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26 European Projects Found

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StratoClim will produce more reliable projections of climate change and stratospheric ozone by a better understanding and improved representation of key processes in the Upper Troposphere and Stratosphere (UTS). This will be achieved by an integrated approach bridging observations from dedicated field activities, process modelling on all scales, and global modelling with a suite of chemistry clima ...
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Goal: to significantly extend our ability to manipulate the Self Assembly (SA) of colloidal nanoparticles (NPs) into complex 1D/2D/3D architectures (regular clusters, (composite)strings/rods, sheets, submicron colloidal crystals/liquid crystal phases of the NPs) over multiple length scales going from nano to that of granular matter. In the nano-regime quantum size effects cause materials propertie ...
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The main objective of GUIDEnano is to develop innovative methodologies to evaluate and manage human and environmental health risks of nano-enabled products, considering the whole product life cycle. A strategy to identify hot spots for release of nanomaterials (NMs) will be followed by decision trees to guide on the use of (computational) exposure models and, when necessary, design of cost-effecti ...
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Planar photonic crystals are dielectric nanostructures that are pursued worldwide as a platform for integrated nanophotonic circuits. Such circuits will process signals coded in light and will consist of thousands of basic components such as resonant nanocavities. At present, unavoidable nanometer-scale disorder makes such large-scale integration impossible. Disorder causes the resonances of the n ...
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Soft Matter at Aqueous Interfaces (SOMATAI)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Soft nanotechnology is generally considered as a field that will have a major impact on technological developments in near future. However, the fundamental understanding of the wealth of new structures lacks far behind, despite supporting activity from material science. Such an understanding is indispensable for sustainable growth of this important research domain and its applications. A physics-o ...
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SUPERSYMMETRY: a window to non-perturbative physics (SUSY)

Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

"Supersymmetry provides an invaluable tool for quantitatively exploring a large variety of non-perturbative phenomena arising in gauge theories and gravitation. This proposal intends to exploit this fact to make significant progress on three important topics in theoretical physics, namely, black holes, strongly-coupled gauge fields, and instantons and supersymmetry breaking. Besides supersymmetry, ...
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Integrated non-CO2 Greenhouse gas Observing System (INGOS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

InGOS will support and integrate the observing capacity of Europe for non-CO2 greenhouse gases (NCGHG: CH4, N2O, SF6, H2 and halocarbons). The emissions of these gases are very uncertain and it is unknown how future climate change will feedback into the land use coupled emissions of CH4 and N2O. The NCGHG atmospheric abundances will increase further in the future and the emissions of these gases a ...
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Learning about Interacting Networks in Climate (LINC)

Start date: Dec 1, 2011, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

Improving our understanding of the Earth’s climate phenomena, such as El Niño, has a huge economic and social impact for present and future generations, and can underpin advances in areas as diverse as energy, environment, agricultural, etc. There is a great shortage of qualified workforce to perform this task and a major challenge is the training of qualified researchers that can approach climate ...
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"Since the physicist Richard Feynman famously remarked that “[t]here is Plenty of Room at the Bottom” half a century ago, rapid advances in science have shown us that these words do not only apply to the realm of physics, but equally well to all other the disciplines that make up the exciting fields of biophysics and life sciences. However, the chemistry, biology, and physics we find at this “bott ...
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Ultra precise nanoparticles to harvest light (ULTRA PARTICLE)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

"Solar energy is an attractive source of alternative energy contributing to fossil fuel independence. Research is still needed to bring down the cost of solar cells for commercial use. For this, novel concept solar cell research make use of low cost materials with novel techniques, often at the nanoscale. The main aim of this grant proposal lays in the development of ultra precise nanoparticles wi ...
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Mammography is an X-ray imaging technique widely used to screen women for breast cancer. The abilities to detect small micro-calcifications that are possible indicators of malignant processes and to distinguish between abnormal and normal soft tissue findings are crucial in mammography. Current systems employ high-resolution full field detectors to spot micro-calcifications and low energy X-rays t ...
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In recent years, the effort in thin-film silicon (TFSi) was made at solving industrialization issues. In 2010, several companies demonstrated 10% stable modules (> 1 m²). The major “bricks” for efficient production are now in place. Next challenges are linked to the fact that TFSi multi-junction devices, allowing for higher efficiency, are complex devices, in which the substrate geometry and each ...
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Description The objective of FIREFLY is the introduction of novel polymer waveguide and photonic crystal structures based on highly structured 3D nano-hybrids into industrial applications by using a new cost effective production process for larger scale manufacturing. The target applications are optical waveguides and photonic structures for ...
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"Semivolatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) play a crucial role in Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) formation, a major uncertainty in climate models. SVOCs are products of gas-phase oxidation of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in the troposphere, but they are very hard to measure in the gas phase. In the following proposed study, a new innovative method will be developed for the quantitative analysis ...
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The Hand Embodied (THE)

Start date: Mar 1, 2010, End date: May 31, 2014,

Description Advancing the state of the art in artificial system architectures for the "hand" as a cognitive organ The scientific goals of The Hand Embodied concern the reciprocal linkages between the physical hand and its high-level control functions, and about the way that the embodiment enables ...
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The contribution of the Greenland ice sheet to 21st century sea level rise is highly uncertain. Most estimates in the most recent IPCC report (AR4) were obtained using relatively crude ice sheet models forced with General Circulation Models (GCMs) output, without including important climate feedbacks associated with the changing ice sheets. Within the proposed project, the response of the Greenla ...
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The melting of continental ice (glaciers, ice caps and ice sheets) is a substantial source of current sea-level rise, and one that is accelerating more rapidly than was predicted even a few years ago. Indeed, the most recent report from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change highlighted that the uncertainty in projections of future sea-level rise is dominated by uncertainty concerning continen ...
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INitial TRAining network on Mass Independent Fractionation (INTRAMIF)

Start date: Sep 1, 2009, End date: Aug 31, 2013,

"Molecules containing the element oxygen can be further characterized by the distributions of the stable oxygen isotopes. In some cases, these isotopes have an anomalous distribution, which is evidence of Mass Independent Fractionation (MIF). MIF has become a powerful research tool in earth system science and its use is expected to spread from the core science disciplines to industrial application ...
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New Frontiers in Spintronics (newspin)

Start date: Sep 1, 2008, End date: Aug 31, 2013,

The aim of this theory proposal is to develop the research field of spintronics in three new directions - i) antiferromagnetic metals, ii) helimagnets, and iii) ultracold quantum gases - unified by the fact that it is a priori clear that new concepts have to be developed in understanding their spintronics phenomena. The central scientific challenge is understanding transport of a nonconserved quan ...
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I propose to explore the properties of a novel state of matter, the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), created by colliding atomic nuclei at the highest energy ever reached using triggered particle correlations. The QGP is predicted by the fundamental theory of strong interactions and is characterized by an equilibrated system of free quarks and gluons that are the constituents of atomic nuclei. My investi ...
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"Recent photovoltaic market trends point to an increased market share of thin film technologies in addition to an increased volume of module production. In particular for amorphous silicon (a-Si) and microcrystalline silicon (uc-Si) this is driven by the recently increased availability of large area deposition systems from different equipment suppliers. The present project identifies optical light ...
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The proposed research aims at developing a toolbox for direct self-assembly of nano-colloids. Different methods to drive and modulate self-assembly in nano-colloids will be developed, compared and evaluated. The toolbox will consist of the following elements : (i) Building blocks: model particles with varying shape, functionality and directional interactions will be synthesized (ii) Directing Tool ...
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"Non-commutative quantum field theories and their associated deformed symmetries provide intriguing examples of models beyond the realm of standard local quantum field theory which attempt to introduce basic quantum features of the underlying space-time. The project will focus on a particular model of deformed space-time symmetries, the kappa-Poincare algebra, which provides the prototypical examp ...
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EST: The large aperture European Solar Telescope (EST)

Start date: Feb 1, 2008, End date: Jul 31, 2011,

"This is the project definition for the Conceptual Design Study of the large aperture European Solar Telescope (EST). EST is a pan-European project involving 29 partners from 14 different countries. A consortium EAST (European Association for Solar Telescopes) exists with the aim, among others, of undertaking the development of EST, to keep Europe in the frontier of Solar Physics in the world. EST ...
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Heterojunction Solar Cells based on a-Si c-Si (HETSI)

Start date: Feb 1, 2008, End date: Jan 31, 2011,

"The Photovoltaic (PV) industry needs to find new approaches to make solar cells competitive. Crystalline silicon (c-Si) wafer-based technology has a real potential to achieve significant cost reduction if the R&D effort is made on the most critical issues. These issues are the reduction of silicon material consumption, the increase of solar cell efficiency and an improved integration into modules ...
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Physical Observables in Quantum Gravity (Observables in QG)

Start date: Sep 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2009,

In recent years a very good understanding of the kinematical structures provided by candidate theories of quantum gravity, such as Loop Quantum Gravity, Spin Foam Models and Causal Dynamical Triangulations, has been obtained. The next key step is to approach the dynamics of these theories, which is encoded in the physical, that is diffeomorphism invariant, observables of the theory. However, the c ...
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