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34 European Projects Found

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Scope. The Project concerns two main activity spheres of Qualifications and VET Development Centre (QVETDC) – development of qualifications that correspond to labour market needs and formation of related modular VET programmes, as well as development and strengthening of quality culture in VET institutions. Job shadowing in responsible foreign establishments will enable to find solutions to topic ...
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Advanced research and knowledge-based innovation are keys to develop sustainable and globally competitive high-tech industry in high-cost Europe. Early access to front-line research results demands recruitment of, and collaboration between, world-class researchers. Reduction of legal and practical barriers to transnational mobility is then imperative. Interdisciplinary, intersectorial and ge ...
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In June 2008 the Space National Contact Points (NCPs) from 33 EU member states and FP7 associated countries started COSMOS, the “Cooperation Of Space NCPs as a Means to Optimise Services”. NCP networks had been established in other themes already, like IDEALIST, and proved a suitable instrument to interlink according NCPs. This led to added benefit e. g. through new services like specific partner ...
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Network of Science in Society National Contact Points (

Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2014,

The range of the FP7 Science in Society (SiS) programme as well as the range of its stakeholders is extremely diverse. This demands that the SiS National Contact Points (NCPs) are able to orientate in the wide area of policy and policy papers behind the SiS programme, programme topics and research areas as well as in FP7 rules and regulations and in addition, they need to have extensive knowledge ...
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Trans-national Cooperation among NCPs (NCP) (PeopleNetwork+)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2014,

The PEOPLE Programme under FP7 aims to strengthen the human potential in research and technology in Europe, by stimulating people to take up the profession of researchers, encouraging European researchers to stay in Europe, and attracting to Europe the best researchers from the entire world. The international dimension is well addressed by the Marie Curie Actions (MCAs) by providing a number of op ...
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Academic Careers Understood through Measurement and Norms (ACUMEN)

Start date: Mar 1, 2011, End date: Feb 28, 2014,

"Assessment of the performance of individual researchers is the cornerstone of the scientific and scholarly workforce. It shapes the quality and relevance of knowledge production in science, technology and innovation. Currently, there is a discrepancy between the criteria used in performance assessment and the broader social and economic function of scientific and scholarly research. Additional pr ...
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Major objectives of ERA.Net RUS are: • RAISING KNOWLEDGE on bilateral and national S&T programmes with or towards Russia and on relevant activities of other programme owners; IDENTIFYING STRENGTHS AND CHALLENGES of present bilateral S&T programmes of MS/AC with Russia. • LEARNING LESSONS from ongoing (thematic) ERA-NETs involving Russian programme owners and IDENTIFYING GOOD PRACTICE from other in ...
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SEcurity REsearch Ncp network – phase 2 (SEREN 2)

Start date: Apr 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

"This proposal has been elaborated to continue the work undertaken in the former project SEcurity REsearch Ncp network – phase I (SEREN I), therefore the activities foreseen in this proposal are built upon the outcomes reached previously by the network.The Security National Contact Points (NCPs) network is still at an early stage and its members were quite recently appointed as NCPs, as compared t ...
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INCONTACT-one world aims at stimulating closer cooperation among INCO NCPs. Within the framework of this closer cooperation, INCO NCPs/NIPs will work together to effect a substantial improvement in the overall quality of NCP services in the field of International Cooperation. The positive effect of these efforts will not be limited to the NCP network alone but the international research community ...
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C-ENERGY+ has the overall objective to reinforce the National Contact Points - NCPs network, broadening NCPs expertises and improving the quality of their services. C-ENERGY+ will involve 21 Energy NCPs as partner from 21 countries plus 29 Energy NCPs as associated partners from 23 countries. Associated partners will be invited and receive financial support to attend all initiatives. C-ENERGY+ is ...
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"National Contact Points (NCPs) hold a key role in communication with the European Commission concerning executive matters and the scientific community. The quality of proposals submitted, for example, relies partially on an effective NCP network. This project is a set of coherent activities and tasks that will foster further cooperation between Environment NCPs from EU member States and Associate ...
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The main objective of VISION RD4SD is to ensure that Europe is able to contribute to a Sustainable Development of the world by formulating policies and decisions based on robust, up to date knowledge of highest scientific quality.The project focuses on a dialogue among European science policy-makers, administrators and those funding-policy makers in general who demand and need solutions from VISIO ...
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Fit for Health aims to sustainably enhance the participation of European small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Calls for the FP7 Health Theme. Focusing on research-intensive, high technology SMEs, the project offers targeted support measures, covering the entire innovation pipeline of the Health sector. Key assets of Fit for Health are highly qualified consultancy, hands-on trainings, effect ...
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The project focuses on the strengthening and deepening of the S&T cooperation with the Central Asian and South Caucasus countries, as well as with Moldova. It will be implemented in close coordination with the ongoing IncoNet EECA project (International Cooperation Network for Eastern European and Central Asian countries). The main aims of the IncoNet CA/SC project are: enhancing the policy dialog ...
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"The Framework Programme is the European Commission instrument put into place to finance research in Europe. As part of the Community Research and Technological Development Policy, it is expected that participation in the Seventh Framework Programme will increase and the quality of submitted proposals must rise. The objective of this project is to reinforce the network of National Contact Points ( ...
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"The BIO-NET coordination and support action will provide cutting-edge NCP services to the Knowledge Based Bio Economy research community. It’s aim is to reinforce the network of all European organisations that are active as NCPs in Theme 2. BIO-NET will improve the services of Bio NCPs through training and the use of common tools. Based on a thorough SWOT analisys, learning needs will be forfil ...
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The project’s aim is to strengthen the Scientific and Technological cooperation between the EU Member States (and Associated Countries) and the Eastern European and Central Asian countries. To achieve its goals, the IncoNet EECA project will implement activities at both the policy and operational level. At the policy level the project will support the establishment and operation of a Regional S&T ...
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Coordination of Space NCPs as a Means to Optimise Services (COSMOS)

Start date: Jun 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2012,

"With the introduction of FP7 the topic ""Space"" gained even more importance than in the FPs before. Most EU Member States and Associated Countries and even some Third Countries have set up NCPs for Space; some are already experienced, some are quite new in Space and in dealing with the FP in general. Within the proposed project therefore a strong network of Space NCPs shall be create to identify ...
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National Contact Points (NCPs) play a crucial role in the Framework Programme as providers of information and assistance to potential participants (applicants) of new projects and contractors in on-going projects. They reach out to the European research community in order to inform and raise awareness about the funding opportunities of the Framework Programme, to advise and assist potential applic ...
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European Network of FP7 Science in Society NCPs (EuroSiS 2.0)

Start date: Nov 1, 2010, End date: Oct 31, 2011,

The range of the 7th Framework Programme’s (FP7) Science in Society (SiS) programme as well as the range of its stakeholders is extremely diverse. This demands that the SiS National Contact Points (NCPs) are able to orientate in the wide area of SiS topics and research areas as well as FP7 rules and regulations in order to be able to fulfil their job.The cooperation among NCPs in FP7 and the coope ...
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The term “Research Infrastructures (RIs)” refers to facilities and resources that provide to the scientific community essential services needed for the performance of leading edge research in both an academic and/or industrial environment. Research Infrastructures should be open to researchers, to the scientific community and to the Industry and cover the whole range of scientific and technologica ...
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The NCP TeAm project aims at an improved NMP NCP service across Europe therefore helping simplify access to FP7 calls, lowering the entry barriers for newcomers, and raising the average quality of submitted proposals through closer collaboration between the NMP NCPs and normalisation of the differences in knowledge and quality of provided services across the NCP Network in Europe and beyond. To th ...
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The main objective of Idealist2011 is reinforcing the network of National Contact Points (NCP) for ICT under FP7, by promoting further trans-national cooperation within this network. Thiscooperation will not be reduced to only ICT NCPs but also a degree of collaboration and networking with similar networks in parallel themes (Security, SSH, ENV, Transport, Energy, Health,...etc) especially in the ...
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"The objective of this proposal is to reinforce the quality, effectiveness and coherence of the services provided by the EURAXESS Services Network for mobile researchers. It will achieve this objective by promoting trans-national co-operation along with identification, refinement and exchange of best practice. The actions will focus on enhancing the local and overall performance of the network and ...
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A strong and efficient Network of National Contacts Points (NCP) is not only elementary to the success of the Seventh EU Framework Programme but also to the realization of the European Research Area. The trans-national project “NET4SOCIETY” will strive to achieve this declared goal. For its proposed duration of three years, “NET4SOCIETY” will support the creation and establishment of a functional ...
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Start date: Feb 1, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2010,

Transnational exchange of experiences and dissemination of best practices can constitute an important supporting element in the work should provide the SiS NCPs, at the same time contributing to the realisation of the concept of the Science in Society. The experiences of the benchmarking exercises within the activities to realise the SiS might serve as a source of stimulation. Also several activit ...
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"C-ENERGY Connecting Energy NCPs has the overall objective to reinforce the network of National Contact Points for the 7 Framework Programme of the Energy Theme (Energy NCPs). C-ENERGY is a 1 year coordination action that will lay the foundation for a 4-year action (1 year C-ENERGY and 3 years C-ENERGY +). The practices identified and activities carried out will be further exploited in C-ENERGY + ...
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The major objectives of this Specific Support Action are to: - promote the role played by the Framework Programme in enabling International Cooperation on Global Change and Ecosystems research; - and to facilitate the uptake of the results of the research being carried out. This will be done by using a combined approach of awareness-raising and networking activities.The project will focus in parti ...
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SEcurity REsearch Ncp network - phase 1 (SEREN)

Start date: Feb 1, 2008, End date: Jul 31, 2009,

The aim of the SEREN coordination action is to link the different NCPs of the Security research programme, to initiate coordination in the network, and to improve the quality of the network and, as a matter of fact, the ability of its members to deliver a high level of service to the community. Security Research presents several specificities as compared to other COOPERATION’s thematic priorities ...
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The goal of the present project is: first of all, to facilitate the dialogue between the Network of Erasmus Mundus National Structures and Naric Centres (National Academic Recognition Information Centres). Each of the five partners of the EMNS~BRIDGE~NARIC project enjoys both the status of EM National Structures and Naric Centres (Estonia, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain). Therefore it will be possi ...
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EMAP 2 - Erasmus Mundus Active Participation is a common project of Erasmus Mundus National Structures which aims to enhance the participation of higher education institutions from countries which so far have been less well represented in the Erasmus Mundus Action 1. In order to achieve this aim the project partners identify and select consortia of higher education institutions as potential appli ...
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The project will construct a comperehensive set of business learning support tools. Via Internet the entrepreneurs will go through an innovative curriculum, tailored to e-tutoring - a negotiated work-based learning. The target groups are seen as young entrepreneurs and micro enterprises & small businesses in high-growth innovation-led sectors. The basic approach is negotiated work-based learning ( ...
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Learning outcomes are becoming increasingly important in defining the goals and end results of a learning experience. Instead of focussing on the input (duration of a programme, subjects taken), the output of education (competences and skills obtained) is now in the centre of attention. This approach is being reinforced by major developments within the European area for higher education, such as t ...
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