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5 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

"It is important for one to be able to read Pessoa without knowing Portuguese, Tsvetaeva without knowing Russian or Auden without knowing English, and still have the impression that one is hearing their voice, even if it is conveyed in the language with which one is most familiar." Jacques De Decker (In: Preface for the PETRA Recommendations) In multicultural and multilingual Europe, it is difficu ...
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The project responds to the need for equivalency and comparability for know-how, training and skills of people across Europe. It intends to transfers the strategy, curricula and learning and training resources of the new professional supplementary qualification "Euregio competence" of the Euregio Maas-Rhein to other EU border regions with equal needs for integration of regional competences into th ...
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Lingu@net Europa provides support and resources for language learning. It helps learners understand their strengths and weaknesses, and points them towards ways to learn. It guides learners in a choice of over 3700 on-line learning resources, gives advice on overcoming common problems, and provides motivational tips. Those who want to practise the language they are learning can find key pals for e ...
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Entwicklung eines Konzeptes für den bilingualen Unterricht in deutschen und niederländischen Grundschulen sowie erste Materialien für den Einsatz im Unterricht. Achievements: * Entwicklung von 3 Konzepten des bilingualen Lernens von Anfang an (z. B. Begegnungssprache, z ...
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Die ‚Stichting Euroschool und die ‚Europees Platform voor het Nederlandse Onderwijs in Alkmaar beantragen die Förderung von Schulpartnerschaften und Nachbarsprachenunterricht. Ziel ist es, weitere Schulen aus dem deutsch-niederländischen Grenzgebiet für schulische Austauschprojekte und die strukturelle Zusammenarbeit zu gewinnen und bestehende Austauschprojekte inhaltlich neu auszurichten. Im Mitt ...
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