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9 European Projects Found

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The current test systems employed by Industry are poorly predictive for Drug induced liver injury (DILI). The ‘MIP-DILI’ project will address this situation by the development of innovative preclinical test systems which are both mechanism-based and of physiological, pharmacological and pathological relevance to DILI in humans. An iterative, tiered approach with respect to test compounds, test sys ...
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Embryonic stem (ES) cells have the potential to differentiate into any type of cell as well as to renew indefinitely in culture. They hold great potential for the development of personalized medicines. However, the molecular mechanisms underpinning cell fate decisions by individual cells are poorly understood. There is compelling evidence that two large multi-protein machines, the Nucleosome Remod ...
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In the development of products for use by humans it is vital to identify compounds with toxic properties at an early stage of their development, to avoid spending time and resource on unsuitable and potentially unsafe candidate products. Human pluripotent stem cell lines offer a unique opportunity to develop a wide variety of human cell-based test systems because they may be expanded indefinitely ...
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This project will focus on the production of an in vitro human disease tissue platform technology to enable and accelerate the development of regenerative medicine therapies for a diverse range of diseases. The concept will be realised by the in vitro generation of 3D human tissues cultured from human induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) cells. Initially a library of adult cells will be generated from p ...
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The CardioNeT Initial Training Network aims to implement a highly multidisciplinary, intersectoral and competitive training programme in cardiovascular research through cutting-edge projects and extensive training in complementary areas.CardioNeT training comprises two tightly linked components - research and complementary training - that will be implemented at local as well as network level and ...
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Organ transplantation is often the only life saving medical approach for several diseases, in spite of many associated problems (lack of organ donors, rejection, life-long heavy medication). The innovative therapeutic approach of the 21th century is focusing on bioartificial organs as an alternative solution.Tissue engineering and stem cell biology have uncovered groundbreaking opportunities for c ...
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Transplantation of donor hepatocytes has become an alternative to liver transplantation for the treatment of liver diseases. However, in addition to the complication imposed by severe shortage of donor livers, adult hepatocytes cannot be expanded in vitro. Autologous transplantation of genetically corrected hepatocytes represents another strategy as it circumvents the need for immunosuppression bu ...
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Embryonic Stem cell-based Novel Alternative Testing Strategies (ESNATS)

Start date: Apr 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

"ESNATS aims at developing a novel toxicity test platform based on embryonic stem cells (ESC), especially human ESC (hESC), to accelerate drug development, reduce R&D costs and propose a powerful alternative to animal tests (3 Rs). ESNATS will address current drug-testing shortcomings: - testing takes place late in the development cycle - animal test systems bear the risk of non-prediction due to ...
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High yield and performance stem cell lab (Hyperlab)

Start date: Sep 1, 2009, End date: Aug 31, 2012,

The success of stem cell therapy is highly dependent on a safe and reliable supply of human stem cells and stem cell-derived differentiated cells, which must be assured by efficient and robust culture methods. Current culture of human embryonic and adult stem cells is not optimised (with regards to e.g. media, growth factors, supporting biomaterials, differentiation techniques) and is far from ful ...
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