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19 European Projects Found

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FOLSMART will bring to phase I clinical trials novel folate-based nanodevices (FBN) for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). These nanodevices for folic acid (FA)-mediated targeting of activated macrophages showed improved clinical scores in a mouse model of RA when compared to methotrexate (MTX), a first-line drug therapy for the treatment of RA. In this way, FBN will be benchmarked agains ...
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...sponsibilities. There are two research institutes (INCDTP = coordinator, Centrocot) and two universities (University Maribor, Technical University Iasi) and one training / technology transfer center (TecMinho), from 4 countries with great importance for the textile industry in Europe: Italy, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia.The innovation strategic partnership on VET has the following main activitie ...
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Functional materials for fast diagnosis of wound infection (InFact)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

"Early detection of an incipient wound infection is a challenge for the attending physician , since its early diagnosis allows the timely initiation of treatment, thus reducing the severity of the disease . Currently, however, wound infection is not diagnosed until becoming already evident. As a consequence, the treatment of the patient is further complicated and more likely to have a negative ou ...
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Enabling NAnomedicine TRANSlation (ENATRANS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

... deliver special coaching sessions prior to showcasing of promising projects.Partners in ENATRANS are VDI/VDE-IT, Nanobiotix, CEA, bioanalytik-muenster, Tel Aviv University, Fondazione Don Gnocchi, TecMinho.
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Cloud Collaborative Manufacturing Networks (C2NET) (C2NET)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The goal of C2NET Project is the creation of cloud-enabled tools for supporting the supply network optimization of manufacturing and logistic assets based on collaborative demand, production and delivery plans. C2NET Project will provide a scalable real-time architecture, platform and software to allow the supply network partners: to master complexity and data security of the supply network, to st ...
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"Biofilms are bacterial communities encased in a self-produced hydrated polymeric matrix. An important characteristic of microbial biofilms is their innate resistance to the immune system and susceptibility to antibiotics. This resistance has made microbial biofilms a common cause of medical infections, and difficult-to-treat infections caused by colonized foreign bodies.The NOVO project aims at d ...
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"Cotton textiles --the main natural-fibre textile used worldwide-- undergo a toxic and costly bleaching process that weighs heavily on the quality, cost and environmental impact of textile manufacture. CottonBleach proposes the development of an improved cotton bleaching technology, more respectful with the textiles and the environment, to improve the competitive edge of European textile SMEs. Cur ...
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OBJECTIVOS: O objectivo geral deste projecto é a criação e a dinamização de um Pólo de Competitividade e Tecnología (PCT) sustentável na área da Nanotecnologia na Euroregião Norte de Portugal-Galiza. ACÇÕES: i) Mapeamento estratégico de competências de I&DT em Nanotecnologia na Euroregião. ii) Estabelecer plataformas de cooperação transfronteiriça permanentes (Pólo) iii) Constituir uma unidade de ...
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OBJETIVOS: Impulsar la transferencia de conocimiento científico técnico entre la universidad y la sociedad de la Eurorregión Galicia-Norte de Portugal a través de la creación de nuevos vehículos de transferencia y consolidación de los ya existentes de probado éxito. ACCIONES: 1.- Mapa transfronterizo de I+D+i y análisis y desarrollo de oportunidades y complementariedades; 2.- Mentorización y Busin ...
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Réseau de transfert intersectoriel (REDIN)

Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: May 30, 2011,

El objetivo del proyecto es crear una red de empresas de distintos sectores que permita mejorar los procesos de transferencia de tecnología y los procesos de gestión del conocimiento. Se pretende que esta red cuente con la colaboración de actores institucionales de cada una de las regiones participantes que apoyen a las empresas en los mencionados procesos de innovación y transferencia de tecnolog ...
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OBJETIVO: Proporcionar servicios para la participación de las PYMES en proyectos de innovación en colaboración con los Centros de Investgiación, promoviendo una cultura de participación activa y la comprensión de especificidades, expectativas y necesidades de ambos.ACCIONES: Puesta en funcionamiento de la RED INCOPYME de articulación de la oferta y la demanda de innovación para lo que es necesario ...
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How well are web education systems performing? : E-learning, available at the click of a mouse, is an important component of Europe's strategy to make lifelong learning a reality for its citizens. However, many different software packages exist for designing and maintaining learning systems. This project has conducted a timely survey of people with real expertise in the field to compile a picture ...
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Gaining experience within a foreign company : The INTERPLANET project provides students, university administrative staff and company directors with the means to organise placements abroad. This project started in 2000 and lasted 36 months.
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Management skills for the changing textile and clothing sector : Europe's textile and clothing sector is likely to be hard hit by the liberalisation of the market scheduled for 2005. A more keenly competitive market place will require the sector to have first class strategic managers. UP-SKILLS lays the foundations for training the sector's managers by building up a comprehensive picture of the se ...
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The VOCAL project ( ) follows the method and structure of the earlier successful EU project entitled Problem SOLVE ( ). The main topics included are Travel, Accommodation, Socialising, Emergencies, at Work. The new feature in the VOCAL materials is an additional LSP (Language for Specific Purposes) component relating to Business, Tourism, Banking & Services ...
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Joining e-learning and mobility together, we obtain the concept of Virtual Mobility,defined by as “The use of information and communicationtechnologies (ICT) to obtain the same benefits as one would have with physical mobilitybut without the need to travel”.The project of this network proposes to help educational and training institutions toachieve Virtual Mobility and to guar ...
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The english version of the contents description is being translated and should be available as of mid November. Please consult until then the original version in FR.
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A place on the curriculum for IP training : The intellectual property e-learning application and course developed by the project partnership will provide much needed training for SME managers and it is hoped will also be incorporated into higher education courses. This project started in 2002 and lasted 36 months.
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Waste-Tool is a project comprising 18 partners such as SMEs (building sector)training/further training and research bodies (DE, ES, FR, PT, PL)aimed to a low waste and cost construction in Europe.It envisages a practice oriented modular on/ off-line software "European building waste management, targeting leading groups such as waste commisioners (in SME), craft men and site manager. The software s ...
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