts in weather and climate prediction and ...
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Mathematical Structures in Scattering Amplitudes (MathAm)

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2020,

Among the most important mathematical quantities of interest in high-energy particle physics are the so-called scattering amplitudes, which allow us to make predictions for physical observables. Despite their importance, performing explicit computations of scattering amplitudes is still one of the bottlenecks of high-energy physics, mostly due to the complexity of the integrals involved and a lack ...
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Patients with cardiovascular risk factors, e.g. hypertension and obesity are at risk of developing heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), a highly prevalent disease in the elderly, mostly women population. There is currently no specific, defined treatment for HFpEF, beyond control of risk factors. Activation of cardiac and vascular Beta3-adrenergic receptors (B3AR) represents a ne ...
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BRIdges the GAp for Innovations in Disaster resilience (BRIGAID)

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2020,

Recent studies from the IPCC indicate that Europe is particularly prone to increased risks of river and coastal floods, droughts resulting in water restrictions and damages from extreme weather such as heat events and wildfires. Evaluations also show a huge potential to reduce these risks with novel adaptation strategies. Researchers, innovators and incubators develop innovative products and servi ...
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Most older adults have multiple chronic diseases (multimorbidity) and multiple medications (polypharmacy). However, multimorbid patients are often excluded from clinical trials and most guidelines address diseases in isolation. Inappropriate drug prescription and poor drug compliance are common and contribute to up to 30% of hospital admissions. OPERAM investigators developed STOPP/START criteria ...
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Implementing cryptography on embedded devices is an ongoing challenge: every year new implementation flaws are discovered and new attack paths are being used by real life adversaries. Whilst cryptography can guarantee many security properties, it crucially depends on the ability to keep the used keys secret even in face of determined adversaries. Over the last two decades a new type of adversary h ...
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DEMOSTAF (DEMOgraphy-STatistics-for-Africa) brings together European and African research institutes as well as non academic African national statistics offices (NSOs) in a staff exchange programme, for a period of 48 months, with the aim to advance research on emerging population issues in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). DemoStAf is built around four major population-related themes: fertility, mortalit ...
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Evolution of Copernicus Land Services based on Sentinel data (ECoLaSS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

The Copernicus programme, coordinated and managed by the European Commission, delivers environmental information (largely based on Earth Observation satellite data) in the form of Copernicus Services, addressing six thematic areas: Land, Marine, Atmosphere, Climate Change, Emergency Management and Security. The new Sentinel satellites, recently extended through the successful launch of Sentinel-3, ...
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The present situation of nuclear energy in Europe asks for a continuing effort in the field of Education and Training aimed to assure a qualified workforce in the next decades. In this scenario, the present proposal is aimed at enhancing and networking the Europe-wide efforts initiated in the past decades by different organisations belonging to academia, research centres and industry to maintain a ...
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Lightweight Computation for Networks at the Edge (LightKone)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

The goal of LightKone is to develop a scientifically sound and industrially validated model for doing general-purpose computation on edge networks. An edge network consists of a large set of heterogeneous, loosely coupled computing nodes situated at the logical extreme of a network. Common examples are networks of Internet of Things, mobile devices, personal computers, and points of presence inclu ...
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Advanced aRchitectures for ultra-thin high-efficiency CIGS solar cells with high Manufacturability (ARCIGS-M)This project´s goal is advanced materials and nanotechnologies for novel CIGS PV device architectures with efficiencies ≥ 23.0 %, thus beyond that of the current state-of-the-art technologies. The technology targets the BIPV sector and enables several innovative solutions for BIPV.The novel ...
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Effective EU support to a large external crisis requires new approaches. In response to this challenge and to identified user and market needs from previous projects, Reaching Out proposes an innovative multi-disciplinary approach that will optimize the efforts, address a wide spectrum of users and maximize market innovation success.This approach results in five main objectives: to1. Develop a Col ...
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The goal of PRIMAVERA is to deliver novel, advanced and well-evaluated high-resolution global climate models (GCMs), capable of simulating and predicting regional climate with unprecedented fidelity, out to 2050. This capability will deliver innovative climate science and a new generation of advanced Earth System Models. Sector-specific end-users in policy and business will be identified and engag ...
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MOVE-IN LOUVAIN: Incoming Post-doc Fellowships (MOVE-IN LOUVAIN)

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2019,

"Building upon the success of the current ""IPoD"" programme, the partner institutions (Université Saint-Louis (USaint-Louis), Université de Namur (UNamur), Université catholique de Louvain (UCL)) launch a new programme called “MOVE-IN LOUVAIN”.This programme, which is targeted at incoming researchers, aims at reinforcing the international dimension of the partner institutions by supporting highly ...
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With the 2012 discovery of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider, LHC, the Standard Model of particle physics has been completed, emerging as a most successful description of matter at the smallest distance scales. But as is always the case, the observation of this particle has also heralded the dawn of a new era in the field: particle physics is now turning to the mysteries posed by the pr ...
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Precise Higgs Properties in the LHC Era (HiggsEFTatNLO)

Start date: Sep 1, 2017, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

"The observation of the Higgs boson at the LHC in 2012 was a defining moment for particle physics in the 21st century. As a result of this groundbreaking discovery, one of the top priorities of the European Strategy for Particle Physics is a programme to "measure this particle’s properties with the highest possible precision", in order to uncover the nature of electroweak symmetry breaking. The ce ...
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This research project aims to understand the organizational and cognitive consequences of the election of specific national political representatives by citizens living abroad. The proposal is based on a comparative analysis of two expatriate populations with such rights, Italians and French, in two host countries, Belgium and Canada. The focus of the research is the motivations, representations a ...
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European Joint Doctorate in Functional Materials Research (EJD-FunMat)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2019,

EJD-FunMat is a European Joint Doctoral programme in the field of functional materials research. EJD-FunMat is embedded in an existing research network, with previous experience in co-tutelle doctorates, but the project will add new major elements, with the strategic aim of becoming a permanent reference European Joint Doctoral School in Materials Science and beyond.The key innovative aspects of t ...
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This proposal describes the exploration of properties of the top quark for the study of Standard Model physics and tests of physics beyond the Standard model. Research will be conducted starting from the data of 13 TeV run of the Large Hadron Collider with particular focus on the determination of the top quark mass and other observables that might be sensitive to subtle new physics, which hides in ...
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The key therapeutic issue in diabetes mellitus type I and II is glycaemic control. Reductions of constant self-control, of insulin injections, and of long-term complications would have tremendous benefit for quality of life. The best therapy option is the transplantation of allogeneic islet cells, but the current state of the art limits the applicability of this approach. Implanting unprotected gr ...
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Particle physics is at the forefront of the ERA, attracting a global community of more than 10,000 scientists. With the upgrade of the LHC and the preparation of new experiments, the community will have to overcome unprecedented challenges in order to answer fundamental questions concerning the Higgs boson, neutrinos, and physics beyond the Standard Model. Major developments in detector technology ...
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One of the most striking demonstrations of experience-dependent plasticity comes from studies of blind individuals showing that the occipital cortex (traditionally considered as purely visual) massively changes its functional tuning to support the processing of non-visual inputs. These mechanisms of crossmodal plasticity, classically considered compensatory, inevitably raise crucial challenges for ...
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MYRRHA Research and Transmutation Endeavour (MYRTE)

Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2019,

The Strategic Research Agenda of the EU Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technical platform requires new large infrastructures for its successful deployment. MYRRHA has been identified as a long term supporting research facility for all ESNII systems and as such put in the high-priority list of ESFRI. The goal of MYRTE is to perform the necessary research in order to demonstrate the feasibility of trans ...
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The thermal-hydraulics Simulations and Experiments for the Safety Assessment of Metal cooled reactor (SESAME) project supports the development of European liquid metal cooled reactors (ASTRID, ALFRED, MYRRHA, SEALER). The project focusses on pre-normative, fundamental, safety-related, challenges for these reactors with the following objectives:• Development and validation of advanced numerical app ...
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