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22 European Projects Found

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High energy lithium sulphur cells and batteries (HELIS)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2019,

Lithium sulphur batteries (LSB) are viable candidate for commercialisation among all post Li-ion battery technologies due to their high theoretical energy density and cost effectiveness. Despites many efforts, there are remaining issues that need to be solved and this will provide final direction of LSB technological development. Some of technological aspects, like development of host matrices, in ...
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The aim of OPEUS is to develop a simulation methodology and accompanying modelling tool to evaluate, improve and optimise the energy consumption of rail systems with a particular focus on in-vehicle innovation. The OPEUS concept is based on the need to understand and measure the energy being used by each of the relevant components of the rail system and in particular the vehicle. This includes the ...
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Na-Ion bAttery Demonstration for Electric Storage (NAIADES)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Wide scale implementation of renewable energy will require growth in production of inexpensive, efficient energy storage systems. The extension of battery technology to large-scale storage will become necessary as intermittent renewable energy sources such as wind, solar and wave become more prevalent and integrated into electrical grid. Lithium-ion battery appears as quite mature for this applica ...
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Innovation in the automotive industry is of pivotal importance for European´s prosperity. OSEM-EV will provide solutions for better autonomy and predictable range to address today´s car buyers concern about electro mobility. Just increasing the battery capacity is not a viable option because the expectation is to have a familiar level of comfort and safe, eco and human oriented mobility at afforda ...
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For space missions, the energy density of batteries is a key factor of systems mass.A recent battery technology, based on this Lithium-Sulfur chemistry and developed by OXIS Energy, has shown promising results, particularly in terms of specific energy and cycling performances. Lithium-Sulfur batteries could become the next breakthrough technology for space batteries, with a factor of two on the sp ...
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Finding novel solutions for energy storage is of high societal relevance, since it is a prerequisite for the turnaround from fossil fuels and nuclear power to energy from renewable sources, since these sources mostly are intermittent. Also for providing an ecological friendly mobility, high capacity energy storage solutions are urgently needed. Well trained experts in energy storage are a prerequi ...
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Joint Operation for Ultra Low Emission Shipping (JOULES)

Start date: Jun 1, 2013, End date: May 31, 2017,

Reducing emissions from shipping has increasingly become a challenge over the last years, both as a counter measure against global climate change and to protect local environments and population from waste, gas emissions and noise.This challenge has been documented both in policy papers, like the Europe 2020 initiative or the Transport White Paper, and in rules and regulations issued by IMO as wel ...
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"Li-ion batteries become a reality in the future vehicles, although they do not fulfil completely the demands of consumers. In this respect batteries with higher energy density are required. Lithium technology utilizing sulphur as a cathode is one of the optimal choices since it offers the possibility of achieving high-energy, long-life storage batteries with a potential low price. At present, the ...
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Battery Modular System Integrated with Conversion (BASIC)

Start date: Sep 25, 2014, End date: Mar 24, 2016,

"Traditionally, aircraft power system use passive power converter coupled with NiCad battery to provide power to 28Vdc buses from main AC network. This solution is very mature, but power quality from this architecture is low and impact avionics loads designs and overall system reliability.Recent progress in power electronics and lithium –ion batteries allows higher power density compared to tradit ...
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The aim of NECOBAUT Project is to develop a new concept of battery for automotive based on a new metal/air technology that overcomes the energy density limitation of the Li-ion battery used at present for Electrical Vehicles. Some metal/air cells were developed in the past, but did not give the demanded requirements for commercial use. Two decades of improvements in materials for electrodes, elect ...
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"For many transport modes, energy reduction strategies can be effectively formulated at the level of the vehicle or vessel. New technologies can therefore be introduced to a vehicle and the direct energy savings can be readily quantified. However, such approach is not suitable to be employed for urban rail, where it is not sufficient to consider only the energy performance of vehicles; the energy ...
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STAtionary BAtteries LI-ion safe Deployment (STABALID)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

...ll be developed in close cooperation with Japan thanks to collaboration with selected projects financed by METI and NEDO. STABALID project is technically led by a world leading manufacturing company, SAFT, and involves a utility company as representative of end-users, EDP, as well as reference organizations for safety inspection, testing, certification, and for integrated risk management. Thus ,th ...
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The global objective of the ELIBAMA project is to enhance and accelerate the creation of a strong European automotive battery industry structured around industrial companies already committed to mass production of Li-ion cells and batteries for EVs. Europe faces strong competition from Asia and the USA where more investments and production capacities for Li-ion batteries currently exist. The ELIBA ...
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Towards Zero Waste in Industrial Networks (ZeroWIN)

Start date: May 1, 2009, End date: Apr 30, 2014,

The first work package will define a common vision on zero-waste entrepreneurship within the first 6 months. The mythos Individual Producer Responsibility will be investigated if it can become the all-healing-solution in electronics industry as well as how this concept can be applied to other industrial sectors. WP2 concentrates on new technological developments, WP3 on waste prevention methodolog ...
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Clean European Rail - Diesel (CleanER-D)

Start date: Jun 1, 2009, End date: Jan 31, 2014,

The study of CER, UNIFE, UIC and Euromot of the railway and engine manufacturing industries concluded on a risk of disruptive effect of the NRMM Directive application on the railway diesel vehicle supply market, leading to a possible risk of a partial modal shift from rail to road on regional passenger lines and freight transportation specialized routes, with even foreseeable consequences on the o ...
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TEchnologies and scenarios For Low Emissions Shipping (TEFLES)

Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Jan 31, 2014,

Reduction of emissions in shipping is currently driven by new regulations and impact on wealth and climate change, while traffic steadily grows at up to 6% rates yearly in spite of economic recession. Ships on port approach, maneuvering up to mooring and on loading and unloading, also affect the local population. TEFLES addresses both sea and at port emissions scenarios by developing after treatme ...
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High Energy Lithium-Ion Storage Solutions (HELIOS)

Start date: Nov 1, 2009, End date: Oct 31, 2013,

"The reluctance of OEM worldwide to extend electric drive applications to the private customers depends partly from considerations on customer acceptance (limited range in the case of EV, long charging time after depletion of the battery, cost), but also from the increased reliability and life span that private customers are entitled to expect.The first goal of HELIOS project is to evaluate electr ...
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...ystem. For example, an isolated renewable electric grid based on that of the project is under construction in Aguas de Murcia (Spain) to power a pump installed in a well, while the beneficiary SAFT has used knowledge obtained during the project to develop an improved battery charger system. The project generated technical and management tools that will help in the future implementation of EU legi ...
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"The electric ship concept offers many benefits; among other aspects if offers flexibility of control and effectiveness of power transmission. But predominantly it enables higher energy conversion efficiency by ensuring that prime movers are effectively loaded at all times and across all operating conditions. This dominating advantage cannot be matched by mechanical transmission systems because ge ...
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Although the development of nanoparticles-based materials has advanced rapidly in recent years, industrial production techniques have not kept pace. At this point there is a substantial need for safe production facilities, enabling the synthesis of large amounts of metallic nanoparticles with controlled and uniform quality (particle size, particle size distribution, chemical composition, etc.). Th ...
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Materials for high energy accumulators in traction and tools (MAHEATT)

Start date: Apr 1, 2009, End date: Mar 31, 2012,

A.1.2. Project summaryThe overall objective of the MAHEATT project is to develop a prototype cost-effective lithium-ion high energy battery technology with electrode performances well beyond the current state-of-the-art, with automotive applications (hybrid vehicles and electric traction) and hand held tools as application target areas. This will be achieved by innovative synthesis and design of r ...
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Development and use of Sustainable Energy sources is one of the key elements in European Research. Connecting (newly) developed Sustainable and Distributed Energy Resources to the electricity distribution networks however causes significant effects on the management of these networks. Bottlenecks are stability, security, peaks in supply & demand and overall management. Electricity storage systems ...
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