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European Prevention of Alzheimer’s Dementia Consortium (EPAD)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

Background:The secondary prevention of Alzheimer’s dementia (AD) is achievable if we can identify individuals at risk of disease progression defined by biomarker evidence of AD pathology and no or only minimal clinical symptoms and engage them in a standing adaptive clinical trial, of the highest quality, testing multiple interventions. To achieve this, EPAD will also provide the analytical infras ...
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DESIRE will focus on epileptogenic developmental disorders EDD, i.e. early onset epilepsies whose origin is closely related to developmental brain processes. A major cause of EDD are malformations of cortical development (MCD), either macroscopic or subtle. EDD are often manifested as epileptic encephalopathies (EE), i.e. conditions in which epileptic activity itself may contribute to severe cogni ...
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Ewing Sarcomas (ES) are fatal, rare bone cancers particularly affecting young people. About 60% of patients achieve long term survival with current treatment but there has been no improvement in this proportion for 25 years. Treatment is unsuccessful because chemotherapy fails to prevent the development of, or to effectively treat established, metastases. In addition, of the 600 new cases of ES o ...
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The main goal of the FACCE-ERA-NET+ Action is to organise, implement and fund a joint call for transnational research projects on the topic of climate change adaptation, which is a core research theme of the Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE–JPI) and thus to contribute to the delivery of the FACCE–JPI Strategic Research Agenda. It will thereby als ...
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Increase in antibiotic resistance is a global concern worldwide. The project NAREB's main objective is the optimization of several nanoformulations of antibacterial therapeutics in order to improve the therapy of multi-drug resistant (MDR) tuberculosis (TB) and MRSA infections in European MDR patients.NAREB will address the problem of drug bioavailability inside the infected macrophages, transport ...
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"Background: A significant proportion of pre-diabetics, show macro and micro vascular complications associated with hyperglycaemia. Although many trials have demonstrated the efficacy of lifestyle and pharmaceutical interventions in diabetes prevention, no trial has evaluated the extent to which mid- and long-term complications can be prevented by early interventions on hyperglycaemia.Aims: To ass ...
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"Cell polarity and directed growth (tropism) are fundamental biological processes. Most fungi are dependent on these processes because they grow as polarised filaments called hyphae, whose growth and developmentare governed by physical and chemical cues from the environment. Such cues include surface-contact, light, nutrients, mating partners, host organisms, or ‘self’ hyphae from within the fung ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The FLUIDGLASS project develops a new and innovative concept for multifunctional solar thermal glass façades systems. The FLUIDGLASS approach turns passive glass façades into active transparent solar collectors while at the same time controlling the energy flow through the building envelope.FLUIDGLASS unites four key functionalities in one integrated system: The system firstly acts as a fully tran ...
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Generic Integrated Forensic Toolbox for CBRN incidents (GIFT CBRN)

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

"Forensic investigation is a key component in the fight against crime and the protection of EU societies. At present it is hampered by a lack of protocols and training in carrying out forensic analysis on CBRN-contaminated materials. The aim of GIFT-CBRN is to develop a forensic toolbox for investigating CBRN incidents. This toolbox would provide (1) procedures, sampling methods and detection of C ...
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Antimicrobial resistance is arguably the most significant challenge facing the EU health care system. The unnecessary use of antibiotics is a key driver in the development of antibiotic resistance. Cystic Fibrosis (CF) represents a unique disease model to study bacterial resistance and to explore therapeutic strategies for same, as chronic lung infection overlaps with acute lung exacerbations caus ...
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Modern lifestyle has dramatically changed the daily rhythms of life. Physical activity, diet and light exposure are no longer restricted to daytime hours, as technical and economical de-mands fuel the necessity to work outside usual working hours. Recent studies show that al-tered light exposure, shifted exercise patterns and untimely food intake following extended active periods into the night di ...
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Road transport is indispensable for the exchange of goods and persons, but at the same time has severe negative consequences, among others related to road safety and environment. In order to meet EU targets, both the number of road crashes and vehicle emission levels need to be reduced substantially. For identifying the next generation of measures that will enable us to actually reach these target ...
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IS-ENES2 is the second phase project of the distributed e-infrastructure of models, model data and metadata of the European Network for Earth System Modelling (ENES). This network gathers together the European modelling community working on understanding and predicting climate variability and change. ENES organizes and supports European contributions to international experiments used in assessment ...
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NEWLED will develop high efficiency and high brightness monolithic and hybrid all-semiconductor WHITE light-emitting GaN-based diodes. Power losses due to phosphor conversion and the problem of different ageing rates of the GaN LED pump will be eliminated by the development of phosphor free structures with increased brightness (power emitted per surface per angle). NEWLED will enhance the efficien ...
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Large-scale computation without synchronisation (SyncFree)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

The goal of SyncFree is to enable large-scale distributed applications without global synchronisation, by exploiting the recent concept of Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs). CRDTs allow unsynchronised concurrent updates, yet ensure data consistency. This revolutionary approach maximises responsiveness and availability; it enables locating data near its users, in decentralised clouds.Glob ...
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Fixed and mobile networks have been subjects to significant technological and architectural evolutions in the past years, with e.g. deployments of 4G mobile networks and FTTH fixed networks, as well as significant increase in traffic demand and access bandwidth both in fixed and mobile access networks. All these network evolutions lead to enormous investments in independent network infrastructures ...
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Mobilité Picardie 2014

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The Picardie region is one of the least favoured areas in France in terms of unemployment (with a rate of 12.6 %, third rank in France / 19.4 % among young people under 25, fourth rank in France). Our youth is known to be among the least ambitious in terms of education and career, while also greatly lacking mobility. The early school-leaving rate (the European goal for 2020 : 10 %) is among the hi ...
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Description A flexible architecture compatible with current infrastructures and low cost components based on silicon photonics: the keys for mass Fiber-To-The-Home ultra-broadband deployment FABULOUS will design, develop and characterize new Silicon Photonics components for application in next-gen ...
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While several studies recognized Europe as a leader in different research fields and as valid competitor to other world areas in many research fields, the status of affairs as regards commercialization of research results is lacking beyond to benefit European industry and European citizens. In the last three years, for the first time in EU Framework Programmes, Enterprises and Research institution ...
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The main objectives of FUTUREVOLC are to establish an integrated volcanological monitoring procedure through European collaboration, develop new methods to evaluate volcanic crises, increase scientific understanding of magmatic processes and improve delivery of relevant information to civil protection and authorities. To reach these objectives the project combines broad European expertise in seism ...
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Amongst the few distinctive European alliances carrying the promise of making a lasting impact in software-defined networking (SDN) and the IT industry is the research and industrial communities pursuing developments in the Path Computation Element (PCE), an effort "made-in-the-EU". In regards to PCE design, deployment, and evolution, Europeans are amongst today's leaders in the process of transit ...
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Recent history has shown that in the aftermath of an emergency, disaster or related unexpected events, telecommunication infrastructures play a key role in recovery operations. In most cases, the legacy terrestrial infrastructure is seriously compromised and cannot guarantee reliable services for citizens and rescue teams. It is also well accepted that current public safety networks cannot provide ...
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The FI-CONTENT 2 project aims at establishing the foundation of a European infrastructure for promoting and testing novel uses of audio-visual content on connected devices. The partners will develop and deploy advanced platforms for Social Connected TV, Mobile Smart City services, and Gaming/ Virtual worlds. To assess the approach and improve these platforms, user communities in 6 European locatio ...
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ÉCLAIRE investigates the ways in which climate change alters the threat of air pollution on European land ecosystems including soils. Based on field observations, experimental data and models, it establishes new flux, concentration and dose-response relationships, as a basis to inform future European policies.Starting with biosphere-atmosphere exchange measurements, ÉCLAIRE quantifies how global w ...
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Arctic Climate Change, Economy and Society (ACCESS)

Start date: Mar 1, 2011, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

The Arctic is engaged in a deep climatic evolution. This evolution is quite predictable at short (year) and longer scales (several decades), but it is the decadal intermediate scale that is the most difficult to predict. This is because the natural variability of the system is large and dominant at this scale, and the system is highly non linear due to positive and negative feedback between sea ic ...
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The greater use of polymer matrix composite materials would be highly desirable. Their low weight, along with their inherent resistance to corrosion and fatigue, enables more fuel efficient and sustainable transport structures. However, for many applications, the biggest factor currently preventing the more widespread use of light high-performance polymer matrix composites is their poor fire perfo ...
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For the Next Generation Access Network (NGAN) wavelength division multiplexed passive optical networks (WDM PON) appear a promising and suitable solution offering almost unlimited bandwidth similarly to point-to-point links, while allowing the advantages of fibre sharing.It is widely recognized that WDM PON deployment requires colourless Optical Network Unit (ONU) transmitters, so that each user h ...
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Towards Real Energy-efficient Network Design (TREND)

Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2013,

European research cannot ignore key questions on energy consumption of communication networks, like: "Is the current growth of energy consumption in telecom infrastructures sustainable?"; "Can we generate and transport enough electricity to provide 100 Mb/s access to all in metropolitan areas?"; "Are optical technologies more energy-friendly than electronics?"; "Is the Internet protocol suite need ...
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This project will transform the perception of, and possibilities for, the next generation Internet. It addresses the FI Content Usage Call in a number of innovative, practical and useful ways. With inputs from 5 important content areas, spanning future uses of AV, games, Web, metadata and user created content, demonstrating usage beyond current state of the art, we have assembled a consortium incl ...
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Economics and Technologies for Inter-Carrier Services (ETICS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Mar 31, 2013,

ETICS aims at creating a new ecosystem of innovative QoS-enabled interconnection models between Network Service Providers allowing for a fair distribution of revenue shares among all the actors of the service delivery value-chain. To this end, we will propose and analyze new business and regulatory models for converged infrastructures, taking into account applications' QoS constraints and incentiv ...
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Future networked media applications will be multi-sourced, highly interactive distributed meshes of HD and 3D multi-sensory channels. While high-quality user-centric applications such as these offer tremendous advantages to their participants and to society at large, they present a major headache to ISPs as they demand unprecedented quantities of network resources in unpredictable locations. The t ...
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Internet is going to be massively "mobile". The efficient and growing internet of services has also to take into account issues of this "mobility" as well as the mobile devices and their applications. If, at the origin, mobile internet solutions depended on the power of mobile operators, today the take-off of the iPhone and its application-platform "Appstore" upset the balance of the forces. The f ...
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REsponding to All Citizens needing Help (REACH112)

Start date: Jul 1, 2009, End date: Jun 30, 2012,

REACH112 will implement an accessible alternative to traditional voice telephony that will be suitable for all. While people with disabilities find it hard to communicate with the existing solutions, REACH112 will provide modes of communication so that they will find a way to communicate in each situation, may it be with a live real-time text conversation, with sign language, with lip reading, wit ...
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SMART-antenna multimode wireless mesh Network (SMART-Net)

Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: May 31, 2012,

The motivation behind SMART-Net is to overcome the limitations of conventional Broadband Wireless Access systems, in which all communications are required to pass through one costly central base station. Therefore, the project proposes a novel system architecture enabling next generation of Wireless Mesh Networks which will support new applications by the Internet, innovative service packages deli ...
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The main objective of the RESUMENET is to host original research work that will systematically embed resilience into future Internet. The project work has three main dimensions.•\tAt framework-level, work will elaborate on the D2R2+DR (Defend, Detect, Remediate, Restore; Diagnose, Refine) framework, and quantify the impact of different types of challenges and failures on normal network service ope ...
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The NEM European Technology Platform is well on the way to achieving the major objectives defined at the creation of the platform, five years ago. It has helped to change the environment, encouraging the emergence of a strong European awareness of the Future Media Internet issues, supporting the creation of various forums concerned with that topic, and leading the development of a possible PPP on ...
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POF-PLUS will develop new components, modify fibre assemblies and optimise transmission techniques to enable high speed (multiple Gbps) optical links based on standard large-core Plastic Optical Fibre (POF) which will take full advantage of the intrinsic low cost and extreme ease of installation of POF based systems to aid both wired and wireless service delivery to end users in next generation ne ...
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Architectures for fLexible Photonic Home and Access networks (ALPHA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2011,

The ALPHA project addresses the challenges of building the future access and all types of in-building networks for home and office environments. The proposal supports the evolution towards a cognitive network by dynamically utilising the resources of an optical network infrastructure to support a heterogeneous environment of wired and wireless technologies.The project investigates innovative archi ...
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MMOTION is a support action answering the call EURATOM-Fission-2007-2.1.4 targeting a better understanding of Man-Machine-Organization in the operation of nuclear installations. The objective of MMOTION is to analyse the current situation and the future trends concerning MMO and safety related aspects, and to propose an European research road map for the period 2010-2015 to comprehensively addres ...
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Significant advances in human-computer interaction will require systems which can exhibit truly cognitive behaviour. This is particularly so in spoken dialogue systems (SDS) where, despite wide deployment and significant investment, current systems are still limited in capability and fragile to changes in environment or application. Recent advances in statistical modelling and machine learning off ...
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