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Static Acoustic Monitoring of the Baltic Sea Harbour porpoise (SAMBAH)

Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

Background The Baltic Sea subpopulation of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) is small and has been drastically reduced in recent decades. The species is listed in Annexes II and IV of the Habitats Directive as well as in the national red lists of several Member States. This, in combination with a complex of threats and problems that are still fairly po ...
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A study on fatal accidents of professional drivers in Finland (Laapotti & Peräaho 2011) has revealed that the risks in loading and securing of cargo comprised 12 % of all vehicular risk factors. This was more than the proportion of risks connected to tires and brakes together (10 %). Europe is an area where goods and products can move around freely, without any checks at the national borders. Thi ...
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Ecologically Friendly Port

Start date: Nov 30, 2012, End date: Nov 29, 2014,

Project overall objectives are improving the environmental status of the Eastern part of the Gulf of Finland by establishing close cooperation between citizens, port actors and authorities on the base of green value, green economy and ecological mentality aimed at sustainable regional development. Improving ability of the ports to combine sustainable growth and development of the environmental pro ...
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MIMO has its starting point in the fact of social exclusion as a problem emerging among youth across Europe. There are cross-border issues of youth alienation, low level of school attractiveness, students extremely low feeling of subjective wellbeing, frequency of acts of school violence and the changing demographics regarding youth multiculturalism and diversity. It is addressed in research that ...
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The traditional Baltic island sheep are not widely appreciated, although small-scale sheep keeping is a traditional activity for islanders and perfect for Natura/nature protection areas, where extensive farming is forbidden due to environmental considerations. Sheep is fairly unknown as a simultaneous source of meat, wool, and landscape design. Typically, sheep farming is polarized; targeting eith ...
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CHALLENGES: The competition for international job-seekers, especially professionals and students (called “expats” in this application) and the ethnic diversity in the CBSR are increasing fast as a result of globalisation. Facilitating and increasing the interaction among individuals with widely different backgrounds are key priorities for community development in Europe and is critical for maintai ...
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Overall objective of the project is to build the public understanding about the economical and technical benefits on the use of biomass for energy production, based on studies of biomass availability, technical-economic aspects and environmental protection. In order to achieve the project aims there are defined following tasks: 1. To make the resource assessment analysis on regionally available b ...
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The archipelagos in Aland, South-West Finland and in the Swedish coast are unique environments which have immeasurable cultural, social, ecological and economical values. The sources of livelihood as well as quality of life in the archipelagos are largely dependent on the purity of the nature and thus a large oil spill could be destructive for both nature and people. Despite general shallowness ...
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Oil transportation in the Baltic Sea and Gulf of Finland poses transnational risks to the marine environment. Maritime oil transportation is also vulnerable to security threats, an area of less attention in the Baltic Sea. Traditionally, improvements to maritime safety regulation have realized only after major accidents. Post-accident policies are not very comprehensive and may be biased by the ch ...
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zation of the diabetes treatment would mean remarkable savings in the healthcare budget. People suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes have to use large amounts of their energy, time and money in their lifetime to treat their illness. A mistreated disease can weaken a person’s health and quality of life in a severe way. It would be necessary to a patient to have different forms of treatm ...
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Maritime transport constitutes a vitally important part of trade and services for the countries around the Baltic Sea and Europe. Baltic shipping is constantly growing and some of the busiest shipping routes in the world go through the Baltic Sea. Consequently, the sensitive environment of the Baltic Sea is threatened by increasing pollution from the shipping industry. Through international agreem ...
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Interreg IIIA interdisciplinary ”Reed Strategy in Estonia and Finland” project brought out the concept of integrated coastal planning and Reed Strategy in 2007. It created a framework for wider utilization and gave an idea for the new project, which focuses on the bioenergy production with reed, and looks for new ways to use reed in the construction industry. COFREEN-project delves deep into utili ...
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Centralbaltic Job Ferry (CB Job Ferry)

Start date: Apr 30, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2013,

The overall objective of the current proposed project, correlated with the global objectives of the Central Baltic cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013, is to intensify the cross-border cooperation of all labour market participants in the common border region in a socially and economically sustainable way meant to support the development of a cross-border labour market. Specifically the p ...
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Virtual Elderly Care Services on the Baltic Islands (VIRTU)

Start date: Apr 30, 2010, End date: Mar 31, 2013,

The Baltic Islands are facing many challenges on the social, political and economical level. The social and health care sector is strongly influenced by the demographic changes, struggling with the challenge of ensuring equal services for rural and urban areas with limited budgetary conditions. The ageing population, long distances and the possible lack of qualified work force are common challenge ...
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SUSBIO aims at added sustainability in the food value chain referring to agricultural production, food processing, logistics, consumption and disposal of a product including both solid waste management and waste water management. The added sustainability is achieved by improved material efficiency in the whole food value chain and by fractionating value-added components from edible materials and u ...
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ImPrim – a Primary Health Care flagship project. There are substantial health differences between the countries in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). These inequalities have a relationship to social problems. The ImPrim project aims at promoting equitably distributed high quality Primary Health Care services in the BSR in order to increase the cost-efficiency of the public health system and more efficie ...
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Based on an existing framework of ship exhaust emission estimation, SNOOP aims to take the strategic evaluation of ship emission effects to a new level by enlargement the scope from nitrogen oxides to SOx, PM, CO, CO2 emissions. The cause-effect chains are studied by monitoring ambient air quality and estimating its human health effects in harbour areas, by modelling the nitrogen input from ship e ...
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U. of Turku in FI has contacts with many EE organizations. In many meetings, the question of nature protection has raised up. There are several old parks in both countries, and their re-establishment would make them more attractive for plants, animals and visitors. Cultural background and historic development of parks are quite different in EE and FI, but there are similar problems like how to add ...
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There is a general concern about the state and the future of the Baltic Sea. The most alarming issue is eutrophication, but also alien species, and oil and chemical freighting present serious threats to the region. Some political steps in national and EU-level to react to the challenge have been taken. In order to change the course joint actions and shared responsibility are needed. In addition to ...
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Agriculture is the largest anthropogenic source of nutrients (N and P) enhancing eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. The reduction of agricultural nutrient load depends on the reduction of emissions from animal and crop production as well as on the enhancement of nutrient retention in the watershed. Available evidence suggests that improving retention processes have a greater potential for reducing ...
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moting Natural Materials know-how (ProNatMat)

Start date: Aug 31, 2009, End date: Jul 31, 2012,

Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS) with the other Finnish partners has worked with natural materials for several years and Estonian Heritage Society (SRIK) has experience from the year 2001. The idea about the joint project arose from the common interest and need to develop cooperation. ProNatMat promotes natural material know-how in Finland and in Estonia and between these countries. T ...
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The development of attractive island communities requires competitiveness and innovation. It also requires the development and recognition of island communities and the archipelago as a whole, in regional, economical, and political terms. Because of the geographic heterogeneity of the islands as well as the regional inequality within the archipelago, flexible work arrangements offer one possibil ...
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Minimization of Wastewater Loads at Sparsely Populated Areas (MINWA)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2012,

Baltic Sea Region. The quality of groundwater is threatened due to the risk of contamination from untreated waste waters. By qualified handling of waste waters it is possible to reduce the nutrient load and hygienic problems. The handling of sludge from treatment plants is also becoming a problem. Optimization of sludge handling can result in notable benefits. This project aims to promote educatio ...
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BaltFood integrates local, regional and national food cluster organisations in six countries around the Baltic Sea into one food cluster. The cooperation focuses on enhancing the competitiveness of the BSR food industry to become the European source for valuable and affordable food products. The food industry has developed into one of the strongest business sectors in the BSR characterized by high ...
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The traffic flow in the Baltic Sea Region rises immediately and several studies forecast an ongoing dynamic growth in the upcoming years. Ports can benefit from this growth if they do not serve as water-gates only but also create Value Added Services (VAS) on the goods handled. In order to implement the most efficient VAS in the respective ports it is vital to acquire information regarding the kin ...
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Reed strategy in Finland and Estonia

Start date: Mar 14, 2005, End date: Feb 27, 2008,

The goal of the project is to create sustainable strategy of the common reed (Phragmites australis) in the coastal areas of Southern Finland and Estonia. In the frame of the project will be planned and carried out interdisciplinary measures in the selected planning areas taking into account different themes such as utilisation, water protection, biodiversity, landscape and culture. The project sha ...
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Connecting Information Professionals WorkLab (CIP WorkLab)

Start date: Dec 31, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

Project strengthens knowledge management of work at library and information services and activates co-operation in the higher education of this sector. The operation models for knowledge development and innovations are created and tested in the participating polytechnic and university libraries and, customer segmented and demand-based service concepts for libraries are developed. The aim is also t ...
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The project idea is to plan and implement a common curriculum concerning student entrepreneurship. The Student Entrepreneurship Model (SEM), created by Turku Polytechnic, will be further developed in cooperation with TUT's lecturers, with the goal to disseminate entrepreneurship knowhow to other universities and company service centres in Estonia. A three-step SEM consists of practice enterprise p ...
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...stomer management and to 2) correspond to the needs of both higher education institutions (HEIs) by developing new properties to TAIP and to test the applicability of TAIP for the environment of Turku Polytechnic.
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RESME consortium develops an innovative multidisciplinary curriculum in continuing education targeted for professionals working in the field of child protection and mental health care. Curriculum covers “a grey terrain” in between two professional sectors, and it is designed together with field actors. It promotes active use of e-learning platform while developing and testing the curriculum with p ...
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As work becomes more dynamic and decentralized, proactive behaviour and initiatives become even more critical determinants of organizational success in Europe. Empirical studies on contracting capabilities (2006-2008) in Finland have shown that in addition to the basic knowledge of law and business, future managers need knowledge, tools and skills essential to the working life today, such as proac ...
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The aim of WelDest is to create a development framework to be used by public bodies, destination management organizations and private companies, when developing holistic health and well- being destinations (H & WB). The project Health and Well-being in Tourism Destination (WelDest) combines the expertise of 6 Higher Education Institutes, 12 industry and 18 associate partners from Austria, Czech ...
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Innovation Competencies Development

Start date: Oct 1, 2011,

Europe 2020 Strategy presents a concept of 'Innovation Union' which is supposed to improve framework conditions and access to finance for research and innovation, so as to ensure that innovative ideas can be turned into products and services that create growth and jobs. There is an urgent need for future professionals who can contribute to the creation of new social, economical, technological and ...
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European Sales Competition

Start date: Oct 1, 2012,

Europe 2020 strategy prioritizes growth as a success factor for the future of the whole Europe. Sales function is in a crucial role when enterprises are implementing their strategies into the practice. However, in Europe enterprises can’t get enough sales professionals with competencies to sell products and services in the international markets. This weakens European companies’ possibilities to gr ...
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Nursing, as a profession, varies greatly across Europe. Partly this is a consequence of significant differences in the way nurses are educated. One indicator of nursing development phase is activeness of qualified nurses in supervision process of student nurses during their clinical placements. A crucial factor within all nurse education systems should be the educational relationship between the s ...
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Rationale:• The ageing population in Europe is drastically growing. This is a socio-economic problem for European societies. • Many retirees are resourceful and wish to make a social contribution to society but do not have the knowledge or the skills to do so• One in six young adults in Europe has not completed upper secondary education and does not have the needed qualifications to obtain a good ...
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This network of cooperating institutions has successfully developed a European Computer Science (ECS) course delivering a bachelors’ degree in 3 years encouraging mobility amongst students at this level. Experience shows that mobility at the masters’ level is lower. Because of their high degree of specialization existing masters’ courses do not encourage students to pursue part of their studies ab ...
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PELLIC (Practice Enterprise for Language Learning & Intercultural Communication) will combine the expertise of six partners in Finland,Great Britain,Germany,Spain and Czech Republic.It is an English language project focusing on English as lingua franca and on intercultural communication. Today's work force needs practical language and intercultural skills relevant to workplace to enhance European ...
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European Master in Computer Science

Start date: Oct 1, 2007,

We wish to expand the socio-technical infrastructure that we have developed for the bachelors’ course to support a similar international masters’ level course, suited not only to traditional learning but also as a source of material for lifelong learning. This project will enable the partners to fully investigate, design and implement a set of provisions that will support graduates, particularly o ...
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The original web-based maritime English learning tool MarEng was finished in the spring 2007 as a result of a transnational Leonardo da Vinci project MarEng. During the first year of its existence, the learning tool was widely taken into use by different user groups (e.g. maritime students and workers) all over the world. However, based on the feedback received, the tool was missing some relevant ...
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