Search for European Projects

10 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects


ArcInTex ETN

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

A fundamental challenge in design research today is to define the design programs that suggest how we can turn our days scientific knowledge and technical development into design for new forms of living that will provide foundations for a more sustainable way of life. Through a cross-disciplinary and cross-national network in architecture, textiles and interaction design the consortium will build ...
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NE©XT Accelerator

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

NE©XT Accelerator: Creates transnational entry routes into international careers for generations of talented emerging artists, enabling them to make a living from creative production; Makes cultural/creative incubators more entrepreneurial, innovative and transnational; Boosts transnational mobility and entrepreneurial learning opportunities for arts graduates, art educators and incubator leaders; ...
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"TRADERS focuses on developing and testing a framework of methodologies on which art and design (A&D) researchers can rely when working on public space projects in participatory ways. This framework is transferable and aims to enhance the potentials in A&D practices to contribute creatively in processes of urban and branch-related change. The framework will inform and will be informed by a toolkit ...
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SusLabNWE aims to set up in North-West Europe a networked infrastructure of houses and living laboratories for studying technology-user interaction in real-life home environments at 5 locations around NWE: Rotterdam (NL). Ruhr area (DE). London (UK). Gothenburg (SE) and Zurich (CH). The objective is to become a world-leading networked knowledge hub. well-embedded in the local knowledge infrast ...
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European Museums in an Age of Migrations (MeLa)

Start date: Mar 1, 2011, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

“Migration” is a key word that indicates a complex condition of contemporary society, in which mobility doesn’t only pertain to people, but to objects, information and knowledge too. Hence, the “age of migrations” that MeLa adopts as its framework reflects a set of global processes that do not only involve the transnationalization of labor, but also the refashioning of the cultural and political s ...
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... existence of a new network of “hybrid” spaces to pilot a series of projects at the interface between art and science including Le Laboratoire (Paris), Science Gallery (Trinity College Dublin), Royal College of Art (London), Ars Electronica (Linz) and MediaLab Prado (Madrid) and STUDIOLAB will involve activities along three key dimensions: incubation of art-science projects, education and public e ...
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The VIP project aims to respond to significant changes within the European performing art sector, in particular to the transformation as regards strategies, structures, management, design and production of scenography and stage technologies. To achieve this, the project will design and introduce innovative training models and will aim to forecast new skills profiles (e.g. (director, scenery design ...
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The FIRCTE3 project concerns technical and technical/artistic professions in the performing arts, covering the following job profiles: stage machinery, lighting, sound, stage management, scenery construction, costumes, characterisation and props, where the training does not follow the traditional 'master-apprentice' model in the performing arts.The project is based on the results of two earlier pr ...
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...h will be organized parallel to a series of postgraduate workshops within specialised design schools and glass research centers (School of High Education in Art and Design of Saint-Etienne, Royal College of Arts in London, Domaine de Boisbuchet with the 'Glass Lab' of the Corning Glass Museum). Europe has become once again a center of excellence for glass design and blowing, with some very strong ...
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Europe (to the power of) n

Start date: May 1, 2012,

Europe (to the power of) n is a project jointly developed and carried out by 4 European cultural operators and many associates.Europe is a frayed construction, whose contours have changed again and again over the course of the centuries – a projection surface for controversial values and moral concepts, for promises just as much as for failures. Nonetheless, it embodies the utopia of a community t ...
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