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30 European Projects Found

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Quality Learning Experience = Quality Active Ageing

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2019,

The world of learning is multi-dimensional in terms of contributing to the economic prosperity and wellbeing of society. The project will look at one specific dimension of learning benefit, namely how the provision of learning to older people makes a positive contribution to active ageing and individual health and wellbeing. We will draw on the expertise available from partners in Bulgaria, Greece ...
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The EU population is ageing. Old age is still associated with infirmity, frailty, or the need for care. We can, however, profit greatly from the competence, creativity and innovative capacity of older people. Project aim is to create conditions for engaging seniors thretened by social exclusion in lifelong learning and their social activation through elaboration of educational offer for organizati ...
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Europe needs more cohesive and inclusive societies which allow citizens to play an active role in democratic life. Education and youth work are key to prevent violent radicalization by promoting common European values, fostering social integration, enhancing inter-cultural understanding and a sense of belonging to a community. According to the crisis the refugees, migrants and etc. diversified g ...
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Recently, the real face of Domestic Violence in Europe became clearly captured for a first time, in a survey, that involves participants from all 28 European states and reflects the experiences of 42 000 women across EU. The data from the survey dreadfully shows that one in three women has experienced physical and/or sexual violence since the age of 15. This project aims at addressing this crucia ...
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In times of economic difficulty such as the current European recession, Support Services for vulnerable adults and particularly for women across Europe, are often cut and 2015 is no exception to this. Statistics continue to paint the bleak picture of the issues facing vulnerable women which may prevent them from becoming economically or educationally active. 1 in 4 women across Europe experience d ...
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WeAllCount Europe

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

In the last years there has been a trend towards more transparent administrations. Some countries have issued new transparency regulations or reinforced their old ones. And many civil organizations launched digital platforms to watch their parliament or city hall activities. But these measures didn't have the expected positive results when it comes to young people feeling involved in the decision ...
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ForProve theatre

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

According to the European Commission, in the second quarter of 2014 over 5 million young people (under 25) were unemployed in the EU-28. This represents an unemployment rate of 21.7% (23.2% in the euro area), which is more than twice as high as the adult unemployment rate (9.0%). Unemployment among youths has been a top priority for EU countries. One of the reasons for the unemployment is the lack ...
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"Proposals and Strategies for Women Entrepreneurs”

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Following the Europe 2020 strategy and with the strategy ET2020, the project " Proposals and Strategies for Women Entrepreneurs " intends to create innovative, productive and effective synergies through a formative experience both personally and professionally. It is aimed at a particular target group, women with children, who are seeking their own professional fulfillment and they are confronting ...
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More than 5 million people under 25 are unemployed in EU today. According to “Rethinking Education” initiative (2012), in order to build “skills for the 21st century”, efforts are needed to develop skills such as entrepreneurship, which should be given particular attention, since they enhance employability of people. Entrepreneurship is included in national curricula to VET of many EU countries bu ...
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Online Game for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Millions of users around the world are gaming regularly. Even though online gaming was primarily designed for entertainment and profit, quite recently it moved beyond private industry and turned into a research field in educational, training and learning disciplines. Gaming is based on interaction, collaboration, active and dynamic learning and an informal educational process that is invaluable. S ...
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The project has been developed to solve the issues of low adult participation in life-long learning and high unemployment. This project will contribute to meeting the Europe 2020 goals to increase employment rate by 75% and participation target of 15% in lifelong learning through development of the basic and specific competences of adult educators-practitioners. According to the data of the need ...
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Digital Innovations for Growth Academy

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Digital Innovations for Growth Academy meets the strategic need defined in the Bruges Communique to improve the capacity of Vocational Education and Training to respond to the changing requirements of the labour market and to adapt VET to keep pace with shifts to new technologies, work organisation and internationalisation. Building upon the experiences of previous successful Leonardo da Vinci Tr ...
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Adult Educational guidance and information service

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Participation in adult education represents an attitude of lifelong learning which serves different objectives for a variety of people. Irrespective of the age, origin, social or economic background, adult education must be accessible, transparent and visible. However, some adults are struggling to find their way through the adult education scenery and cannot see the wood for the trees. The aim of ...
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Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

European youth faces the challenge of employability. Some 4.7 million young Europeans are unemployed according to the latest Eurostat estimates that at the last publication June 30, 2015, the countries with the highest youth unemployment rate are: Spain (53.2%), Greece (52.4%), Croatia (45.5%), Italy (42.7%), Cyprus (36%) and Portugal (34.7%). The International Labour Organisation (ILO) has warned ...
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Choose a job not a dole

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The Project offers innovative solutions to foster integration of people with disadvantaged background and fewer opportunities into the labour market by 1) upgrading their low soft skills coherent with the employment-related key competences: sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, social and civic competences, digital competences and learning to learn; 2) improving the quality of training provide ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The Motive project aims at boosting skills and employability through the development of an informal learning and validation methodology which supports adult learners and community development. This will be piloted in 5 different countries with 5 groups of marginalised learners. Motive provides a flexible pathway for adult learning including validation of prior learning. The project will develop th ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Apr 30, 2015,

The Project GENDER TRAINING SEMINAR FOR YOUTH WORKERS answers to the Erasmus+ Programme aim of promoting equity and inclusion by facilitating the access to learners with disadvantaged backgrounds and fewer opportunities compared to their peers. These persons have a disadvantage because of personal difficulties or obstacles that limit or prevent them from taking part in transnational projects. The ...
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The project addresses common learning needs of students in Higher Education and Vocational Education and Training (VET) institutions and adults to get employment-related skills/competencies for re-/entering fast-changing labour market. Mentoring provided by mentors (employers/employees) has proved itself in all 3 educational sectors as an effective learning process of integrating/preparing student ...
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Di-XL project aims to create a robust model of dissemination and exploitation of LLP results through libraries. Di-XL stands for Dissemination, Exploitation, Libraries.Libraries are ready to be more active in lifelong learning. With a large number of users and visitors and infrastructure they can serve as a gateway to millions of individuals, to social groups and institutions.The Consortium repres ...
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The aims of JOYN2.0 consortium are: 1) developing learners' skills of "learning to learn languages" by using social networks, as a mean to use on-line resources and organise learning, using collaborative learning for motivation, especially for people with little language learning experience. 2) strengthening cooperation between media, social networks, commercial providers of on-line resources and ...
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Violence against women crosses all socio-economic levels, age, groups, races, religions and countries. Studies reveal that in Europe at least one in every four women has been beaten or otherwise abused in their lifetimes. Despite the increased attention to the issue and many positive developments in policy and practice, violence against women is still widespread and has not led yet to a common Eur ...
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To achieve Lisbon Strategy objectives on social inclusion all partner countries are using top-down approach by implementing national programmes of social protection and social inclusion. Annual EC reports are developed The analysis of statistical data provided in this reports shows that level of social exclusion/poverty in p ...
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Involving partners from Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Lithuania and Spain, the Migration-Empowerment-Integration-Networks (MEIN) project aimed at developing a new Intercultural Education concept. Activities involved the development and testing of a course for practitioners working specifically with immigrant groups. Course content, tested with trainers from 5 partner countries, covered interc ...
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The Inclusive Practices for Learners with Disabilities (IPLD) project aimed at drawing the the attention of stakeholders to the specific educational needs of deaf, hard of hearing, blind and deaf and blind adults. Inspired by the European Year of People with Disabilities, the project had three clear goals, namely, to reinforce stakeholder cooperation, to improve awareness-raising on disability (pr ...
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Through social partnership, bridge-building and knowledge sharing, directly involving representatives of civil society and the political world, the WO-MEN project aimed at enhancing learning opportunities for decision and policy makers, specifically in the realm of gender equality. Following an initial needs analysis, a comparative review of gender equality structures was undertaken leading to th ...
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The project is designed to address the need for qualified gender equalityand diversity (further in text – GED) consultants at workplaces. Thedemand of integrating this innovative qualification into VET system risesfrom necessity to implement EU directives No. 2002/73/EC and2000/78/EC, which encourage employers in the Member States topromote equal treatment for everyone in the workplace in a planne ...
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In dem Projekt Gender Loops wird von Partnerorganisationen aus Deutschland, Litauen, Norwegen, Spanien und der Türkei zum einen ein Handbuch erarbeitet, dass praktische Methoden, Materialien, Gender-Analyse-Instrumente und Strategien zur Umsetzung von Gender Mainstreaming (GM) für Kindertageseinrichtungen beschreibt. Zum anderen wird ein Curriculum zur Implementierung von GM-Unterrichtseinheiten f ...
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In dem Projekt Gender Loops wird von Partnerorganisationen aus Deutschland, Litauen, Norwegen, Spanien und der Türkei zum einen ein Handbuch erarbeitet, dass praktische Methoden, Materialien, Gender-Analyse-Instrumente und Strategien zur Umsetzung von Gender Mainstreaming (GM) für Kindertageseinrichtungen beschreibt. Zum anderen wird ein Curriculum zur Implementierung von GM-Unterrichtseinheiten f ...
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The aim of the Euro-Woman project is to develop and introduce modern computer-based training methods, to encourage the acquisition of new skills, particularly by women, in 2 key sectors (agritourism and modern office work within SMEs). An additional focus will be that of developing entrepreneurship and increasing the opportunities for women considering self-employment.Activities will include: deve ...
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The M.E.I.N. project is developing a new concept of education for adult educationestablishments with migrants in Europe. This concept enables trainers in the area ofintercultural working to systematically direct individual learning processes with migrants,thereby optimising their integration process on an ongoing basis through continuouseducational advice as well as supporting their lifelong educa ...
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