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25 European Projects Found

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Parks, both historic and modern, are intensively managed, high quality environments. They add to the attractiveness and success of cities and regions and to the quality of life for citizens and visitors.The partnership includes many of those cities and regions energetically enhancing and using parks in a wider policy context such as economic development, rural diversification, protection of cultur ...
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Strong cooperation in the scientific area is needed in the Baltic Sea region in order to ensure the competitiveness of the region. There is a new cluster of large-scale research infrastructure (Lund, Hamburg, Berlin and Geesthacht as EU countries and Gachina in Russia) and some more are planned or already under construction (the European XFEL in Hamburg, ESS and Max IV in Lund, Solaris in Krakow). ...
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Maritime sector has always been sensitive for economical changes. During the past years maritime clusters in the Central Baltic region have faced tightened competition, new requirements of environmental protection, structural changes and weakened competitiveness. Maritime clusters play an important role in different sectors of economy and thus its profitability has wide influences to other sectors ...
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CHALLENGES: The competition for international job-seekers, especially professionals and students (called “expats” in this application) and the ethnic diversity in the CBSR are increasing fast as a result of globalisation. Facilitating and increasing the interaction among individuals with widely different backgrounds are key priorities for community development in Europe and is critical for maintai ...
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Building up Availability of SME Internationalisation Services (BASIS)

Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2013,

The operational environment for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) evolves and becomes increasingly international at a quick pace. For example, the export, import, subcontracting, financing and marketing activities of enterprises are more and more often connected to international processes and actors and to their decision-making. It is a well-known fact that strengthening the competitivenes ...
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Oil transportation in the Baltic Sea and Gulf of Finland poses transnational risks to the marine environment. Maritime oil transportation is also vulnerable to security threats, an area of less attention in the Baltic Sea. Traditionally, improvements to maritime safety regulation have realized only after major accidents. Post-accident policies are not very comprehensive and may be biased by the ch ...
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zation of the diabetes treatment would mean remarkable savings in the healthcare budget. People suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes have to use large amounts of their energy, time and money in their lifetime to treat their illness. A mistreated disease can weaken a person’s health and quality of life in a severe way. It would be necessary to a patient to have different forms of treatm ...
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...nvolved parties Determination of quality functions ensuring high promotion of quality attitude and quality assurance in production activities-created and functioning measurement and control centre in Turku and collaboration between measurement centres, scientific institutions and companies in the region Integration of innovation and control centres in the region, development of cross-border collab ...
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Virtual Elderly Care Services on the Baltic Islands (VIRTU)

Start date: Apr 30, 2010, End date: Mar 31, 2013,

The Baltic Islands are facing many challenges on the social, political and economical level. The social and health care sector is strongly influenced by the demographic changes, struggling with the challenge of ensuring equal services for rural and urban areas with limited budgetary conditions. The ageing population, long distances and the possible lack of qualified work force are common challenge ...
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n reduction of the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea today (PRESTO)

Start date: Jun 8, 2011, End date: Mar 7, 2013,

Project PRESTO (Project on Reduction of the Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea Today) tackled the eutrophication which is the main environmental problem of the Baltic Sea. Eutrophication is caused by excess load of nutrients - nitrogen and phosphorus - to the sea mainly from land-based sources.Main objectives and related activities of PRESTO project:1. To improve water quality along River Daugava an ...
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Helsinki-Tallinn Transport and Planning Scenarios (H-TTransPlan)

Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

In Estonia and in Finland the closer integration of the countries is seen important to support competitiveness of the sparsely populated area. The Helsinki-Tallinn twin-city region (HTTCR) is seen as the driver of integration due to proximity of the capitals. Despite vision documents created in all political levels, the region is not yet truly developed together. The project will discuss the imp ...
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BalticSupply (BS) is a transnational project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) Programme. The project addresses the problem that very often markets in the BSR are too small and the fact that SMEs encounter a number of access barriers to European supply markets. These barriers cause competitive disadvantages for Baltic SMEs and th ...
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U. of Turku in FI has contacts with many EE organizations. In many meetings, the question of nature protection has raised up. There are several old parks in both countries, and their re-establishment would make them more attractive for plants, animals and visitors. Cultural background and historic development of parks are quite different in EE and FI, but there are similar problems like how to add ...
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... packages together and presents results in the Central Baltic Book Serie after careful peer cross-sector overviews and seminars. The WPs are also tightly connected via land use/historical analyses of Turku university. Project shall prepare 6 high quality publications, one in English and rest in all 3 languages and hold 8 seminars/mini-seminars. Project shall create internet pages in the website ...
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Learning Communities of Modern Liberal Adult Education (LEMON)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2012,

Liberal adult education has a wide impact in society and influences to social capital and social cohesion, active citizenship and internalization. At the moment liberal adult education needs renewing both in Estonia and in Finland. Nonformal education too must be modernised to better fulfil new expectations of society, region and individuals. Liberal adult education takes seriously promotion of so ...
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Effective public sector action is a cornerstone of spatially balanced and sustainable development in the Baltic Sea Region. Especially rural areas need administrative support for compensating lower economic potentials for the benefit of their population. ASAP created innovative solutions to meet the most urgent challenges for rural development in the Baltic Sea Region in an integrated way: Demogra ...
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Lighthouse Tourism in the Archipelagos of South-West Finland and Estonia

Start date: Mar 31, 2007, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

Lighthouses are interesting tourist resorts, but often difficult to reach. This project will create connections between the various actors administering, exploiting and developing the lighthouses, in order to make the lighthouses easier to reach. This process includes producing directions to the lighthouses. In addition, new products for lighthouse travelling will be produced in Finland and in Est ...
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Interreg IIIB project BSR EAGLE Nature Centres and Environmental Interpretation in the Baltic Sea Region brings together nature interpreters and nature education centres from 10 Baltic Sea Region countries to network and to improve skills.The vision of the project was to improve the role and contribution of nature centres and environmental interpretation as a part of the society's strengthening of ...
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The basic concept of ScanBalt Campus is to deliver a framework for joint activities within ScanBalt Bioregion in knowledge formation and innovation and to increase the visibility of these actions. An important feature of ScanBalt Campus is that despite its focus on Biotech/life sciences, all activities should reflect a holistic view. This means that the educational training should also encompass a ...
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How Europe is educating its entrepreneurs : European countries have different entrepreneurial cultures and these differences are reflected in their VET programmes. The aim of ENTREDU is to tackle this patchwork of cultures to bring a clear and up-to-date view of the situation to all developers of enterprise education and entrepreneurial studies at the vocational level. What ENTREDU can provide is ...
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The OPIFEX project will develop both a learning package and skills test qualification for welders and computer numerical control (CNC) machinery technicians in the metal industry.Following an initial needs analysis reviewing existing on-the-job training practices, standard curricula will be produced to form the basis of a common European training package for on-the-job trainers. The package will c ...
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The original web-based maritime English learning tool MarEng was finished in the spring 2007 as a result of a transnational Leonardo da Vinci project MarEng. During the first year of its existence, the learning tool was widely taken into use by different user groups (e.g. maritime students and workers) all over the world. However, based on the feedback received, the tool was missing some relevant ...
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In its strategic plans for European cooperation on education and training (COM(2008)865), the Commission calls for improved tools and exchange of good practices between Member States to further reform education and training systems in order to meet the common challenges of skill deficits, employability and adequate response to labour needs and thus face global competition. By setting up a European ...
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Disabled people experience significant barriers to social participation and accessing education and employment. Many of them already use ICT to overcome the barriers they would otherwise face. However, ICT can be both an enabler which increases access and participation (opportunities) and a source of additional barriers, depending on how its design and implementation. A Network of 16 European P ...
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Our project responds to the EU policy on (e-) inclusion and trains adult educators to use new technologies (mobile learning, using apps with iphones/smartphones) to increase participation in lifelong learning by marginalized groups – e.g. seniors or migrants - whose traditions or circumstances have not brought them into contact with formal learning or IT skills.This train the trainers course reach ...
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