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12 European Projects Found

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The project finds its rationale in the needs of training and education providers, students, production companies, ngos and the European Commission. The need for the ethical training of employees has already formally been acknowledged by the European Commission claiming to integrate CSR in the skills and competences of managers and employees. These are regarded as key elements in terms of individu ...
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The main objective of the action is improving the innovation management capacity of two SME target groups: (1) Beneficiaries of the SME Instrument by provision of the specialised Key Account Management services, and (2) SMEs with significant innovation activities and a high potential for internationalisation through the targeted Enhancing the innovation management services. The proposed action wil ...
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Die Region Bratislava/Trnava beheimatet rund 50.000 Betriebe. Knapp ein Drittel davon sind dem Handelsgewerbe zuzurechnen, die Baubranche ist der zweitgrößte Sektor, an dritter Stelle folgt die für die Region sehr bedeutende Sachgütererzeugung - allen voran die chemische Industrie, der Maschinenbau und die Lebensmittelindustrie.Bis dato existiert in der Region Bratislava/Trnava kein Programm, das ...
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REGIONFEMME - Frauen - Bildung - Wirtschaft (REGIONFEMME)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

Rund 30% der Unternehmen in der Slowakei und in Österreich werden von Frauen geführt. Diese Betriebe sind meistens sehr klein, müssen aber häufig das Auskommen der Unternehmerin und ihrer Familie sichern. Eine praxisnahe wirtschaftliche Ausbildung der Gründerinnen ist für die Überlebensrate der Ein-Frau-Betriebe ebenso wichtig wie die regelmäßige Weiterbildung der Unternehmerinnen. Auch der Erfahr ...
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Werkstoffwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnologie nehmen in der Region Wien-Bratislava einen hohen Stellenwert ein. Zur Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in der Gesamtregion fehlt eintransnationales/intersektorales Instrumentarium zum barrierefreien Wissenstransfer. Durch eine verstärkte Vernetzung von Forschung und Anwendung wird die Region zu einem wichtigen Hochtechnologiewirtschaftsraum werden. ...
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dnikáme bez hraníc (Podnikáme bez hraníc)

Start date: Mar 31, 2011, End date: Sep 29, 2012,

Projekt je zameraný na sociálny a hospodársky rozvoj Slovensko-poľského pohraničia a vytvorenie siete spájajúcej  poľských a slovenských partnerov. Projekt má za cieľ doplniť nástroje v rozvoji a kvalite cezhraničnej spolupráce, hlavne v oblasti podnikania. Projekt priamo naväzuje na už implementujúci projekt cezhraničnej spolupráce "Sieť podnikania bez hraníc". Vytvorená tematická sieť partnerske ...
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The eBEST project addresses small companies (typically with less than 50 employees) providing services to other businesses, often by subcontracting, in different industrial sectors. In general the intended service companies perform added-value activities in the intermediate phases of the value chain and/or in the repair and maintenance phases. The eBEST project strategic objective is to set-up, ex ...
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Start date: Jul 31, 2009, End date: Jan 30, 2011,

Projekt je zameraný na sociálny a hospodársky rozvoj Slovensko-poľského pohraničia a vytvorenie sietí spájajúcej poľských a slovenských partnerov. Projekt má za cieľ odstrániť nedostatky v rozvoji a kvalite cezhraničnej spolupráce, hlavne v oblasti podnikania. Vytvorená tematická sieť partnerskej spolupráce má za cieľ zlepšenie kvality a komunikačnej platformy medzi slovenskými a poľskými subjekt ...
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The project aims at fostering the innovation and dissemination in the area ofintergenerational learning, identifying effective models on how to make use of thepotential of seniors citizens (senior entrepreneurs and business managers), bycontributing to the learning of others (new entrepreneurs that are planning to start up acompany or take over an existing one or have done some recently). The proj ...
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The Lighthouse of Conformity project plans to create an e-learning tool for SME managers and staff in preparing for the introduction of EU directives on Product Safety and Product Liability. The project will develop, pilot and introduce a modular, interactive course and e-learning environment for implementation, accreditation and eventual commercialisation.Products to be developed, in all partner ...
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Promoting and supporting entrepreneurship and SMEs is a politicalpriority in all European member states and also of the EuropeanCommission DG Enterprise & Industry. However, the training and supportEuropean entrepreneurs usually get is mainly focused on initial aid duringtheir first steps into entrepreneurship. Many of new business do notsurvive their third year. This is due to the fact that no st ...
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The EBC*L system was established in all three target countries. The system was set up in line with international directives through the supervision of P2, but it was also developed enough to continue running under local conditions in each country. The strict quality standards have enabled project partners to reach a wide transparency and recognition of qualification. For these reasons many univers ...
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