European Projects
Matrix of knowledge for innovation and competitive..
Matrix of knowledge for innovation and competitiveness in textile enterprises
Start date: Sep 1, 2016,
End date: Aug 31, 2018
Many textile enterprises face difficulties in finding the best solutions to compete on the global market. They face the challenge of skill development and innovation without having the focused resources and the strategic vision to adapt to the rapid changes of trends and technology in the textile field.A solution to these needs is given by spreading of creative and innovative organizational culture inside of textile enterprises by transferring and implementing methodologies, tools and concepts for improved innovation and training. Research providers in textiles are able to foster textile enterprises to learn how to apply creative thinking in their organizations and how to develop the capacity for innovation and change. The concept of the Knowledge matrix is going to be introduced and used within this project. The Knowledge matrix quantifies the intangible assets of an enterprise from point of view of their nature (vertical dimension) and from point of view of their use (horizontal dimension).Main aim of the project is increasing the capacity for innovation and training by defining and implementing of the Knowledge matrix in textile enterprises.Objectives:1. Development of work-based training envisaging key competences both to employers and employees in the textile field;2. Improving the innovation capacity and training methodology of textile enterprises with the support of research providers;3. Fostering use of ICT in innovation process within textile enterprises;4. Improving the strategic cooperation between research providers and enterprises in textiles at transnational level.The consortium of the project tackling these objectives, reflects a very well-balanced distribution of activities and responsibilities. There are two research institutes (INCDTP = coordinator, Centrocot) and two universities (University Maribor, Technical University Iasi) and one training / technology transfer center (TecMinho), from 4 countries with great importance for the textile industry in Europe: Italy, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia.The innovation strategic partnership on VET has the following main activities:O1) Elaboration of the structure for the Knowledge matrix for innovation(O2) Elaboration of the Benchmarking matrix to be adapted from the Knowledge matrix and performing the performance benchmarking process with 50 textile enterprises. (O3) Guide with new solutions for textile enterprises: the benchmarking report will be analyzed (SWOT and gap analysis) and solutions will be provided by the project's partners for improving the innovation and training capacity of the enterprises. Several research results and new training methods will be provided by the project's partners.(O4) E-learning tool and work - based training: The e-learning tool will provide the following main functionalities: Built-in questionnaires (Questionnaire activity) related Knowledge matrix for textile enterprises; Export and processing the data from questionnaires; E-learning modules in 5 European languages (EN, IT, PT, RO, SI) with text, graphics and videos (cca. 80 pages) in interactive format.The E-learning tool (O4) will support the (E1-E5) Multiplier events - workshops and the (C1-C5) Blended mobility courses:(E1-E5) Workshop (multiplier event) for the dissemination of the project's objectives, of the Knowledge matrix / benchmarking study and Guide's results, and for attracting trainees for the blended courses.Target group: decision-making enterprise staff (managers, HR specialists, professionals)(C1-C5) Blended mobility courses: organized for training meant for young traineesTarget group: young trainees(young employees, textile students and scholars, unemployed workforce)The methodology intended to be applied in the project envisages the guidance of the project accordingly to several plans:1. The Work plan2. The Quality management plan3. The Sustainability plan4. The Dissemination planMain Results:- 95 young people trained, 100 persons from enterprises advised - 15-25 new solutions for enterprises.- 150 stakeholder user accounts - 1 cumulative Knowledge matrixImpact:The concept of the Knowledge matrix, which quantifies the intangible assets of an enterprise, brings added-value in its innovation and training capacity. The project partners support the enterprises by means of their latest research results and training methods. They are able to identify gaps in the innovation capacity of enterprises based on the Benchmarking study and to enrich it with new solutions. Hence, main impact indicators on the enlarged target group are:- acquiring improved training methods;- better knowledge of innovation mechanisms in textile enterprises;- improving the implementation of the innovation;The main sustainable output of TEXMatrix, the e-learning tool, will be hosted on the INCDTP server even after project’s end and will further support the textile world-of-work in improving innovation and training.