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e- FishNet.-An innovative network for enhancement fishmongers management and communication skills
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Fish Retailer Sector has a great economic weight, taking into account average annual fish consumption in Europe is 23,9 kg /pers. This figure is significantly higher than the world average annual fish consumption (17 kg/pers). Economic impact is even higher in countries like Spain, Portugal or Iceland, some of the partner countries that participate in this project. Fishmongers play an important role in society, thus they inform customers about fisheries products, encouraging healthy habits amongst population. Nevertheless this sector has many difficulties related with training issues, and attracting new employees (surprisingly this sector has many job opportunities, but young people are not attracted by this labor market).In addition, there is also great inequality in the imparted and required professional training amongst different countries. Some countries have well determined schemes, levels and qualifications (UK), while others do not have any official qualifications, or the training schemes cannot be put into practice (Spain, Portugal). All this adds up to the lack of training culture, professional ageing (this situation hinders the access to e-learning training) and long working days, which hinders professional retraining.For all these reasons, society does not value this fishmonger occupation, and makes it occupationally unsolicited, resulting in the loss of market share for the retail format.e- FishNet will try to connect with the new consumer, increasingly practical, interactive and new sale strategies lover, with fishmonger’s collective. Through specialized training the technological gap will be shortened, making this occupation attractive. Another aspect to be noted, is the absence of a European partner network, that supports training harmonization, knowledge acquisition and raises the prestige of Fish Retailer Sector.e- FishNet aim is to tackle these difficulties.(1) Transnational partner network establishment, related with fishmonger’s training.(2) Training situation analysis in the 6 countries taking part in the project, pointing difficulties and shortcomings and suggesting training solutions.(3) Creating a Training Strategy, which will improve necessary skills to adapt to new customers demands (digital skills, marketing, new sales strategies?)(4) Use of TIC to enable the acquisitions of new skills (digital tools such as, podcasts, Moocs), available in an e-learning platform.Organizations taking part in this project are divided in: 1) Sectorial Associations, representing the target group (fishmongers). Coordinating the Project FEDEPESCA (SP), and ANCIPA (PT) as a partner.2) Training Organizations: Ankara University (Turkey). Billingsgate Seafood Academy (UK)3) Organizations specialized in new innovative training methods: MATíS (Iceland), ARIEMA (SP)4) Organizations related with qualifications: Mercamadrid (SP), Agencia para el Empleo de Madrid (SP).5) To increase the impact of the Project, and to have a holistic view: EATIP (European Platform).Project implementation goes through phases: (1) General Coordination (2) Analysis and investigation of fishmonger’s training (3) Employability and Entrepreneurship, how to fit training with real needs, (4) Training materials development and contents digitalization, (5) Monitoring activities and (6) Dissemination and communication results.The methodology used in this project consists on the analysis of current situation, acting on different groups of interest (fishmongers, final customers), to have different perceptions. Also. A desk-based research will be carried out, joined with workshops with innovative fishmongers, and follow-up meetings that will ensure the correct execution of the Project. We will include new techniques, processes or tools, ultimately differentiating features that will optimize management and sales features of this traditional sector.All the results will be freely accessible, and they will be available for inspection by as many interested people as possible, mainly interested in Fish Retailer Sector, but also other people related with traditional sectors.Two types of impact are foreseen: qualitative improving training offer, making it more equal and adapted to real needs; and quantitative, enabling the greatest diffusion of the results, and the use of these results by a great number of fishmongers.e- Fishnet aim is to create a positive impact in customers’ opinion about fishmongers and raising the image of the sector, enabling new training schemes adapted to new needs and improving fishmonger’s skills.
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