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Geoheritage and climate change opening the secrets of home

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

...egion and their roots. The participants are Vaala Municipality/Vaalan kunnan sivistyspalvelut (the coordinator), Vaala Upper Secondary School/Vaalan lukio, Humanpolis Ltd/Rokua Geopark, Verbania City/Provincia del Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, I.I.S. Lorenzo Cobianchi/Vocational and Technical School and the University of Turin/Universita Tegli Studi di Torino. The other organizations that are involved in ...
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Soil Administration Models 4 Community Profit (LIFE SAM4CP)

Start date: Jun 3, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

Background Soils provide seven main ecological functions: carbon sequestration; water purification; erosion prevention; support of biodiversity; habitat for pollinators; production of wood/fibre; and food production. Most of these ecological functions provide economic as well as ecological benefits to local communities. However, these functions are inhib ...
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New Energy to Rebuild E-uropean Learning

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The EU set a 20% energy savings target by 2020. Buildings are responsible for 40% of energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions in the EU. While new buildings generally need less than three to five litres of heating oil per square meter per year, older buildings consume about 25 litres on average. It is also estimated that 90% of building today existing in the EU is destined to remain and the ren ...
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In the context of the development of society, young people need permanent support in specific skills training to ensure their integration in the socio-economic life of the community. The "Making Sustainable growth: Co-Creating solutions through social and green entrepreneurship" aimed at developing entrepreneurship in sustainable development through an integrated approach between social entreprene ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The FOREST4LIFE project is promoted by the Vocational Secondary School ‘Services sector for agriculture, rural development and forestry’, of Ormea (Cuneo), on behalf of the other three partner Schools that form the Italian Schools of Forestry Board, situated in as many Alps and Appennine Mountains areas. These four Secondary Schools train technicians with a professional competence in the forest se ...
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RE-NERGY 2014 – Building the sustainable economy

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The RE-NERGY Project, with the proposal of 5 weeks transnational mobility, renews its commitment in the field of vocational training by focusing on new themes, but always starting from the needs of the cluster, as a response to the training needs of the productive sectors of the eastern provinces Piedmont (especially Alessandria Province). The focus then becomes polarized toward the handicraft s ...
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TER.ME 2014 - Territorio e mercati, le nuove competenze

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The TER.ME Project wants to renew the proposal of 5 weeks mobility abroad in response to the needs of the sending high schools net, territorially expressive of the various souls of Alessandra Province. The beneficiary schools are wondering about how to better prepare their students so that they will be able to read the surrounding reality, recognise and propose innovative ideas as part of an integ ...
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The Human Brain Project (HBP)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Understanding the human brain is one of the greatest challenges facing 21st century science. If we can rise to the challenge, we can gain profound insights into what makes us human, develop new treatments for brain diseases and build revolutionary new computing technologies. Today, for the first time, modern ICT has brought these goals within sight. The goal of the Human Brain Project, part of the ...
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Background Europe produces an estimated 250 million used rubber tyres annually. Moreover, this number is expected to increase with an increase in vehicle fleet numbers and reduced numbers of reconditioned tyres. Historically the majority of end-of-use tyres were sent to landfill sites. However, the landfilling of whole tyres – which creates significant ...
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The main objective of the project is to promote energy planning at local level by sharing a common methodology among participating Partners (PP). This is essential to tackle Climate Change (CC), as energy use is mainly responsible for it. Local Authorities (LA) have a key role in this mitigation process, but as generally acquired, mitigation is not sufficient since CC is already taking place. The ...
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Start date: Jan 14, 2013, End date: Jan 14, 2015,

Achèvement de la connaissance sur le bassin de la rivière Pellice en Italie et en recueillant des informations détaillées sur des sousbassins française de l'Haute Durance visant à la restauration des zones humides riveraines, la modélisation des laves torrentielles, à l'information et la participation des populations locales et pour atteindre à la création d'un "Comité locale de la rivière."
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Start date: Jan 13, 2013, End date: Jan 13, 2015,

Le projet ambitionne de promouvoir la dimension culturelle des territoires transfrontaliers s'inscrivant le long d'un axe historique et touristique reliant Turin et Avignon, et s'étendant jusqu'à Arles et Vercelli. Le projet s'articule autour du fil conducteur historique des pèlerinages de la Via Francigena et des Chemins de Saint-Jacques.
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Start date: Jan 13, 2013, End date: Jan 13, 2015,

Lobjectif du projet est la capitalisation et le développement du réseau transfrontalier sur les risques naturels dans les territoires des Alpes Occidentales pour développer une identité transfrontalière. La stratégie retenue est de mener une réflexion commune sur des concepts tels que la «culture du risque» (facteur important didentité transfrontalière) et le «risque soutenable».
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Start date: Jan 13, 2013, End date: Jan 13, 2015,

Le projet "DEGUST'ALP" vise à développer des méthodologies reproductibles permettant.aux populations transfrontalières de s'approprier les produits agricoles locaux et pour renforcer le lien entre consommateurs et producteurs afin de renforcer le sentiment d'appartenance au territoire rural en faisant prendre conscience de ses richesses.
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Les partenaires institutionnels, professionnels et territoriaux portent ensemble un projet transfrontalier ambitieux de mise en valeur des vignobles caractéristiques des Savoie et de la province de Turin. Par une démarche de reconquête des cépages typiques et autochtones, de compréhension des relations terroir / cépages et de connaissance historique et anthropologique de l'évolution des vignobles ...
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Cities on Power (CoP)

Start date: Jun 30, 2011, End date: Jun 29, 2014,

The challenge of the global climate change and the pressure on resources stemming from the global competition combined with the high dependency of the energy import of the European Union requires concerted strategies and innovative adaptation approaches. The EU directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (RES) from 23rd April 2010 imposes on the EU Member States the obli ...
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Introduction of Regional Energy Concepts (CEP-REC)

Start date: Sep 30, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2014,

The classic central energy systems based on fossil fuels and nuclear power have a central supply distributing the energy to the consumers. Contrary to this, renewable energies and energy efficiency need the action of many persons, citizens, municipalities and enterprises in order to succeed. In addition the acceptance of the population plays important role in the change towards renewable energies. ...
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The joint action that the partners want to promote is part of the local development policy that local administrations of the V.C.O and Locarno areas are carrying out for the management of the historical constructions that are now an important part of the alpine landscape. This landscape is the outcome of an ecosystem where nature and culture have found an optimum equilibrium to fulfill both human ...
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The BECA (Balanced European Conservation Approach – ICT services for resource saving in social housing) project addresses the need to reduce energy consumption in European social housing by a very significant amount to meet overall emission reduction targets. To substantially reduce peak and overall demand for energy and water across EU social housing, BECA will develop a full set of innovative se ...
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Renforcer, diversifier et valoriser l’offre en produits alimentaires locaux sur les territoires savoyards et de la province de Turin en étudiant et expérimentant ensemble des systèmes innovants en matière de distribution, commercialisation et promotion, et en associant les opérateurs agricoles et agroalimentaires ainsi que le mouvement consumériste.
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Trasporti Integrati Alpini / Transports Intégrés Alpins (TRIA)

Start date: Aug 10, 2011, End date: Jul 10, 2013,

Le projet TRIA (TRansport Integrés Alpins) vise à améliorer progressivement letransport public dans les zones transfrontalières entre les régions historiques alpinesde la Savoie et du Delfinato, d'abord grâce à une meilleure coordination des serviceset un renforcement de l'information, et, dans l'avenir, par le développement d'unréseau de transport ferroviaire et de bus intégré
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Description The aim of INCA is to validate and to start a pragmatic Initial Deployment in Europe, of inclusive friendly and engaging multi-channel “patient-centric” communication care Networks of integrated socio-sanitary care e-Services (integration of the whole personalised care chain provision of health care, social care, long-term and se ...
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Il progetto strategico PEEF "Educazione e formazione" mira a promuovere l'inserimento e la mobilità delle popolazioni trasfrontaliere con la prospettiva di un'apertura europea.
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Start date: Jun 30, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2012,

In relazione agli obiettivi comunitari, il progetto ha l'obiettivo di fornire alle Regioni ed agli Enti strumenti per migliorare ed armonizzare le basi conoscitive e metodologiche relative ai processi di pianificazione della tutela della qualità dell'aria in modo da individuare strategie comuni di tutela nello spazio transfrontaliero.
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Start date: Jun 30, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2012,

Iniziative di cooperazione per 10 sviluppo delle fonti di energia rinnovabili (bosco e acqua) neIle Alpi Occidentali, il risparmio energetico e la riduzione delle emissioni di gas ad effetto serra
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Start date: May 31, 2009, End date: May 29, 2012,

Il Progetto vuole (i) valorizzare la filiera del genepì attraverso azioni di formazione, divulgazione e promozione, (ii) predisporre una scheda tenica funzionale alla tutela di una delle poche Indicazioni Geografiche transfrontaliere esistenti, (iii) saggiare le possibilità di diversificazione delle produzioni in quota con altre piante officinali a integrazione del reddito degli agricoltori.
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The City of Alessandria is a 100,000 inhabitants city, in North West of Italy. AL Piano building program has already the basic financing for building construction and infrastructure innovation (social and economical actions included) and it can be regarded as an urban pilot project at the neighbourhood level. In the same district the City of Alessandria has already developed the Photovoltaic Villa ...
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Start date: Aug 3, 2008, End date: Aug 3, 2011,

Ottimizzazione della diffusione delle tecnologie solari (termiche e fotovoltaiche) utilizzate sul territorio transfrontaliero finalizzata alla realizzazione di azioni di scambio, messa in comune di informazioni e competenze utili allo sviluppo locale transfrontaliero delle modalità di produzione dellenergia solare (termica e fotovoltaica) e la relativa integrazione architetturale.
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Start date: Jun 30, 2009, End date: Jun 30, 2011,

Ottimizzazione e diffusione della conoscenza sui torrenti alpini Drac e Pellice affluenti dell'Isere nelle Hautes Alpes e del Po nella Provincia di Torino, attraverso la predisposizione di una "guida di buona pratica di gestione" basata sull'analisi geomorfologica e ambientale e sui rispettivi monitoraggi per ottenere la riqualificazione dei corsi d'acqua alpini a scala transfrontaliera.
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Il progetto ha come scopo la sperimentazione e la valorizzazione dei diversi approcci regolamentari e tecnici messi in atto in Provincia di Torino e in Savoia, nel quadro delle politiche territoriali forestali locali, la filiera legno-energia e lo sviluppo del legno per costruzioni di provenienza locale
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Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2010,

Il progetto è volto alla promozione, alla diffusione ed allo scambio di conoscenze della pratica della "Peer Education". Questa strategia educativa mira ad attivare un processo naturale di passaggio di conoscenze e di esperienze da parte di giovani istruiti e ben motivati ad altri membri di pari status (per età, sesso e interessi) al fine di renderli responsabili e proteggere la loro salute.
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Start date: May 31, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2010,

Le projet PROMO-TERROIR vise à valoriser la filière agroalimentaire du territoire transfrontalier à travers la mise en place dune procédure de certification, dactions de promotion conjointes, dactions relatives à léducation à la consommation et au développement de circuits courts de distribution.
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Piattaforma tecnologica dedicata allorganizzazione, alla gestione, alla diffusione dellinformazione e alla commercializzazione dellofferta turistica del territorio tranfrontaliero
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Background In 2003 the province of Agrigento, on the south coast of Sicily, completed a LIFE project (LIFE99 NAT/IT/006271 - Urgent conservation measures of Caretta caretta in the Pelagian Islands) aimed at the conservation of the loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta). It targeted two Natura 2000 sites in the Pelagian islands, Lampedusa and Linosa. The proj ...
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The Alpine Space area is characterized by regional economic and spatial disparities.The basic assumption of this project is that by promoting and supporting womens active participation in the local economic development processes this will contribute to achieving a more balanced sustainable development of the Alpine Space and to reducing the present disparities in living conditions of the alpine po ...
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Alpen Corridor South (AlpenCorS)

Start date: Nov 30, 2002, End date: Oct 30, 2005,

Paneuropean corridors are a new definition introduced by E.U. to support both internal market development and new E-W links between E.U. countries and accession countries.Transport and accessibility represent strategic and long term policies for social and economic cohesion of the continent.What is a corridor and how to realize it it’s still an open question, since european space has relevant diff ...
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« REVER MED » sintéresse aux voies de communication au sein des espaces urbains et périurbains. Il a pour objectif principal de mettre en place un réseau de voies de communication autonomes destiné au transport non motorisé (donc non-polluant et respectueux de lenvironnement). Ce réseau devrait ainsi être constitué principalement de voies vertes, de voies faisant partie du patrimoine culturel natu ...
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Atteindre une meilleure intégration entre les deux structures muséographiques (Musée Archéologique de Chiomonte et Musée Archéologique de Sollieres), de maniere à les conduire à la gestion des flux touristiques de visite selon un schéma commun. Achievements: Etudes des ...
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Jeunes, reporter et migrants

Start date: Dec 1, 2009,

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The project focuses on training for maritime personnel (working on ships and in ports) and intends to elaborate a competence portfolio of new professions in the sector and disseminate it in order to promote professional mobility. The main aims of the project are: to analyse and address emerging training needs in various aspects of marine transport in the partner countries, with a view to identifyi ...
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