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10 European Projects Found

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Sustainable Innovative Mobilisation of Wood (SIMWOOD)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

"SIMWOOD presents a novel idea for an innovative, integrated approach to multifunctional forestry and enhanced wood mobilisation across European forest regions. The project targets a multitude of forest owners and stakeholders to spread integrated, transferable solutions and viable policies to unlock immobile forest resources and ensure sustainable forest functions. A novel pan-European Informatio ...
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Glycosylation is a post-translational modification that enriches protein complexity and function. Dysregulation of glycosylation is associated with a wide range of diseases, including cancer, diabetes, as well as congenital, cardiovascular, immunological and infectious disorders. A number of studies identified potentially important glycan disease biomarkers. With regard to biotechnology, proper gl ...
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"The main objective of the BACCHUS project is to develop tools and resources that will facilitate the generation of robust and exploitable scientific evidence that can be used to support claims of a cause and effect relationship between consumption of bioactive peptides and polyphenols, and beneficial physiological effects related to cardiovascular health in humans. To achieve this, the BACCHUS c ...
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We propose to develop advanced imaging arrays of kinetic inductance detectors (KIDs) for space-based observations at mm-far-infrared (mm-FIR) wavelengths. This development addresses the FP7 topic SPA.2012.2.2-01: Key technologies enabling observations in and from space.Future space science and earth observation missions are limited by the availability of imaging detector array technology for the m ...
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...s of the Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC). The project FOROPA aims at promoting and strengthening clusters and networks for an improved use of lignocellulosic biomass in the SEE area. Existing national and regional capacities will be coordinated and enhanced in order to increasingly utilize the available biomass potentials of forests, short rotation plantations and wood waste. FOROPA will a ...
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...g at nano, meso and macro-scale. The anticipated impacts of the development of the envisaged top-performance lightweight thermoplastic composites and their manufacturing routes will extend to an international level by decreasing energy and fuel consumption, decreasing waste production and improving recyclability, creating profitable spin-off activities, promoting safety and improving the urban env ...
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... highly inhomogeneous. Since recovered paper is not only recycled in the country where it is produced, some essential features such as eco-design and eco-collection concepts must be developed at transnational level to increase the sustainability of the paper loop.The project ECOPaperLOOP identified needs of the regions related to the recycled paper, whereas a clear picture on participating region’ ...
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Distributed Dynamic Diversity Databases for Life (4D4Life)

Start date: May 1, 2009, End date: Jul 31, 2012,

...ed e-compendium of the world's organisms grows rapidly (now covering well over one million species), and has established a formidable user base, including major global biodiversity portals as well as national biodiversity resources and individual users worldwide.Joint Research Activities in this 4D4Life Project will establish the Catalogue of Life as a state of the art e-science facility based on ...
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The main objective of the EWCM-OT project was to develop eLearning material for wood construction managers and to programme it into a useful online course. After the project realization this training course is offered in each project organizations with the goal to improve the qualifications of wood construction specialists and to obtain a European recognized training certificate.
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The main aim is to transfer innovative VET solutions from Europe to Slovenian Wood Sector to set up advanced VET System and new validated and state recognized VET Program.
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