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31 European Projects Found

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The RUGGEDISED project will create urban spaces powered by secure, affordable and clean energy, smart electro-mobility, smart tools and services. The overall aims are:1. Improving the quality of life of the citizens, by offering the citizens a clean, safe, attractive, inclusive and affordable living environment.2. Reducing the environmental impacts of activities, by achieving a significant reducti ...
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A key EU policy aims to reduce the Union dependency on raw materials imports, in particular (candidate) Critical Raw Materials that are vital for the EU innovative technologies. Topic SC5-11c-2015 scope focuses on “developing new highly-automated technological sustainable solutions for deep mining … in the sea bed combined with in-situ processing of minerals”. An existing but challenging raw mater ...
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The NextBase project, involving 8 research institutions and 6 companies, deals with the development of innovative high-performance c-Si solar cells and modules based on the interdigitated back-contacted silicon heterojunction (IBC-SHJ) solar cell concept targeting cells with efficiency above 26.0% and corresponding solar modules with efficiency above 22.0%. In particular, a number of new design an ...
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Particle Reduced, Efficient Gasoline Engines (PaREGEn)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2019,

PaREGEn addresses the short term scope of the GV-02 call via research into and the innovation of gasoline engines for light duty vehicles. Specifically, engines used in mid to premium passenger cars will be addressed. With the electrification smaller vehicles, focusing on larger cars is especially important: the need for clean, efficient & economic engines for inter-urban transport is more urgent ...
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Portable Nano-Particle Emission Measurement System (PEMs4Nano)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2019,

The PEMs4Nano project (P4N) addresses the development (based on current direct injection gasoline engines) of measurement procedures down to 10nm, providing a contribution to future regulation on particle emissions, in particular in real driving conditions. The activities planned in the project will also support the understanding, measurement and regulation of particle emissions below 23 nm (with ...
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The next generation water electrolysers must achieve better dynamic behaviour (rapid start-up, fast response, wider load and temperature ranges) to provide superior grid-balancing services and thus address the steep increase of intermittent renewables interfaced to the grid. The HPEM2GAS project will develop a low cost PEM electrolyser optimised for grid management through both stack and balance o ...
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Climate Resilient Cities and Infrastructures (RESIN)

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

With most of its population and capital goods concentrated in urban areas, cities are key to the European economy. One of the major challenges cities face are more frequent extreme weather events due to climate change.The current diversity of approaches and methods available for cities developing an adaptation strategy limits the comparability between cities of vulnerabilities, adaptation option ...
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Achieving a well integrated, optimal performing transport infrastructure network in Europe is a key element in the White Paper on Transport’s overall ambition for a single European Transport Area in 2050. As such it complements and supports the pillars on efficient and sustainable transport means and operations. The required integration and enhancement of the European transport infrastructure netw ...
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Smart-Rail has established the following objectives that are aligned with the requirements of the topic MG 2.2 and the various policy objectives:•Introduce a wide set of innovative measures aiming to improve the freight rail services offered to the shippers, focusing on five key topics: reliability, lead time, costs, flexibility and visibility. •Contribute to a mental-shift of the rail sector towa ...
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REal World Advanced Technologies foR Diesel Engines (REWARD)

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

The overall objective of the REWARD project is to develop the knowhow, intellectual property rights and technical capabilities to adequately and cost-effectively produce cleaner, highly efficient Diesel powertrains and aftertreatment technologies for future cleaner class A, B, C, D and E passenger cars and light commercial vehicles (LCVs) up to 3,500 kg that “go beyond Euro 6 limits under Real Dri ...
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The ECOCHAMPS project addresses topic GV-4-2014, Hybrid Light and Heavy Duty Vehicles. The work will, in a single coordinated project, address all aspects of this topic and will be conducted by 26 partners representing the European automotive industry (OEMs (EUCAR), suppliers (CLEPA), ESPs and universities (EARPA)) including members of ERTRAC and EGVIA. The objective is to achieve efficient, compa ...
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Heavy Duty Gas Engines integrated into Vehicles (HDGAS)

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

The overall objective of HDGAS is to provide breakthroughs in LNG vehicle fuel systems, natural gas and dual fuel engine technologies as well as aftertreatment systems. The developed components and technologies will be integrated in up to three demonstration vehicles that are representative for long haul heavy duty vehicles in the 40 ton ranges. The demonstration vehicles will: a) comply with the ...
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Earth provides natural resources, such as fossil fuels and minerals, that are vital for Europe´s economy. As the global demand grows, especially for strategic metals, commodity prices rapidly rise and there is an identifiable risk of an increasing supply shortage of some metals, including those identified as critical to Europe's high technology sector. Hence a major element in any economy’s long-t ...
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Today trucks are designed and optimised towards a limited variance set of usage and for maximum payload. Future trucks-trailers are easily adaptable for each freight, load and mission. And, in the operation phase, the vehicle combination automatically adjusts itself to the actual driving environment (i.e. traffic situation, topology, and payload). This option has large potential to contribute to t ...
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SuMMiT brings value to Europe by demonstration of large lightweight PV modules with record power output, lowest installation cost, lowest PV system cost and lowest carbon footprint in a secure way, i.e. certified performance, quality and durability, protected by patents and proprietary knowhow.SuMMiT combines and demonstrates three step-change innovations: 1. COSMOS PV module design, i.e. a large ...
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"The ultimate goal of the CIVITAS Initiative is to achieve “Cleaner and Better Transport in Cities”. Since 2002, a growing number of cities are interested to participate in the CIVITAS Initiative as demonstrator, learner or supporter of innovation in urban transport. The current fourth stage of CIVITAS (called CIVITAS Plus II) will build on the experiences of the previous and on going stages (CIVI ...
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Protection Measures for Merchant Ships (PROMERC)

Start date: Mar 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

There is a bewildering array of ongoing actions in the field of countering pirate assaults and there are a large number of options available to shipping companies to mitigate the risk of piracy and to deter pirates. However there is scant information regarding their operational effectiveness or the cost benefits of their use, particularly when employed in combination as part of a holistic approach ...
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"The overall objective of the ELASSTIC project is to improve the security and resilience of large scale multifunctional building complexes to natural and man-made disasters by providing a methodology and tools which enable to include security and resilience from the early design and planning phase of such projects.The ELASSTIC concept proposed is based upon the following key features:1) A comprehe ...
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PHAEDRUS addresses the complete scope and objectives of Topic SP1-JTI-FCH.2011.1.8. A new concept and new technologies for a hydrogen retail refuelling system are developed.The major objective is to develop and validate a new concept for 70 MPa hydrogen refuelling retail stations by showing the applicability of electrochemical hydrogen compression technology in combination with a PEM electrolyser, ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

RESFOOD adresses on the most important topics in the food chain food towards resource efficient and safe food production and processing, leading to maximised resource productivity and recycling and re-use of valuable materials by research and demonstration of the proposed green solutions: Increased output with reduced input.Many natural resources (e.g. minerals, water, soil, biomass, land and fue ...
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In recent years, the effort in thin-film silicon (TFSi) was made at solving industrialization issues. In 2010, several companies demonstrated 10% stable modules (> 1 m²). The major “bricks” for efficient production are now in place. Next challenges are linked to the fact that TFSi multi-junction devices, allowing for higher efficiency, are complex devices, in which the substrate geometry and each ...
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"Worldwide, there is a strong trend towards highly efficient, low (preferably zero) emission vehicles, i.e. electrical vehicles. In order to facilitate the transition from conventional fuel-driven vehicles towards electrically driven vehicles, there is a short(er) term need for advanced electrical vehicles with range extenders and/or advanced plug-in hybrids.For this purpose, highly efficient, com ...
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According to the World Health Organisation Global status report on road safety 2009, pedestrians account for more than 19% of road fatalities in the EU-27. It is well known that most accidents with pedestrians are caused by the driver being in alert or misinterpretation of the situation. For that reason advanced forward looking integration safety systems have a high potential to improve safety for ...
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Support Action for Evaluation and Monitoring of CIVITAS Plus (POINTER)

Start date: Sep 15, 2008, End date: Nov 14, 2013,

CIVITAS POINTER is the Support Action to support cities and the EC with the monitoring (1) evaluation (2) of the whole CIVITAS Plus action. Objectives of CIVITAS POINTER are: 1. Independent formal monitoring of the project deliverables and reports from the demonstration projects and provision of specialist and independent advice to the European Commission; 2. Independent overall cross-site eva ...
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Navigational system for efficient maritime transport (Navtronic)

Start date: Oct 1, 2009, End date: Jul 31, 2013,

There is a strong interest in the maritime community to optimize sailing time (expected time of arrival), reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions and minimize maintenance cost. The objective of this project is to develop a sail planning system to help sea masters optimize these criteria. The proposed solution mimics the current human sail planning process. It will use ship specific da ...
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Thoracic injury assessment for improved vehicle safety (THORAX)

Start date: Feb 1, 2009, End date: Apr 30, 2013,

"About 41,600 people were killed and more than 1.7 million injured in European road accidents in 2005. Although the number of road fatalities has declined by more than 17% since 2001, more efforts will have to be made if the EC's targets on reduction of road fatalities and injuries are to be met. The THORAX Project will focus on reduction and prevention of thoracic injuries, one of the dominant ca ...
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Coordination of Vehicle and Road Safety Initiatives (COVER)

Start date: Apr 1, 2009, End date: Mar 31, 2013,

"In 2005, around 41,600 people were killed and more than 1.7 million injured in European road accidents. Although the number of road fatalities has declined by more than 17% since 2001, greater efforts will have to be made if the European Commission’s target of halving the number of deaths on the roads by 2010 is to be met. To realise the targets for road safety in the future, stakeholders indicat ...
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... built with industry partners, AVL as engine supplier, BOSCH as component supplier, Volvo (passenger cars) and ALTRA (IVECO light commercial) as end-user and research institutes, CRF and Chalmers and Uniresearch as service provider."
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"ASSESS mobilises the European research community and car industry to develop a relevant set of test and assessment methods applicable to a wide range of integrated vehicle safety systems. Methods will be developed for driver behavioural aspects, pre crash sensing performance and crash performance under conditions influenced by pre crash driver and vehicle actions. The gained know-how will be impl ...
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"Sustainable water use in industry is the goal of AquaFit4Use, by a cross-sectorial, integrated approach. The overall objectives are: the development and implementation of new, reliable, cost-effective technologies, tools and methods for sustainable water supply, use and discharge in the main water consuming industries in order to significantly reduce water use, mitigate environmental impact and ...
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...omization, testing, calibration, and validation activates ensuring fulfillment of their aspirations of protecting their high-value maritime assets. The R&D partners represents SMEs (MARSS, ACS, NURC, UNIRESEARCH), university (Chalmers University of Technology), Defense Research Institutes (FFI, NURC) and a classification society (DNV)."
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