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5 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

EFFORTE draws a red line through critical, cost/benefit driving processes, and environmentally concerns of today´s forestry. Starting with efficient fulfilment of various customer demands the red line goes along efficient utilization of Big Data sources, present knowledge and critical new knowledge foreseen as outcomes from this project.Technical development and mechanization has been a winning co ...
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Background There are a huge number of migratory barriers in the rivers of northern Sweden, primarily consisting of road infrastructure and dams to facilitate the floating of logs by the forestry industry. Inventories show that approximately 30-50% of all culverts are migratory barriers and it is estimated that some 5 000 to 8 000 culverts within valuable ...
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Lake Mälaren Inner Archipelago - Restoration and Management (MIA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

Background The archipelago of Mälaren is one of Sweden's most valuable regions for broadleaved woodlands, with oaks and the other old trees growing in a semi-open habitat. The region has a climate that is two-to-three vegetation zones more favourable than the surrounding area. This, together with less intensive forestry and agriculture, has resulted in ...
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The countries involved in the ELAV project all have different forest histories and resources, but they face common challenges in respect of delivering local benefits from forestry. The ELAV project will work with rural communities, municipalities, forest companies, landowners and forest authorities to action sustainable rural development based on strategic forest planning for the development of mu ...
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Projektet ska skapa en gränsäverskridande och aktiv samverkan samt ny kunskap om v´iltvård av älgstammen. 75 älgar ska utrustas med GPS-anläggning och marknadsföringseffekter uppnås genom internationellt engagemang i enskilda älgars vandringar. Det främsta målet är att skapa en samförvaltning av älgstammen baserat på ett gränsregionalt, varaktigt nätverk av aktörer
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