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7 European Projects Found

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In EU VET systems of Constructions, while in Italy (cfr., implementation of Leg. Decrees 81/2008 and 106/2009 on license point system in building and asseveration of work safety management systems, especially for safety) and in several MS only now it’s growing an interest on enterprise certification, in other MS this issue is object of interest up several years (cfr., Belgian “Loi du 20 mars 1991” ...
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Occupational illness and accidents at work are a heavy burden on Europe (4 million accidents at work every year). The Construction sector has higher than average risks of accidents at work.The EU regulations and policies (1989 Framework Directive and Community strategy 2007-2012 on health and safety at work) stress the necessity of job-specific health and safety training and the opportunity of non ...
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The project will develop a European model for training quality assurance in the construction sector, introducing a new scheme on existing general quality approach in VET, improving and modernizing the European training system in this field. Starting from an analysis and benchmarking process finalized to map the different European experiences and best practices in the construction training sites, t ...
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The project objective is to develop a European strategy permitting to reinforce the company tutoring in the construction sector. The target group includes construction company tutors, SMEs managers, training providers, tutors’ trainers. To meet the target audience needs the project will create a European reference system for mentors in construction SMEs, elaborate a transnational system for traini ...
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Laying the foundations for better construction : The project has produced training modules which are related to all aspects of the construction trade and are aimed at companies and workers. Surveys were carried out to ascertain training needs and a project website was set up. This project started in 2000 and lasted 42 months.
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This project proposal is focused on some relevant common trends emerging at the European level in the building sector:-shortages of qualified workforce, and mismatch between supply and demand;- consequent increasing of mobility and temporary migration phenomena- need to improve transparency in the job market and to implement services aiming at managing mobile human resources -growing importance of ...
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Transnational mobility is a powerful learning tool to access new knowledge and strengthen linguistic and intercultural skills. Up to this day, support for mobility projects has helped to develop a number of transferable and adaptable tools leading to a visible increase of initiatives. But the European mobility of apprentices remains very low (only 1%). It is much less than in higher education sinc ...
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