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7 European Projects Found

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Towards resource efficient urban communities in SEE  (RE-SEEties)

Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2014,

...ion Plan of City of NitraRES feasibility study Miercurea CiucInstalling a biogas CHP plant at the wastewater treatment plant, increasing the energy efficiency of public lighting.RES feasibility study PtujProduction of refuse-derived fuel from municipal solid waste.RES feasibility study NitraWaste gasification power plant.RES feasibility study EgaleoImproving the lighting and heating system, therma ...
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The project ViTo capitalise on the results of INTERREG IIIB CADSES projects Hist.Urban and ADHOC. The experiences of both projects resulted in complementary, to be deepened field of actions to bring forward an integrated development based on the build cultural heritage as location factor and an important part of an integrated revitalisation approach. Small and medium sized historical towns have to ...
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Low Cost Zero Waste Municipality (ZERO WASTE)

Start date: Apr 30, 2009, End date: Apr 29, 2012,

The project Zero Waste aims at developing an integrated zero-waste management system with the aim to maximize resources and energy and to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills, deviating the amount of materials and resources in order to re-use them and include them in recycling schemes and processes that act as drivers of economic activity and sustainable development of the regions. ...
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Young European Entrepreneurs on Go

Start date: Aug 6, 2012,

Young European Entrepreneurs on Go is a six-day training which will take place in Bela Crkva, Serbia from 12-19 November 2012. The training will be organised by Izvor mladosti which is also a hosting organisation of the project. The participants are 32 youth workers, youth leaders actively working in youth organisations from Serbia, Latvia, Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Slovenia,Greece and Moldov ...
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With the project we will give all schools opportunity to step fast forward into proven system of self evaluation, supported with Internet software. Partnership is aware that first step is most important and very hard to do, since there is too many variables. QUTE self-evaluation system offer complete methodology with all necessary tools to start Quality assurance groups in schools and assure teach ...
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Hauptziel:• Den Entscheidungsträgern soll nutzbares Wissen zu der Umwelt und damit verbundenen nötigen Aktivitäten in Städten, Regionen und Gemeinden zur Verfügung gestellt werdenWeitere Ziele:• Arbeitsplattform für zukünftige Kooperationen• Interregionales Lernmodell• Qualitätsmanagment in UmweltfragenMöglichst viele Zielgruppen in den Aktionsplan integrierenAusgangslage und Motivation:Das Projek ...
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The Zerowaste Pro aims to capitalize the results and outputs along with the know-how and expertise acquired in the Med and other EU projects implemented by the partnership with the aim of promoting sustainable low-cost waste management strategies in the MED region and IPA countries with an emphasis on waste prevention, reuse, recycling and composting and to establish synergies between the particip ...
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