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7 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

The gSmart initiative develops a network of HEIs with a focus on interdisciplinary ‘Spatial Sciences’, aiming at improving the management of societies, economies and environments through modern geospatial methods and techniques. Space, as Earth’s surface area, is one resource in our world we cannot increase, and thus needs careful management for a minimum of conflicts. Places define the location o ...
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CANEM2 will enable and organize mobility of 135 CA nationals to EU universities and 5 European Staff to CA universities. Each of the 15 CA partner-universities will send to EU partner-universities undergraduate, masters, doctoral, post-doc students and staff members – academic/administrative. This mobility will have significant impact on the capacity of CA partner universities. The main instrumen ...
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Euro-Asian Cooperation for Excellence and Advancement 2 is a continuation of an on-going project Euro-Asian CEA. The project follows the EM guidelines, balanced cover geographical area of regions in EU and Central Asia and answers to the regional needs in terms of thematic fields of study for lot 9. The proposal is based on the concentrated experience from initial project and will with advanced st ...
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The broad aim of TuCAHEA is to contribute to building a CA Higher Education Area, aligned with the EHEA, able to take into account and valorise the specific needs and potentials of the Region and of the partner countries, thus responding to the needs of the higher education community and society at large.The project is organised as a CA Tuning Process based on the methodology developed worldwide b ...
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The overall objective of the MEDET project is to support the modernisation of higher education in Turkmenistan and development of national Health Care through high quality institutional cooperation, successful experience in managing Tempus projects in Turkmenistan and introduction of innovative education in the field of telemedicine.The specific objectives of the project are:◊ To effectively devel ...
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...universities, will prepare special courses, devoted to quality issues, and by this way will spread accepted knowledge within colleagues in Turkmenistan.Project sustainability will be supported by the Ministry of Education. Formal approval of the quality standards will give possibility to the Agency to continue its work beyond the lifetime of the project.
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... have also being carefully chosen as being HEIs eager to learn about the know-how to be transferred and to spread it, as it has been clear during the drafting of this Application. The presence of the Ministry of Education of TM guarantees the impact of the work to be done. The consortium is completed with sucessfull stories of internationalisation, like the Municipality of Lucena or the CEMER. The ...
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