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...on and media interventions that will be tested utilizing wide scale experience sampling methodology. This project aspires to bridge the gap between basic and applied science, creating a pioneering, interdisciplinary framework which contributes to existing knowledge on emotion regulation in conflict and implements ways to apply it in real-world circumstances.
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Teaching Excellence in Israel

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

Teaching excellence if of primary importance for the learning environment in higher education. Thus, TEACHEX is a project conceived to contribute to the continuous professional development of academic staff by offering adequate support structures (Centers for Teaching Excellence)and innovative, high-quality, flexible programs designed to promote better teaching and therefore enhanced learning as ...
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Reaserchers' Night Project 2016-2017 in Israel (ERNI2016)

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

Following previous TEN years of successful implementation of European Researchers' Night in Israel we will have:o Venues covering the whole country.o Involvement of the academic community including Israel Ministry of Science, Technology and Space (MOST), all major researchuniversities, leading collages and three science museums.o Awareness campaign at national level managed and funded by the Israe ...
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The asset management industry is a 60 trillion euros industry world wide, with a ratio of assets under management by asset managers to GDP around 100 percent. Despite the prominence of financial intermediaries in financial markets, our understanding of the portfolio delegation relationship, and its equilibrium asset pricing and contracting implications is at its infancy. The recent financial crisi ...
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"Much currently deployed cryptography is designed using more “art'” than “science,” and most of the schemes used in practice lack rigorous justification for their security. While theoretically sound designs do exist, they tend to be quite a bit slower to run and hence are not realistic from a practical point of view. This gap is especially evident in “low-level” cryptographic primitives, which are ...
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In this research we are interested in examining the effects of controlling shareholder diversification on firms’ operating strategies and outcomes. Our project involves the following logical building blocks:
1.Firms vary with respect to the degree of controlling shareholder diversification.
2.Firms’ controlling shareholder diversification feeds into their objective functions and in particular, the ...
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"INFOCORE focuses on the conditions that bring about different media roles in the cycle of conflict and peace building. It generates knowledge on (1) the social processes underlying the production of conflict news, and (2) the inherent dynamics of conflict news contents, (3) in a systematically comparative fashion. Based on this perspective, we identify the conditions under which media play specif ...
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Deep Packet Inspection to Next Generation Network Devices (DPI)

Start date: Nov 1, 2010, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

"Deep packet inspection (DPI) lies at the core of contemporary Network Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems and Web Application Firewall. DPI aims to identify various malware (including spam and viruses), by inspecting both the header and the payload of each packet and comparing it to a known set of patterns. DPI are often performed on the critical path of the packet processing, thus the overall ...
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"By 2025, a quarter of Europeans will be over 65 years old. In everyday life, older adults need to communicate efficiently, yet they often find it more difficult than younger adults to attend to target speech when other people are talking, specifically when operating in their second language. This could be the outcome of age-related cognitive and/or sensory changes. To address these issues, the cu ...
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Virtual Embodiment and Robotic Re-Embodiment (VERE)

Start date: Jun 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

... experiments in neuroethics. Moreover the work clearly has implications for the notion of self and consciousness, and one WP will be devoted to these issues. The proposal has been formed by a highly interdisciplinary group. It also draws on earlier FET projects IMMERSENCE and PRESENCCIA but opens the door to a radically new form of human-computer confluence with beneficial applications.
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The ultimate aim of this project is to design and implement an efficient virtual machine that can be used in practice for generic secure multiparty computation (MPC).MPC is a way to convert any distributed computation that can be performed securely with the assistance of a trusted third party into a protocol that does not require any third parties, yet gives the same output and remains just as sec ...
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The International Politics of Law-enforcement Cooperation (IPLEC)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

The proposal includes three studies in the field of international relations. These studies examine the political dimensions of international cooperation in law enforcement. Study 1 explores why states succeed or fail to cooperate against smuggling along a shared border. The goal is to explain why Jordan has cooperated with Israel in combating smugglers of goods and persons, whereas Egypt has been ...
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Heuristics and Biases in Debt Managment (NAIVE DEBT MANAGMENT)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

Managing a debt portfolio requires complex decision making and is particularly challenging in the current climate of economic instability. Faced with various debts and diverse interest rates, consumers must decide the amount to allocate and the order in which to settle their debts. Issues of debt management also impact financial institutions such as banks and credit companies who need to understan ...
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Robotics is moving from industrial applications into personal and office environments, in part due to converging trends of an aging population, a shrinking workforce, and a decrease in production costs. The research field of Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) studies the models and algorithms necessary for robots to interact with non-professional humans in these new environments.However, most HRI model ...
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International Foresight Academy (IFA)

Start date: May 1, 2012, End date: Apr 30, 2015,

"The proposed International Foresight Academy is the first organization to bind together Foresight activities around the globe and from contrasting cultural and political contexts. As the Mapping Report of the European Foresight Monitoring Network (2009) has documented, Foresight is used differently in various regions of the world. Foresight activities vary according to sponsors and customers, met ...
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"RACE2050 foresight study aims to identify key success factors for a sustainable growth of the European Transport industry and for policies which can increase its strength in a long perspective up to 2050. By integrating the tremendous available foresight intelligence into a comparative synopsis, we will be able to compare and assess various visions and especially different policies to reach these ...
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A wiki for capitalising on spatial-development projects (WIKIAlps)

Start date: Sep 30, 2013, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

WIKIAlps tackles the capitalisation on selected Alpine Space 2007-2013 projects in the first Inclusive Growth and second Resource Efficiency and Ecosystem Management field focussing on missing links/synergies/unsolved contradictions between economic growth & environmental development. With the aim of contributing to a balanced territorial development in the AS & by involving different policy secto ...
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...ion making at an international, national and regional level. The aim is to test the possibilities of current technology to produce this kind of interactive GIS planning tool. New, carefully justified interdisciplinary knowledge on abiotic and biotic diversity in the area will, for the first time, be combined with societal aspects including legislative requirements and the views of stakeholders, ut ...
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...chophysiological measures of PEM? 4) How does adult attachment associate with PEM and with child attachment security? This research makes a new contribution to the study of embodiment from an interdisciplinary whole-body movement perspective and will lead to the development of novel therapeutic interventions for parents and infant
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...ions aimed at creating long-term social justice in societies marked by social inequality. The collaborative nature of the project involving experts residing in the US, the UK and India along with its interdisciplinary elements, is consistent with the aim of creating internationally competitive knowledge and developing ‘state of the art’, interdisciplinary research capacity within the EU.
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In order to survive, organizations need to keep high efficiency and effectiveness by targeting the right quantity, at the right quality, at the right time, and in the right place. Lean production seeks to identify and eliminate wasted time, effort, and resources, leaving only streamlined processes that add value at every step. For example, by reducing protective buffer inventories, and improving t ...
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BEAMING is the process of instantaneously transporting people (visitors) from one physical place in the world to another (the destination) so that they can interact with the local people there. This is achieved through shifting their means for perception into the destination, and decomposing their actions, physiological and even emotional state into a stream of data that is transferred across the ...
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Subjective Knowledge and Consumer Choice (Subjective Knowledge)

Start date: May 12, 2010, End date: May 11, 2014,

Consumer knowledge of product category has been extensively investigated in consumer research. However, past research suffers from two major drawbacks. First, it focused on the impact of consumer knowledge on information search and learning, and thus very little is known about the direct impact of consumer knowledge on choice which is not mediated through information stored in memory. Second, the ...
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The SIAM decision support system will ease the complexity associated with the assessment of security measures and technologies. Where today decision makers have to oversee a wide range of relevant aspects from many different scientific fields and national as well as cultural interests SIAM will pass the needed information in a structured manner to the decision maker. It ties together those strands ...
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The structure of the US airline industry has undergone important changes since the deregulation in 1978, which removed entry and exit restrictions and allowed carriers to set airfares. One of the most dramatic aspects of the airline deregulation has been the shift of carriers from a point-to-point business model to hub-and-spoke (HS) networks, where a carrier designates one or more strategically l ...
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Privacy - Appraising Challenges to Technologies and Ethics (PRACTIS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Mar 31, 2013,

The vision that motivates PRACTIS is of a society that is aware of the evolving challenges to privacy posed by emerging technologies and is equipped to respond to them. PRACTIS will assess the potential impacts on privacy from emerging technologies and new scientific knowledge. It will propose ethical frameworks and legal procedures for coping with potential risks to privacy. It will explore novel ...
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New Performances for Mediterranean Tourism (Newper)

Start date: Jul 21, 2011, End date: Jan 21, 2013,

The rising importance of tourism and its positive impacts on economic growth and local development have put tourist policies and their governance at the centre of strategies of many Mediterranean regions. The Mediterranean area received around 200 million tourists in 2005, forecasts are of 325 million by 2020. Despite these figures, the growth rate in the Mediterranean Basin is slower than the glo ...
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Marine research in the EU ranks second in the world, using remarkable state-of-the-art equipment and techniques. However, the companies that require the outcome of the research carried out by research institutions, such as pharmaceutical industry, in order to become much more competitive and productive in the EU and even on the global level are often unaware of the results of these investigations. ...
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Understanding Collaboration in 3D Virtual Environments (UNCOVER)

Start date: Dec 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2012, of virtual teamwork in 3D collaborative virtual environments (CVE) that have gained increasing importance in global organizations and higher education institutions, and are subject to an emerging interdisciplinary field of research. CVE have been developed to facilitate cross-border collaboration and to overcome the issues associated with traditional collaboration tools. Team members are embod ...
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In societies around the world, millions of children experience political violence in the form of armed conflict as a fact of daily life. Most research on the psychological well-being of these child victims focuses primarily on trauma-related symptoms. However, these traumas are added to existing developmental risks children face due to individual, family, and relational factors. Among the most com ...
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The proposed project investigates the complexity of provider decision-making process during the initial mental-health interview (intake) with ethnically and racially diverse populations. We focus on examining intuitive decisions and explore the effect of explicit and implicit bias on decisions related to patient care, including, diagnosis, treatment recommendations, and assessment of rapport. Maki ...
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Privacy Awareness Through Security Branding (PATS)

Start date: Aug 1, 2009, End date: Mar 31, 2012,

While it can be assumed that the security industry and organisations will increase their efforts to keep and to strengthen trust relations with citizens, the question however remains: how can one raise more awareness of social conflicts and privacy concerns among those public and private agencies that undermine privacy necessarily on a daily basis in their mission to provide security? PATS follows ...
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"The aim of PERFECTION is to help enable the application of new building design and technologies that improve the impact of the indoor built environment on health, comfort, feeling of safety and positive stimulation. The project concept consists of the following components: - the inventory of current standards, regulations, technologies and ongoing and recent research activities and policies relat ...
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"The FESTOS goal is to identify and assess evolving security threats posed by abuse or inadequate use of emerging technologies and new S&T knowledge, and to propose means to reduce their likelihood. Almost all such knowledge can be abused or cause damage through inadequate use. In a free society this should not hinder free generation and exchange of knowledge. As the pace of science-based developm ...
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In recent years, Foresight has emerged as a key instrument for the development and implementation of research and innovation policies with long-term perspectives. Much futures work and Foresight exercises are little more than extrapolations. Some activities show an interesting mix of approaches combining three types of elements: prospective studies of long-term opportunities and alternatives, part ...
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... OCD sample. The proposed research involving the integration of OCD, cognitive, attachment and self research is consistent with the aim of creating internationally competitive ‘state of the art’, interdisciplinary research capacity within the EU. Given the expertise of the host organization, collaborator (from the applicants’ previous residence) and applicant in the development and dissemination o ...
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Advanced Tests about New Toxins appeared in Atlantic Area (Atlantox)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2010,

The effects of climate change and global temperature rising are imminent, irreversible and they impact directly or indirectly on the marine environment and population. Marine ecosystems are under the effects produced by fluctuation in water temperature; this is responsible for the settlement of favorable ecological conditions for toxins reproduction. Although the Atlantic area coast is not probabl ...
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Overall predictions indicate labour shortages in the EU after 2010. The Commission Staff Working Document on Europe’s demographic future points out that from around 2017 on the shrinking population in working age will lead to stagnation and, subsequently, reduction of total employment. Against this backdrop, the EU Commission acknowledges the necessity of immigration from outside the EU to meet th ...
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Description CO-LLABS is to achieve a European-wide adoption of ICT-based Living Lab services and practices to allow SMEs to improve their innovation capabilities and processes and become part of open innovation environments. The over-all objective of the CO-LLABS Thematic Network is to achieve a E ...
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Description Dynamic Impairment Constraint Networking for Transparent Mesh Optical NetworksMain ObjectivesThe key innovation of DICONET: “The development of a dynamic network planning tool residing in the core network nodes that incorporates real-time measurements of optical layer performance into IA-RWA algorithms and is integrated into a ...
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