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33 European Projects Found

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Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major global public health threat, and most troublesome is the rapid emergence and dissemination of multidrug resistant (MDR) Enterobacteriaceae, Acinetobacter species and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. There is an unmet medical need to prevent P. aeruginosa infection in critically ill patients and to develop new antibiotics for infections caused by Gram-negative bacte ...
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Combatting Bacterial Resistance in Europe (COMBACTE-NET)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

The emergence of Antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB) is a global problem, having recently been elevated to the top three threats identified by the World Health Organisation (WHO), and subject of numerous national and international government activities, including the Trans-Atlantic Task Force on Antimicrobial Resistance established by the US and EU presidencies. The estimated costs of ARB are aro ...
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Conduct Disorder (CD) is the key paediatric disorder characterized by severe aggression. It is heterogeneous, and our understanding of the neurobiology to subtype aggression is limited. MATRICS is a multidisciplinary consortium of academic partners and SMEs that focuses on the subtyping of aggression both within CD and of the broader cross-disorder trait of aggression. MATRICS will test the hypoth ...
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We concur to the IMI on “Reclassification of SLE, connective tissue diseases and RA” call by presenting a proposal aimed at using the power of OMICs, and bioinformatics to identify new classifications for diseases known to share common pathophysiological mechanisms. Such knowledge has not been applied to individual patients, depriving them from potential benefits in terms of the use of new therape ...
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Fetal growth restriction (FGR) globally occurs in 8% of pregnancies, is severe and early onset in 1:500 cases, affecting 11,000 babies annually in the EU. In most cases, reduced uterine blood flow restricts substrate delivery to the fetus causing growth to slow or cease. There is no treatment. Currently the fetus is delivered very preterm before fetal death or irreversible organ damage occurs. Aff ...
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Aggression is a basic physiological trait with important roles throughout evolution, both in defence and predation. When expressed in humans in the wrong context, aggression leads to maladjustment, social impairment and crime. Despite this, knowledge about aggression aetiology is limited and current treatment strategies are insufficient. Contingent to a subdivision into impulsive and instrumental ...
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The aim of CoMMiTMenT is the development of combined imaging technologies based on optofluidic microscopy and scanning ion conductance microscopy. An integrated, completely simultaneous device named µCOSMOS will be used as a proof-of-principle for therapeutic interventions in rare anaemias. Both techniques rely on molecular detection: optofluidic microscopy relies on molecular biomarkers, and scan ...
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Acute and chronic kidney disease is a worldwide medical and public health problem in all developped and undevelopped Countries. It is clear that a large part of the bad outcome of end-stage renal diseas (ESRD) patients is due to deficient follow-up during the earlier chronic kidney disease (CKD) stages.The concept that extracellular vesicles and exosomes (EVs) by transferring extracellular RNAs ca ...
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ECRIN is a distributed ESFRI-roadmap pan-European infrastructure designed to support multinational clinical research, making Europe a single area for clinical studies, taking advantage of its population size to access patients. Servicing multinational trials started during its preparatory phase, and it now applies for an ERIC status by 2011. The ERIC budget will be restricted to core activities re ...
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Worldwide, 200 million people are infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV). An estimated 15 million individuals are living with HCV infection within the EU. The economic, health and societal costs of chronic HCV infection are significant. HCV is the principal cause of death from liver disease and the leading indication for liver transplantation. The only treatment for end-stage liver disease is a ...
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An estimated 500.000 sudden cardiac deaths (SCD) occur each year in the European Union. Patients at risk for SCD may benefit from prophylactic treatment with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD). ICD implantations have dramatically increased in recent years leading to multi-billion Euros of costs with significant regional disparities across Europe. Information on risks, benefits and cos ...
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"The CLEVER project is a 4-years training and transfer of knowledge program between a highly innovative company working in advanced biomedical image processing and two renowned academic groups working in the field of liver diseases and ultrasound research. The scientific and industrial aim of CLEVER is to develop, validate and transfer to clinical practice a novel electronic-health system based on ...
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European Multicentre Tics in Children Studies (EMTICS)

Start date: Dec 1, 2011, End date: May 31, 2017,

This project will undertake pre-clinical and cohort studies that address susceptibility factors for paediatric and adolescent tic disorders, with a particular focus on comorbid obsessive-compulsive symptomatology, from clinical, epidemiological, genetic, microbiological and immunological angles. EMTICS aims to elucidate the complex aetiology of the onset and clinical course of chronic tic disorder ...
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"Gastric bypass surgery (GBP) and vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG) result in 40% weight loss with normalization of metabolism in severely obese patients. Protein deficiencies have been described after bypass surgeries. Guidelines recommend protein supplementation after the surgery, but without evidence based data to support these recommendations. Dietary proteins have positive effects on energy h ...
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"Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a highly aggressive, often lethal neuroendocrine cancer of the skin associated with the recently discovered, common Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCV). With an incidence of 0.44 per 100,000 MCC is a very rare cancer. Notably, however, although MCC is 40 times less common than malignant melanoma, MCC has a dramatically higher mortality rate than melanoma rendering MCC to ...
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Diagnosis of skin cancer using optics (DIAGNOPTICS)

Start date: Dec 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

DIAGNOPTICS deals with novel tools for the diagnosis and prognosis of skin cancer. Biophotonics-based tools for in-vivo and ex-vivo analysis of lesions will be combined in a pilot diagnostic workflow, which pursues using them as consecutive filters discarding benign lesions, and confirming the malignancy of others in order to guide them to surgery only when required. The in-vivo techniques will be ...
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AIDS is one of the most serious pandemic diseases of the modern era. Although current therapies based on targeting key processes of the HIV replication cycle are potent and selective, several clinical failures are recorded due to the emergence of drug resistance. Hence, there is an urgent need for novel drugs and alternative therapeutic strategies.The objective of the THINPAD proposal is to discov ...
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"INTEGRATE aims at gaining valuable insights into integrated care, starting from the premise that it offers benefits for patients and for Europe’s health and social security systems, which are facing the challenges of an ageing population and increased chronic conditions. For these benefits to be realised, there is still much to be learnt in terms of process design, service delivery, skills mix, p ...
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B-cell differentiation is a complex process in which epigenetic changes, i.e., DNA methylation and histone modifications, play an essential role to regulate gene expression. Disturbances in epigenetic processes can result in development of B-cell malignancies, such as mantle cell lymphoma (MCL). So far, little is known about the epigenetic alterations underlying MCL. In general, epigenetic studies ...
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Graphene-Based Revolutions in ICT And Beyond (GRAPHENE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

This Flagship aims to take graphene and related layered materials from a state of raw potential to a point where they can revolutionize multiple industries – from flexible, wearable and transparent electronics, to new energy applications and novel functional composites.Our main scientific and technological objectives in the different tiers of the value chain are to develop material technologies fo ...
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PHARMA-COG aims to develop a new integrated model to accelerate the development of drug cindidates for MS, PKD and AD. The innovation relies on a 'multidimensional matrix' approach, integrating all available and renewed inputs (biomarkers/animal, human models/physiological and pharmcological challenges, Phase 0/1/1b to reduce the attrition rate, to allow an early and pertinent GO/NOGO decision bef ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The goal of HeMiBio is to develop a hepatic microfluidic bioreactor from human iPSC-derived hepatocytes, hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells (HSEC) and stellate cells (HSC), suitable for inclusion in a repeated dose toxicity testing strategy of pharmaceuticals/cosmetic ingredients. The successful creation of such a liver-device requires (a) homotypic and heterotypic interactions between the three ...
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Over the past 15 years, EU-funded cohorts and collaborations (EuroSIDA, CASCADE and PENTA), have played a central role in developing our understanding of HIV progression and the effects of ART, enabling European expertise to contribute directly to the advances in patient diagnosis and management worldwide, and providing a continued surveillance mechanism for detection of emerging problems at a Eur ...
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Virtual Embodiment and Robotic Re-Embodiment (VERE)

Start date: Jun 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

VERE aims to carry out research on the fusion of the human body with virtual or physical surrogates. By fuse we mean that human participants would operate under the illusion that the virtual body is their own, or that they are actually in the physical space of the real world in a robotic body that they perceive as their own. As well as providing a radical extension of traditional virtual reality ...
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Highly active antiretroviral therapy is effective at controlling HIV-1 replication, however emergence and transmission of drug-resistant viruses is increasing, including viruses resistant to the newly developped integrase catalytic inhibitors. It is essential that new antiretrovirals (ARVs) become available. Most ARVs in development belong to the classes of viral enzyme inhibitors. Since HIV requi ...
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VPH-Share will develop the organisational fabric (the infostructure) and integrate the optimised services to (1) expose and share data and knowledge, (2) jointly develop multiscale models for the composition of new VPH workflows, (3) facilitate collaborations within the VPH community. Four flagship workflows (from @neurIST, euHeart, VPHOP, Virolab) provide existing data, tools and models, engage w ...
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Brain architecture or connectivity is complex and defines the basis of cognitive processing. Recent studies have revealed new insights about its organization by the combination of structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) such as tractography (using Diffusion Spectrum Imaging, DSI) and functional MRI (fMRI) using resting-state. However, the complexity of brain connectivity and technical limitati ...
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The therapeutic challenge of complex diseases requires the use of combination therapies to target the distinct mechanisms and pathways involved. Such complex diseases will benefit from the design of computational models adopting a systems perspective to integrate the knowledge generated by ‘omics technologies and clinical data. Multiple Sclerosis is a prototypic debilitating complex disease in whi ...
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"Populations of neurons in the cerebral cortex represent sensory information, motor commands and other cognitive functions in their seemingly stochastic activity. Population coding works by distributing the information over the spiking activity of many neurons because single neuronal activity is very unreliable. The statistical structure of the variability across the neural population, i.e. the co ...
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BEAMING is the process of instantaneously transporting people (visitors) from one physical place in the world to another (the destination) so that they can interact with the local people there. This is achieved through shifting their means for perception into the destination, and decomposing their actions, physiological and even emotional state into a stream of data that is transferred across the ...
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Synergy will develop a simulation environment and a decision-support system aiming at enabling deployment of systems medicine. The three core elements are a knowledge base (KB), an inference engine (IE), and a graphical visualisation environment (GVE). The project focuses on patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).The KB will include five well established physiological models ad ...
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"Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) accounts for more than 90% of liver cancers, and is a major health problem. Its incidence is growing and with more than 700,000 annual cases worldwide -50,000 in Europe-, it is the 3rd cause of cancer-related mortality. Most patients are diagnosed at advanced stages with dismal survival rates lower than 1 year, even after sorafenib, the sole systemic therapy availab ...
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Systems Biology of T-cell Activation in Health and Disease (SYBILLA)

Start date: Apr 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

T-cell activation, whether induced by pathogens or auto-antigens, is a complex process relying on multiple layers of tightly controlled intracellular signalling modules that form an intricate network. Defects in this network can cause severe and chronic disorders such as autoimmune diseases. Although 5% of the population suffer from these diseases, only a few therapeutic treatments are available. ...
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