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6 European Projects Found

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Il progetto si colloca nel triangolo dei tre confini: Italia, Slovenia e Austria. Le regioni interessate al progetto hanno un’ottima prospettiva di crescita economica basata sulla multiculturalità e sul plurilinguismo. Nonostante esistano delle differenze tra i sistemi d'istruzione dei tre Paesi coinvolti, si manifestano aspetti comuni che tuttavia fino ad ora non sono stati sviluppati in modo da ...
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Itinerari Termali (ITER)

Start date: Dec 31, 2002, End date: Jun 29, 2005,

Starting from the Ancient Greek and Roman times, these facilities tend to be built in areas where "the waters" (hot springs or thermal pools) were thought to have healing properties. Through history spa towns became extremely important both from an artistic and cultural point of view and are part of the cultural heritage. Nevertheless very few has been done to protect was can be considered one of ...
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WFUTURE project aims at coping with complex structural needs in the field of education and guidance, focusing on cooperation among schools for “reducing early school leaving” and “ensuring successful transitions between different school types and levels, and into lifelong education and training, particularly by improving access to and the quality of information, guidance and advice services” (2008 ...
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Guidenet will establish a network of expertise in the field of Vocational Guidance. The network will operate through four separate tiers: Contractor, Core Partner, Permanent Relay Point and Occasional Correspondent and will bring together the expertise of all contributory partners. The network will act as a core information point and centre of expertise drawing upon the position of individual part ...
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Ziel ist die Lancierung, Stärkung und Konsolidierung der Partnerschaften zwischen Grenzgemeinden im Wege der Auseinandersetzung über Themen gemeinsamen Interesses, durch Aufnahme des Dialogs über damit zusammenhängende Probleme, im Austausch positiver Vorgehensweisen und durch gegenseitige Besuche/Informationsaufenthalte von italienischen Funktionären bei örtlichen Einrichtungen jenseits der Grenz ...
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...arsi reciprocamente nel processo di apprendimento linguistico. Le classi non perseguono solo linsegnamento delle lingue, ma anche la comunicazione della cultura dei Paesi della regione alpino-adriatica. Il progetto prende il nome dallalpinista e autore Julius Kugy (1858-1944), un esempio in tema di cosmopolitismo: con padre carinziano e madre slovena, Kugy visse a Trieste e pensò in tre lingue. ...
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