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Over 130,000 children born in Europe every year will have a congenital anomaly (CA; birth defect). These CAs, which are often rare diseases, are a major cause of infant mortality, childhood morbidity and long-term disability. EUROCAT is an established European network of population-based registries for the epidemiologic surveillance of CAs. EUROlinkCAT will use the EUROCAT infrastructure to suppor ...
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Chronic angina pectoris is a debilitating chronic disease, a subgroup of these patients suffers from refractory angina which unfortunately can’t be controlled by medical therapy (angioplasty or surgery). Refractory angina is a substantial burden on the individual and healthcare system, in Europe there are 100,000 new cases per year, annual mortality of these patients is relatively low (
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EIPIN IS is a comprehensive project at the forefront of multidisciplinary research, examining the role of intellectual property (IP) as a complex adaptive system in innovation. The focus will be on the European regulatory framework for fostering innovation with the aim of enhancing Europe’s capacity for innovation-based sustainable economic growth. The longstanding European Intellectual Property I ...
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Resolution Pharmacology and Physiology of MCTR in Arthritis (MCTRinIA)

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2021,

Chronic inflammation may result from failure of the host response to engage pro-resolving pathways. The current treatment armamentarium for chronic inflammatory conditions may lead to immune suppression. Thus, identification of novel therapeutics that control inflammation without immune suppression will provide an attractive alternative approach. This is especially important since incidence of the ...
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Learning from others is fundamental to ecological success across the animal kingdom, but a key theme to emerge from recent research is that individuals respond differently to social information. Understanding this diversity is an imposing challenge, because it is hard to replicate the overwhelming complexity of free-living groups within controlled laboratory conditions. Yet here I propose that one ...
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The energy crisis, environmental pollution and global warming are serious problems that are of great concern throughout the world. Around 40% of the world’s energy consumption is dedicated to the production of materials and chemicals. Thus, there is a need to develop high-performance materials based on renewable resources, simpler to synthesise and cost effective. Carbon materials derived from ren ...
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Our understanding of the subatomic world and of the very fabric of the space-time is encompassed in a theory which is the result of all past experimental observations and theoretical developments: the Standard Model of Particle Physics. Yet cosmological observations and theoretical arguments lead us to conclude that new phenomenology, new particles, forces, or a new space-time structure is waiting ...
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New frontiers in numerical general relativity (NewNGR)

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2020,

In recent years general relativity (GR) has become an increasingly important new tool in areas of physics beyond its traditional playground in astrophysics. The main motivation for this comes from the AdS/CFT correspondence which conjectures an equivalence between gravity in anti-de Sitter (AdS) spaces and certain conformal field theories (CFT’s). Via this correspondence, GR now plays a key role i ...
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Tribbles Research and Innovation Network (TRAIN)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2020,

This proposal was developed in the context of the medical need to tackle the clinical consequences of obesity-related diseases more holistically. Dysregulation of common molecular pathways that govern the physiological functioning of adipocytes, immune cells and prostate epithelium cells have been reported in immuno-metabolic disease (such as obesity) and several cancers. The individual projects ...
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HarmonicSS vision is to create an International Network and Alliance of partners and cohorts, entrusted with the mission of addressing the unmet needs in primary Sjogren Syndrome; working together to create and maintain a platform with open standards and tools, designed to enable secure storage, governance, analytics, access control and controlled sharing of information at multiple levels along wi ...
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WiseGRID has two intertwined and equally important strategic goals: on the one hand, it aims at successfully putting in the market, within a horizon of 24 months after project completion, a set of solutions and technologies which increase the smartness, stability and security of an open, consumer-centric European energy grid, with an enhanced use of storage technologies and a highly increased shar ...
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EVOluTION, a pioneering network within EU in view of its focus on endogenous protective mechanisms, is formed to provide training for 11 young researchers in innovative therapeutic strategies, integrating early detection and prevention, to yield novel approaches to the management of chronic vascular and metabolic diseases that affect the increasing ageing population of Western societies. Fully ali ...
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In the face of the increasing global consumption of fossil resources, photosynthetic organisms offer an attractive alternative that could meet our rising future needs as clean, renewable, sources of energy and for the production of fine chemicals. Key to the efficient exploitation of these organisms is to optimise the conversion of Solar Energy into Biomass (SE2B). The SE2B network deals with this ...
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MAST4HEALTH is set on the concept of a multidisciplinary approach to assess a non-pharmacological intervention for managing NAFLD/NASH, one of the most common complications of obesity and diabetes mellitus in Western populations affecting approximately 50% of diabetics and 76% of obese patients. Because of limitations in current NAFLD treatment therapies, many new efforts focus on exploring non-ph ...
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Legitimacy, Sovereignty and the Public Sphere (Legitimacy)

Start date: Feb 1, 2017, End date: Jan 31, 2020,

The goal of the research is to redefine the interrelations between the concepts of legitimacy, sovereignty, the public sphere and democracy in order to develop a conception of a more inclusive and participatory public sphere.The problems of participation in and inclusivity of the public sphere relate to recent trends of globalisation and democratic development in general. As for the latter it has ...
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"The incidence of paediatric onset Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (PIBD) has risen dramatically in recent decades. Compared to adult forms, PIBD reflects a more severe disease, more often requiring aggressive treatment with immunomodulators, and thereby exposing children to a life-long risk of serious disease and treatment-related adverse events, such as infections and malignancies. Therefore, there ...
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My Health - My Data (MH-MD)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2019,

Issues of data subjects’ privacy and data security represent a crucial challenge in the biomedical sector more than in other industries. The current IT landscape in this field shows a myriad of isolated, locally hosted patient data repositories, managed by clinical centres and other organisations, which are subject to frequent and massive data breaches. Patients are disenfranchised in this process ...
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Musculoskeletal disorders, particularly to the muscle-tendon unit, are a major cause of occupational disability in the European Union. The link between high cholesterol and poor tendon function has recently been demonstrated by several groups. However, the underlying pathophysiology of this association remains unknown. Cholesterol is known to leave the circulation and accumulate in extracellular m ...
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The business opportunities in eHealth are equally as important as the health care challenges they are trying to solve. Therefore, the participation of this emerging industry in building a strong EU economy is potentially proportional to the impact it will have on the health of our citizens.If the eHealth market is accelerating globally, it is still up and coming in Europe and has not accelerated t ...
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The EU and International Economic Law

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

This Jean Monnet Chair aims to enhance EU studies and research at Queen Mary University of London in the area of European Union (EU) International Economic Law. The project focuses on the role of the EU as a global economic actor in the interface of international trade, investment, climate change, and energy law. The interdisciplinary nature of the project makes it relevant for students from other ...
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Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal degenerative disorder of the brain and spinal cord affecting some 40,000 individuals in Europe, causing 11,000 deaths each year. Our pioneering work on riluzole showed that it is possible to modify ALS progression but all subsequent trials of potential neuroprotective agents have failed. Thus, drug development in ALS, including trial design, patient s ...
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...simultaneously will allow us to monitor competitive interactions as well as the possibility of social learning in space use. For the first time we will also track the spatial movement strategies of queens and males to see how they interface the search for mates with the need to forage efficiently. Our findings will have wide-ranging applications not just for the understanding of pollinator space u ...
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European particle physics groups interested in searching signals of new physics both with neutrinos, at T2K experiment, and at the intensity frontier, with the Belle-II experiment at the SUPERKEKB machine, want to share between them and with KEK laboratory their knowledge in data analysis and detector technologies. Such knowledge sharing will enhance skills and competences of all participants, wil ...
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Advancing the European Multilingual Experience (ATHEME)

Start date: Mar 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2019,

"The project Advancing The European Multilingual Experience (AThEME) takes an integrated approach towards the study of multilingualism in Europe by incorporating and combining linguistic, cognitive and sociological perspectives; by studying multilingualism in Europe at three different levels of societal magnitude, viz. the individual multilingual citizen, the multilingual group, and the multilingu ...
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"Type-1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease in which pancreatic β-cells are gradually destroyed by autoreactive T-cells recognising autoantigens (Auto-Ag) such as GAD65 and insulin. ImCyse, a small SME, has developed a new technology based on short synthetic peptides flanked with a thioredox motif, which silence the pathogenic immune response against several auto-Ag through activation of one a ...
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The democratisation of multimedia content creation has changed the way in which multimedia content is created, shared and (re)used all over the world, yielding significant amounts of user-generated multimedia resources, big part shared under open licenses. At the same time, creative industries need to reduce production costs in order to remain competitive. There is, therefore, an opportunity for c ...
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Neuroscientific research suggests a link between the style of caricature and neurocognitive procedures of perception: the brain perceives reality and makes sense of it by isolating and emphasising patterns. Similarly, by misshaping and exaggerating visual features, caricature provides an enhanced perception of facts and feelings, uncovers hidden aspects of reality, and reveals unconventional knowl ...
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WHRI-ACADEMY is a new fellowship programme which will maximise the career development of the next generation of translational multidisciplinary researchers geared toward therapeutic innovation across rapidly developing and integrated life sciences and health care disciplines. This is a new transnational fellowship programme which has been organised with 15 partner organisations in the EU and Third ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Two landmark anniversaries will coincide in 2016: the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death and the 500th anniversary of the foundation of the Jewish Ghetto of Venice, a place that provided the world with the concept of the 'ghetto', as well as the historical backdrop to Shakespeare’s controversial play, The Merchant of Venice. This project draws on these two events to reflect and respo ...
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Industrial optimal design using adjoint CFD (IODA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Adjoint-based methods have become the most interesting approach in numerical optimisation using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) due to their low computational cost compared to other approaches. The development of adjoint solvers has seen significant research interest, and a number of EC projects have been funded on adjoint-based optimisation. In particular, partners of this proposal are member ...
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Imprinted Polymers as Coffee Sensors (IPCOS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Food quality is a global key priority area where technological advances in terms of quality control have been limited. The aim of the IPCOS Network is to bring innovation to the field of food quality by offering an international, interdisciplinary and intersectorial doctoral training programme that will target the development of chemical sensors, using the molecular imprinting technology, for appl ...
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Wearable technologies aimed at private consumers constitute a nascent market, expected to grow very fast. Their disruptive power is exemplified by the competition between established technology giants and start-ups. In particular, the development of the wearable market relies on its capacity to break down barriers between creative industries and digital technology companies. At the core of this ma ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Electroactive polymers (EAP) consist of materials capable of changing dimensions and/or shape in response to electrical stimuli. Most EAPs are also capable of generating electrical energy in response to applied mechanical forces. These polymeric materials exhibit properties well beyond what conventional metal or plastic-based actuators can offer, including very high mechanical flexibility (can be ...
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The HiperLoc-EP project will develop a disruptive electric propulsion technology that provides a High performance Low cost Electric Propulsion system. HiperLoc-EP will provide critical propulsion functionality for micro satellite and satellite constellations typified by Samsung’s Earth-wide internet via 4600 micro-satellites. The HiperLoc-EP technology is an Electrospray Colloid Electric Propulsio ...
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Deferred Restructuring of Experience in Autonomous Machines (DREAM)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

A holy grail in robotics and artificial intelligence is to design a machine that can accumulate adaptations on developmental time scales of months and years. From infancy through adult- hood, such a system must continually consolidate and bootstrap its knowledge, to ensure that the learned knowledge and skills are compositional, and organized into meaningful hierarchies. Consolidation of previous ...
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Ensuring the Integrity of the European food chain (FOODINTEGRITY)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Food Integrity “the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished or in perfect condition”.Providing assurance to consumers and other stakeholders about the safety, authenticity and quality of European food (integrity) is of prime importance in adding value to the European Agri-food economy. The integrity of European foods is under constant threat from fraudulently labelled imitations that try to ...
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The aim of the project “Euro-Sequences” is to establish a multidisciplinary training network on the emerging topic of sequence-controlled polymers. It has been shown during the last 5 years that such polymers open up unprecedented options for the future of manmade materials. Indeed, similarly to biopolymers such as DNA and proteins, synthetic sequence-controlled polymers contain precisely engineer ...
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Fetal growth restriction (FGR) globally occurs in 8% of pregnancies, is severe and early onset in 1:500 cases, affecting 11,000 babies annually in the EU. In most cases, reduced uterine blood flow restricts substrate delivery to the fetus causing growth to slow or cease. There is no treatment. Currently the fetus is delivered very preterm before fetal death or irreversible organ damage occurs. Aff ...
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COGNITUS will deliver innovative ultra-high definition (UHD) broadcasting technologies that allow the joint creation of UHD media exploiting the knowledge of professional producers, the ubiquity of user generated content (UGC), and the power of interactive networked social creativity in a synergistic multimedia production approach.The project will provide a proof of concept to cement the viability ...
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The proposed research project ‘Fashioning Georgian Englishness: Race, National Identity, and Codes of Proper Behaviour’ examines the interconnectedness of nationality, race, and conduct within an eighteenth-century colonial perspective. The interdisciplinary project argues that race played a vital but ambiguous role in the construction of the nascent English national identity in the Georgian era ( ...
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