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Grid reliability and operability with distributed generation using flexible storage (GROW-DERS)
Start date: Sep 1, 2007, End date: Aug 31, 2010 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Development and use of Sustainable Energy sources is one of the key elements in European Research. Connecting (newly) developed Sustainable and Distributed Energy Resources to the electricity distribution networks however causes significant effects on the management of these networks. Bottlenecks are stability, security, peaks in supply & demand and overall management. Electricity storage systems provide means to overcome the technical and economical hurdles for large scale introduction of distributed and sustainable energy sources.The costs for different storage technologies have dropped dramatically the last five years making introduction of storage systems feasible. However, unfamiliarity with the techniques, lack of confidence and uncertainty with costs and benefits cause very large inertia by end users (utilities, investors). Moreover, network components are designed to be technical and economical effective for a (minimum) period of 40 years, causing conservative behaviour.
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