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Tackling Water Challenges in the International Context (IC4WATER)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2021,

...national collaboration, and formulate successful mechanisms for working together efficiently beyond this bilateral approach.In order to become more than a ‘network of networks’ and a dialogue platform for research programmes and to bring genuine added value to the current cooperation models, IC4WATER will be focusing on key topics of the Water JPI Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda. As an init ...
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Integrating activities planned under MaRINET 2 build upon the achievements of the advanced community created in MaRINET FP7. MaRINET 2 will ensure the continued integration and enhancement of all leading European research infrastructure and facilities specialising in research, development and testing of offshore renewable energy systems including electrical sub systems and grid integration through ...
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PRevention Of Malnutrition In Senior Subjects in the EU (PROMISS)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2021,

PROMISS (PRevention Of Malnutrition In Senior Subjects in the EU) is a multi-country project aiming to turn the challenge of tackling malnutrition in community-dwelling older persons into an opportunity for healthy ageing for the future. The PROMISS consortium contains worldwide expertise in epidemiology, clinical trials, geriatrics, nutrition, physical activity, microbiomics, as well as in behavi ...
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Africa-EU Innovation Alliance for Water and Climate (AfriAlliance)

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2021,

...olidate existing networks of scientists, decision makers, practitioners, citizens and other key stakeholders into an effective, problem-focused knowledge sharing mechanism via an overall coordination platform: the Africa-EU Innovation Alliance for Water and Climate. We will support them in identifying appropriate social innovation and technological solutions for key water and climate change challe ...
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... system (CNS) drug delivery not only for demyelinating disorders but also for other CNS indications, e.g., stroke, neurodegenerative diseases or tumours. The proposed new innovative N2B drug delivery platform is a practical, safe, and minimally invasive technology. It will be exploited for NG-101 and has the potential to be implemented with other APIs with a low CNS bioavailability.
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...imental systems as well as sequencing facilities. Giving a prominent place to EU aquaculture industry research needs through a strong involvement of the European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform, it will enable excellent research and sustainable innovation to both public and private sector. It will benefit from the support of the ESFRI infrastructures EMBRC (Marine Biology) and ELIXI ...
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...lating different components/“themes” of the Nexus and by developing: (a) novel complexity science methodologies and approaches for integrating the outputs of the thematic models; (b) a Geoplatform for seamless integration of public domain data and metadata for decision and policy making; (c) a Knowledge Elicitation Engine for integrating strategies at different spatial and temporal scales with top ...
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The objective of the ATHLOS Project is to achieve a better understanding of ageing by identifying patterns of healthy ageing pathways or trajectories, the determinants of those patterns, the critical points in time when changes in trajectories are produced, and to propose timely clinical and public health interventions to optimise healthy ageing. Moreover, a new definition of ‘old age’ based on ma ...
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...truct reliable early PD symptoms detection alarms. To those identified and clinically validated as early stage PD patients, ICT-based interventions will be provided via the i-PROGNOSIS Intervention Platform, including: a) a Personalised Game Suite (ExerGames, DietaryGames, EmoGames, Handwriting/VoiceGames) for physical/emotional support, b) targeted nocturnal intervention to increase relaxation/sl ...
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Background Mining operations are a cause of soil degradation. They are associated with a legacy of abandoned metalliferous mine wastes and acid mine drainage, which contributes to around 2% of soil contamination in Europe. There is therefore an urgent need for sustainable site re-development strategies and remediation technologies that are effective, both ...
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Background Protection of water resources is a cornerstone of environmental protection in Europe. Clean water demands careful management to protect ecosystems, society and industry. However, water scarcity affects at least 11% of Europe’s population and 17% of EU territory. Poor or unsuitable water quality reduces its availability by restricting its poss ...
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EURASTIP will evaluate and prepare for the launch of an international multi-stakeholder platform (MSP), so as to provide a new mechanism to create and reinforce international cooperation on sustainable aquaculture between Europe and South-East Asia and will focus on actions that will provide mutual benefit to both regions. EURASTIP, headed by the European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Plat ...
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...rce-efficient, and resilient to change, but to be successful they must be adapted to local conditions.The main objective of the present project is the development of a multi-stakeholder communication platform that will support the understanding and the promotion of nature based solutions in local, regional, EU and International level. Through dialogue uptake facilitation and steering mechanisms as ...
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Action Plan EU STEM Coalition

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

...EM competences for innovation and economic growth, several EU member states have successfully elaborated national STEM strategies. National STEM strategies are mostly carried out by national STEM platforms; so called ‘triple helix’ organisations that promote a wide variety of innovative education and training practices based on the triple helix of close cooperation between business, education and ...
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Open Sea Operating Experience to Reduce Wave Energy Cost (OPERA)

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2019,

Europe is endowed with abundant wave energy which could cover some 10% of its electricity needs with a clean, predictable and job-creating resource, which EU companies are at the forefront exploiting with little dependence on foreign suppliers.There remain important technical challenges to bring down costs to within investors’ reach, as a top priority open-sea operating experience must be analyse ...
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The VET Learning Community

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2019,

The project is based on the NLQAVET model of Quality in VET which emphases the interdependency of quality system, quality culture, quality awareness and quality behaviour as fundament for sustainable implementation of improvements actions.The key factors for quality in VET can been seen from 2 different perspectives: The visible factors which include the quality system and the quality behaviour of ...
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Background Currently, urban wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) consume at least 8-15 kilowatt hours/inhabitant/year of energy in order to meet legal requirements on discharges of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus. This means a significant economic cost and is associated with substantial greenhouse gas emissions. ...
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The overall aims of SUSTAIN are twofold: 1. to improve established integrated care initiatives for older people living at home with multiple health and social care needs, ensuring they are patient-centred, prevention oriented, efficient, resilient to crises, safe and sustainable; 2. to ensure that improvements to the integrated care initiatives are applicable and adaptable to other health systems ...
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"Aging populations, rising costs and sustainable delivery of high-quality care are increasingly common concerns in all EU countries. PACE aims to perform comparative effectiveness research concerning palliative care in long term care facilities (LTCFs) in Europe. While a growing number of older people will require palliative care in institutionalized settings, palliative care has only recently beg ...
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Mobile Age (Mobile-Age)

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2019,

...ior citizens do not normally share the same level of connectivity to the Internet as younger generations, and while government agencies are increasingly providing their services through digital platforms, this risks excluding senior citizens from the design and use of such services. Mobile Age will provide the basis for the development of mobile-based open government services focused on senior cit ...
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Objectives1. Improve the competitiveness of the EU industrial sector by reducing 20% energy costs in industrial water processes. (WP4)A total reduction of 26 GWh/year will be achieved at the end of the project implementing energy efficiency measures in the European manufacturing companies.2. Identify saving potentials and benchmark energy performance through an Energy Management Self-Assessment (E ...
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... predict short and long-term outcome and risk of frailty; to develop real life sensing (physical, cognitive, psychological, social) and intervention (guidelines, real-time feedback, AR serious games) platform offering physiological reserve and external challenges; to provide a digital patient model of frailty sensitive to several dynamic parameters, including physiological, behavioural and context ...
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...ed outputs will include the EU framework, guidelines supporting its use, the instructional design documents of the three national pilots, presence courses in Italy, Spain and Finland, an integrated platform for e-learning and for supporting Virtual Communities of Practice (VCP), free Multilingual Open Contents and self-sustainable VCPs of HHCPs.
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Young migrants and refugees have entered European countries but they haven’t entered the public sphere. When they do, it is as characters in other people’s stories - desperate faces, surging hoards and floating bodies - something ‘other’. We rarely hear from young refugees as experts or legitimate voices - even when the news agenda concerns their country of origin. Migrants, it seems are only allo ...
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Magnetically actuated bio-inspired metamaterials (ABIOMATER)

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

This project will deliver a new class of metamaterials whose functionality can be controlled by external magnetic fields. The materials consist of micromotors, comprising an anisotropically “hard” and “soft” ferromagnetic particle pair embedded in a polymer matrix, and promise wide-ranging technological applications. The project, involves 5 partners with expertise in experimental and theoretical p ...
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Striving to reform Belarus high education system according to the Bologna process, the Ministry of Education of Belarus set the target for HEIs to reform curricula from the existing system “5 plus 1” to the system “4 plus 2”, which should comply with the Bologna system principles. However, decreasing a training period from 5 to 4 years for physics specialists causes a certain risk providing an imp ...
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Silver Learners

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

The Silver Learners project is a strategic partnership for exchanging good practice between 10 partners from Germany, Great Britain (3), Hungary, Luxembourg, The Netherlands (2) and Poland (2). The project will take place between 1st September 2016 and 31st October 2018 and is aimed at representatives of local education centres, i.e. at the directors of these institutions and the teaching staff wh ...
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Network supporting refugees - Education, NGOs, Public Authorities

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

...erent institutions - Volkshochschulen in Austria and Germany, BSA - Association of social-democratic academics lawyers section, cultural institute in Poland, Development Agency in Bulgaria, Diakonaal Platform in the Netherlands, city office Budapest in Hungary, Roma organisation in Romania - guarantees an interesting mixture and different approaches to the common objective of support for immigrant ...
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Innovative Assessment Methods for Validation

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

...evelop a Training Programme based on Open Educational Material and a Toolbox of Case Studies that is adaptable to different national contexts and sectors. By using new technologies (Online Learning Platform) the project provides a solution to many practitioners who have to implement validation mechanisms without always being prepared to do so. It will propose very concrete modules on how to deal w ...
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SEED is designed to ensure the successful launching of a highly visible and sustainable European-level award scheme rewarding innovative solutions that demonstrate a significant impact on the quality of life of the ageing population. The new award scheme will rely upon a carefully prepared conceptual and operational approach. A positive narrative will be developed suitable to effectively mobilise ...
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...ssets and active contributors.The PROGRESSIVE project will establish parameters by which good practice in standards and the standardisation process around ICT for AHA can be identified. A platform to be developed will promote discussion and debate. The work will lay the foundation for standards that will be increasingly fit for purpose – with potential benefits to all our lives.
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The students of The Netherlands, Slovenia and the Czech Republic perform low level on an international level with other countries. Just 5% of the Dutch primary students will obtain the highest level. For Slovenia and the Czech Republic this is 4%. Singapore (43%), England (18%) and Belgium (10%) are far beyond our level (GfK Intomart, 2014). Talented students do not excel at this time during educ ...
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Professional learning in complex settings thru reflection and portfolio

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The objective of the transnational project PROLEA is to develop, test, adapt and implement innovative practices in teacher professional learning based on a wide knowledge and experience of different European partners to face common challenges in teacher education in Europe. The project support the achievement of the European objectives formulated in the strategic framework for European cooperation ...
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...ew customers demands (digital skills, marketing, new sales strategies?)(4) Use of TIC to enable the acquisitions of new skills (digital tools such as, podcasts, Moocs), available in an e-learning platform.Organizations taking part in this project are divided in: 1) Sectorial Associations, representing the target group (fishmongers). Coordinating the Project FEDEPESCA (SP), and ANCIPA (PT) as a par ...
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Business in Europe Hosting Apprenticeships for Youth

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), have a big role and potential in combatting youth unemployment by providing development and employment opportunities, such as offering apprenticeships. SMEs however often lack information, resources and/or experience in providing high quality apprenticeships. To support SMEs this BEHAppY project aims to create support structures in the form of European & nation ...
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Construisons une éco-citoyenneté transfrontaliere

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The "Building a cross-border eco- citizenship" project brings together youth workers and relevant actors on volunteering from the four countries and five regions that make up the Greater Region: Lorraine in France, Luxembourg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland in Germany, Wallonia and the German-speaking Community in Belgium. Together we will share our best practices and working methods to achieve ...
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Horizons Plus

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

Context backgroundThis project is targeted at learners with additional needs and fewer opportunities who are carrying out initial vocational training in catering, horticulture and construction. These groups of learners face barriers to learning and accessing work which their peers do not. They require an additional intervention in order to succeed and improve their future career and learning prosp ...
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Vision and Roadmap for European Raw Materials (VERAM)

Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2018,

VERAM aims to provide an umbrella and coordination function for the raw materials related research and innovation activities across the relevant ETPs and their national technology platforms (while maintaining the flexibility and individual visions of each ETP network) as well as related other stakeholders across the raw materials value chain in order to increase synergies and facilitate uptake of ...
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Heart 4 Art!

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

The "Heart 4 Art!" It is an international youth exchange owned by key action 1 of Erasmus + program.This educational program will take place for ten (10) days (20 May 2017 to 29 May 2017 )in Thessaloniki, Greece.The program will bring together 52 young people from Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Croatia, Poland, FYROM and Romania. Each partner organization will send young men and women, without pedagog ...
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European eXtreme Data and Computing Initiative (EXDCI)

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

The three most significant HPC bodies in Europe, PRACE, ETP4HPC and EESI, have come together within EXDCI to coordinate the strategy of the European HPC Ecosystem in order to deliver its objectives. In particular, the project will harmonize the road-mapping and performance monitoring activities of the ecosystem to produce tools for coherent strategy-making and its implementation by:• Producing and ...
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