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7 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

My long-term goal is to understand, how misfolded proteins, associated with the pathogenesis of most neurodegenerative diseases, propagate in a prion-like manner (i) and to identify strategies that could lead to cure protein misfolding (ii).(i) We have recently discovered that mutant SOD1 aggregates, associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, penetrate inside cells and replicate their misfolde ...
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Specificity in the ubiquitin system (UBSPECIFIC)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

Protein ubiquitination is an important posttranslational modification that regulates virtually all cellular processes. Its versatility arises from the ability of ubiquitin to form eight structurally and functionally distinct polymeric chains. It is clear that all chain types exist in cells. The two chain types that have been studied in detail have distinct, non-overlapping cellular functions. A la ...
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tRNA homeostasis and gene regulation (tRNA dynamics)

Start date: Aug 1, 2013, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

Regulation of gene expression is a fundamental process in all cellular systems. While the major steps in gene regulation such as transcription and translation are well understood, the role of tRNA availability (e.g. abundance, half-life) in regulating translation is largely unknown. The ultimate objective of this proposal is to investigate how tRNA availability within a cell can influence which mR ...
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"In X-ray structure determination, the R-value reports how well a model agrees with the experimental data. In small molecule crystallography, R-values of 3% are routinely reached. However, for biological macromolecules, R-values are normally around 20%, even when data extend to atomic resolution. This is clear evidence that our current models of macromolecular crystal structures are severely and g ...
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A formidable challenge for the visual system is to encode the statistical variability in the visual environment. For example, the vital statistics of contrast and luminance vary by several orders of magnitude within an image and during global changes in overall viewing conditions. The range of visual signals far exceeds the dynamic range of neurons in the retina.Traditional views dictate that duri ...
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"Super-resolution biological microscopy would benefit from a much smaller alternative to green fluorescent protein and enzyme-mediated labelling methods for imaging specific proteins in cells. To facilitate routine tagging of organic fluorophores to cellular proteins for super-resolution imaging, we aim to combine genetic code expansion (the most non-invasive tagging method) with cell-compatible C ...
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"Single-particle analysis of electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM) data can now provide near-atomic resolution information for large and high-symmetry protein complexes. However, application of the same method to small proteins is problematic, mainly because low signal-to-noise ratios hamper particle selection and orientation determination.The proposed research aims to tackle this problem by binding ...
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