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30 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects


Hydrogen Mobility Europe 2 (H2ME 2)

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2022,

Hydrogen Mobility Europe 2 (H2ME 2) brings together action in 8 European countries to address the innovations required to make the hydrogen mobility sector truly ready for market. The project will perform a large-scale market test of hydrogen refuelling infrastructure, passenger and commercial fuel cell electric vehicles operated in real-world customer applications and demonstrate the system bene ...
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As today “to out compute is to out compete”, the position of Europe in all industrial sectors and societal challenges is highly depending on the technological progress in computing. However, although computing has reached an unparalleled progress, it still remains a research topic as new challenges impose its transformative nature and adaptation, among others the evolution towards Cyber Physical S ...
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European Exascale Processor Memory Node Design (ExaNoDe)

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

... ExaNoDe compute element provides necessary support of HPC applications including I/O and storage virtualization techniques, operating system and semantically aware runtime capabilities and PGAS, OpenMP and MPI paradigms;• The development of an instantiation of a hardware emulation of interconnect to enable the evaluation of Unimem for the deployment of multiple compute elements and the evaluation ...
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... hadron and NP-enhanced therapies, united by the common purpose of optimising radiotherapy by understanding and exploiting nanoscale processes induced by radiation. Such an understanding will open a new era in which radiotherapy is revolutionised to provide more successful cancer treatment with subsequent economic and ‘quality of life’ benefits for the EU population as a whole. The main objective ...
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European Data Science Academy (EDSA)

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

Data explosion on the web, fuelled by social networking, micro-blogging, as well as crowdsourcing, has led to the Big Data phenomenon. This is characterized by increasing volumes of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data, originating from sources that generate them at an increasing rate. This wealth of data provides numerous new analytic and business intelligence opportunities to variou ...
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Small cEllS coordinAtion for Multi-tenancy and Edge services (SESAME)

Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

SESAME targets innovations around three central elements in 5G: the placement of network intelligence and applications in the network edge through Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) and Edge Cloud Computing; the substantial evolution of the Small Cell concept, already mainstream in 4G but expected to deliver its full potential in the challenging high dense 5G scenarios; and the consolidation o ...
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Trusted Apps for open CPS (TAPPS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

Open and smart cyber-physical systems (CPS) are considered to be the next revolution in ICT with enormous economic potential enabling novel business models for integrated services and products. In many areas of CPS devices, there is a strong trend towards open systems, which can be extended during operation instantly adding functionalities on demand. The main goal of the TAPPS (Trusted Apps for op ...
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The objective of DREAMS is to develop a cross-domain architecture and design tools for networked complex systems where application subsystems of different criticality, executing on networked multi-core chips, are supported.DREAMS will deliver architectural concepts, meta-models, virtualization technologies, model-driven development methods, tools, adaptation strategies and validation, verification ...
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...ormation (GI) collected by various actors ranging from public administration to voluntary initiatives of citizens is not fully exploited. The advancements of ICT technologies and shift towards Linked Open Data give floor to innovation.The establishment of SDIs has largely been driven by the "traditional" GI community and the national and European policies governing this sector. In 2013 GI is no lo ...
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The European Location Framework (E.L.F.)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

E.L.F. project will foster the wider use of geo-information and enable the creation of innovative value-added services. The purpose of this project is to deliver the European Location Framework (E.L.F.) required to provide up-to-date, authoritative, interoperable, cross-border, reference geo-information for use by the European public and private sectors. Our versatile cloud and cascade supporting ...
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Future Internet - Core (FI-Core)

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

FI-WARE has started to materialize as a powerful foundation for the Future Internet. FI-WARE is an innovative, open cloud-based infrastructure for cost-effective creation and delivery of services, at a scale not seen before. FI-WARE is now well under way to successfully achieve its goals of boosting the effectiveness of creating new services of high economic and societal value, reinforcing EU comp ...
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Description System optimisation through self adaptability and virtualisationThe global ICT footprint is expected to more than triple by 2020, caused by data centres that provide information at our fingertips and the mobile devices we use to access it. Nowadays, high performance systems are designed to serve rather static workloads with hi ...
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The importance of advanced simulation to the competitiveness of both large and small companies is well established. The principal objective of Fortissimo is to enable European manufacturing, particularly small to medium enterprises (SMEs), to benefit from the efficiency and competitive advantage inherent in the use of simulation. However, the simulation of, for example, high-pressure gas cylinders ...
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Emerging embedded systems platforms harnessing new heterogeneous, multicore architectures to enable the next generation of powerful mission-critical applications are demanding across-the-board advances in all areas of design and development to fulfil their promise. The integration of component-based design with model-driven development creates a potent combination especially capable of mastering t ...
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Cyber-physical networks based on embedded systems are part of our society and gain spread and importance. Next generations of aircrafts and cars will be tightly interconnected with each other, with the Internet and other infrastructures. The same holds for many industries and areas of our life. Ubiquitous, highly critical systems go online and create a domain of mixed criticalities, where security ...
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Openly Accessible Services and Interacting Society (OASIS)

Start date: Feb 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

...sses. The result will be services that are more accessible, more user-friendly, more efficiently run by public authorities and less expensive for the taxpayer.The OASIS project will take advantage of open platforms and open standards using a cloud architecture. The Internet provides a reliable and trusted base for building applications and services. Cloud computing offers highly scalable databases ...
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...e whole cloud architecture. The project will propose and demonstrate hardware/software solutions allowing stakeholders to delegate the processing of their sensitive data to a remote processing engine opening up whole new field of cloud services and applications. The approach avoids undesirable paradigm shifts, both in the software and in the hardware by complementing existing legacy solutions by n ...
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...iscovered over the past 20 years and the reality of the impact hazard has been laid bare. Can we protect our civilization from the next major impact?We propose to carry out a detailed analysis of the open questions relating to realistic options for preventing the collision of a NEO with the Earth. Solutions will be provided to critical scientific and technical issues that currently stand in the wa ...
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EcoWater will address the development of meso-level eco-efficiency indicators for technology assessment through a systems' approach. The effort will focus on enhancing the understanding of the interrelations of innovative technology uptake in water use systems, and their economic and environmental impacts. Research will address the selection of indicators appropriate for assessing system-wide eco- ...
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...he required computing power while exhibiting a good performance/watt ratio. The flexibility required by them is promoting an application-centric model, which makes future systems face new challenges: Openness (total decoupling from hardware to application software), security, programmability and performance.Virtualization, widely used in the general-purpose computing domain, allows an effective an ...
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"Citizens are getting older and are increasingly living with chronic diseases, because although their health condition is better than that of earlier generations, they live longer helped by advanced medical care ending up to chronic conditions and minor disabilities well manageable by home care. This has highlighted shared concerns by regional Governments about implications for future provision of ...
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... IT system supporting a critical infrastructure (dam).Deep insight into the current and near future industrial state-of-art is provided by (1) AlienVault, as the creator and maintainer of the leading open source SIEM product (OSSIM), (2) Integration of MASSIF results into Prelude (second largest open source SIEM product) by Institut Telecom, and (3) Use and Deployment of huge installations of comm ...
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"ADDRESS will research, develop and deploy technologies and processes to increase usage of Distributed Generation and Renewable Energy Resources thereby engaging in a new relationship between customers, generators and network operators. ADDRESS aims to develop new innovative architectures for Active Distribution Networks (ADN) able to balance in real time power generation and demand allowing netwo ...
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The goal of NoTube is to develop a service architecture, based on semantic technologies, for personalised creation, distribution and consumption of TV content in all its new forms. Nowadays, consumers can receive hundreds of digital TV channels. TV content can be rendered on different devices, including handhelds and computers. Through IPTV the TV and the Web worlds are getting intertwined. Compan ...
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Security Engineering for lifelong Evolvable Systems (SecureChange)

Start date: Feb 1, 2009, End date: Jan 31, 2012,

There is growing demand to continuously evolve systems to meet changing business needs, new regulations and policies, novel technologies and computing infrastructures.Unfortunately, the pace of required change affects our ability to ascertain and maintain the quality of a system. Our objective is thus to develop techniques and tools that ensure "lifelong" compliance to security, privacy and depe ...
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Service Oriented Architectures for All (SOA4ALL)

Start date: Mar 1, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2011,

...asier to use than standard web service platforms. SOA4ALL will contribute in lowering the existing entry barriers to the service world in a way that everybody has access to them not only IT experts.Open standard service platform: In the same way, SOA4ALL will make sure that the service platform will be truly open and non-proprietary. This means that the services are brought out from behind the ent ...
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Resources and Services Virtualization without Barriers (RESERVOIR)

Start date: Feb 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2011,

Description The goal of the RESERVOIR project is to increase the competitiveness of the EU economy by introducing a powerful ICT infrastructure for the reliable and effective delivery of services as utilities.The main goal of the RESERVOIR project is to increase the competitiveness of the EU economy by introducing a powerful ICT infrastru ...
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"U-STIR defines the know-how and technologies addressing Europe’s surface transport problems beyond 2050. A lead user centred approach will stimulate the development and capture of radical new technological concepts. Local connecting offices will analyse deficits and establish activities reaching out for fundamentally new solutions for the mobility and transport demands, improving environmental, e ...
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GEOSS INSPIRE and GMES an Action in Support (GIGAS)

Start date: Jun 1, 2008, End date: May 31, 2010,

...PIRE and GMES an Action in Support (GIGAS) promotes the coherent and interoperable development of the GMES, INSPIRE and GEOSS initiatives through their concerted adoption of standards, protocols, and open architectures. Given the complexity and dynamics of each initiative and the large number of stakeholders involved, the key added value of GIGAS is bringing together the leading organisations in E ...
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Enabling Grids for E-sciencE III (EGEE-III)

Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2010, resources; to prepare the migration of the existing Grid from a project-based model to a sustainable federated infrastructure based on National Grid Initiatives. By strengthening interoperable, open source middleware, EGEE-III will actively contribute to Grid standards, and work closely with businesses to ensure commercial uptake of the Grid, which is a key to sustainability. Federating its p ...
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