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Kino Eyes -The European Movie Masters - Erasmus Plus Joint Master Degree

Start date: Oct 15, 2014, End date: Oct 14, 2019,

...wo years (120 ECTS credits).Brief descriptionKEM is promoted by Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, School of Arts, Communication and Information Technologies (Portugal), Edinburgh Napier University, School of Arts and Creative Industries (United Kingdom) and Tallinn University, Baltic Film and Media School (Estonia). The course departs from the core areas of fiction film creativit ...
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PROSPERITY will:1. Produce a culture shift in terms of environment for SUMPs in member states and in the organisational culture of transport planning in city authorities.2. Get ministries and national agencies to play a national leading role on SUMPs, as in many member states these are the organisations from which cities take their main direction; where ministries are already playing this role, to ...
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A DIY networking toolkit for location-based collective awareness (MAZI)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Do-It-Yourself networking refers to a conceptual approach to the use of low-cost hardware and wireless technology in deploying local communication networks that can operate independently from the Internet, owned and controlled by local actors. MAZI means “together” in Greek and MAZI [] invests in this paradigm of technology-supported networking, as a means to bring closer togethe ...
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Context-Active Resilience in Cyber Physical Systems (CAR)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

This European Fellowship project will benefit the researcher by giving and enhancing the knowledge and skills for a future generation of CPSs which enjoy the unique feature of context-active resilience. With such new capability and training, the researcher is expected to realise his potential and gain his leading role at international level in CPS research community. Context-active resilience is a ...
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ONLINE Platform for Smart Specialisation Policy Advice (ONLINE-S3)

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

This project aims to develop an e-policy platform augmented with a toolbox of applications and online services, which will assist national and regional authorities in the EU in elaborating or revising their smart specialisation agenda, in terms of policies and strategy. The platform will leverage existing methodologies, initiatives and tools developed by the EC for the RIS3 strategy, but it will a ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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The overall aim of this proposed exchange programme “ENRICH” is to bring together an international team of researchers to establish a research network, with a wide variety of skills in operations research, safety and security studies, green logistics, economic modelling, ICT, and intermodal management to develop a container supply chain (CSC) integration methodology, aimed at addressing long-lasti ...
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Clustering Creativity

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Despite of rising new media study programs at higher education institutions, there is a gap between an education meeting the challenges of digital economy and emerging new creativity based business models and digital literacy in creative media. The reason for this is lack of synergy between higher education institutions, online marketing professionals and students as future creators of new media p ...
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The population of children and young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities is growing with many more living with complex multi-morbidities. Due to their complexity of need children and young people with complex intellectual and developmental disabilities require access to practitioners across education, healthcare and social care who have a shared knowledge of their complex need ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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European Vet Nurse Education: Mobilities in Europe

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

Erna-Graff-Foundation was founded by a considerable private donation from a passionate friend of animals, named Erna Graff, over 30 years ago. A central purpose of the foundation is the promotion of education, information, sensitivity and orientation towards the rights of animals embedded in an ecological world view. In this context the protection of animals has to be understood as having a social ...
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“Social Innovation–Empowering the Young (SocIEtY) for the Common Good” will both focus on and integrate disadvantaged young people into the research process to improve their quality of life and to foster social innovation. Therefore SocIEtY will extend the given informational basis for designing and implementing policies to reduce inequalities by giving voice and opportunities for developing aspir ...
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Managing Risks of Nanoparticles (MARINA)

Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

While there are standard procedures for product life cycle analysis, exposure, hazard, and risk assessment for traditional chemicals, is not yet clear how these procedures need to be modified to address all the novel properties of nanomaterials. There is a need to develop specific reference methods for all the main steps in managing the potential risk of ENM. The aim of MARINA is to develop such ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

Edinburgh Napier University has a strong commitment to internationalisation and offering international opportunities to both its students and staff. The University has links with partner institutions from across the globe and for a number years it has exchanged students in Europe through the Erasmus programme. In 2013/14, the University received further funding from the Scottish Funding Council ...
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Future Internet Social and Technological Alignment Research (FI-STAR)

Start date: Apr 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

FI-STAR will establish early trials in the Health Care domain building on Future Internet (FI) technology leveraging on the outcomes of FI-PPP Phase 1. It will become self-sufficient after the end of the project and will continue on a sustainable business model by several partners. In order to meet the requirements of a global Health industry FI-STAR will use a fundamentally different, "reverse" c ...
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Nanoscale objects interact with living organisms in a fundamentally new manner, ensuring that a fruitful marriage of nanotechnology and biology will long outlast short term imperatives. Therefore, investment in an infrastructure to drive scientific knowledge of the highest quality will have both immediate benefits of supporting the safety assessment of legacy nanomaterials, as well as pointing tow ...
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TEN-T and the North Sea Region (TEN-TaNS)

Start date: Jan 7, 2013, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

Inspired by the NSR Interreg IVB projects the TEN‐T and the North Sea Region project will from a NSR perspective analyse opportunities and consequences for freight transport of the new EU TEN‐T Regulation, the Connecting Europe Facility, the Clean Power for Transport Initiative and the Europe2020 Strategy seen on a regional level. A toolbox of regional measures will be developed to optimise region ...
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This proposal details activities that will ensure the continued enhancement and ongoing operation of the leading-edge GÉANT network, supporting a range of network and added-value services, targeted at users across the GÉANT service area.In the area of multi-domain network service operation, GN3plus plans to deliver fast, efficient provisioning of advanced services, develop operational support acro ...
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Climate Neutral Urban Districts in Europe (CLUE)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

The project idea Climate Neutral Urban Districts in Europe (CLUE) was formulated by a team of experts at the City of Stockholm and KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. The project idea was first presented during the EU Interregional Cooperation Forum, 20/21 September 2007, Lisbon. The objective of the CLUE regional development project is increased regional capacity in policy development ...
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Green Corridor in the North Sea Region (GreCOR)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

GreCOR will promote the development of a co-modal transport corridor in the North Sea Region. Important in this collaborative approach, is the focus on secondary networks and the hubs, and the regional hinterland around the Green transport corridor Oslo- Randstad from a co-modal perspective. GreCOR will work in close collaboration with public and private stakeholders, and its overall aim is to imp ...
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"The Community’s maritime sector must sustain and improve its competitive advantage, with the groundwork for future international competitiveness resting with high quality and innovative education and training. Employees in the maritime transport sector need innovative educational opportunities that focus on their special working conditions. The KNow-ME project addresses this need by engendering a ...
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"Radical changes in the local governance of social cohesion in many Member States of the European Union are the focus of LOCALISE’s research on the organisational challenges of an integrated social and employment policy. The multiple needs of the most vulnerable groups in society require the integration of formerly separate policy fields. This creates positive dynamics for reducing social inequali ...
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"The work to be carried out in COMPASS can build on a substantial body of knowledge on co-modal and intermodal passenger transport already available from past and current projects, in particular KITE, LINK, INTERCONNECT, HERMES, CLOSER, ORIGAMI and USEmobility. From this basis, COMPASS’s specific scientific and technological objectives are:To identify key trends (demographic, societal, economica ...
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Coordination Action for Self-Awareness \nin Autonomic Systems (AWARE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

The main aim of the AWARE Coordination Action is to provide a focal point for the wide range of research domains potentially addressed by the FET Proactive Initiative in AWARENESS. Self-awareness in autonomic systems can include ideas and concepts from artificial intelligence, network performance, distributed systems, machine learning, and artificial consciousness. This CA seeks to provide a commo ...
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"This proposal recognises that effective solutions to existing problems in long-distance door-to-door passenger transport chains require the provision of attractive integrated networks and services and this is likely to require vision and co-operation between stakeholders in the public and private sectors. ORIGAMI will build on the substantial body of knowledge on long-distance passenger transpor ...
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North Sea Supply Connect (North Sea Supply Connect)

Start date: Sep 30, 2009, End date: Mar 30, 2013,

Small markets in the NSR and SME access barriers to European supply markets are key problems addressed by the project. They cause competitive disadvantages for Northern SMEs and their regions compared to suppliers and regions involved in large regions. If SMEs stick to traditional regional markets prosperity and European integration, mayor markets are at risk. This risk is further aggravated by th ...
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Maritime Transport Cluster (MTC)

Start date: Jun 9, 2011, End date: Dec 9, 2012,

MTC will build a structure for exchanging information on the latest knowledge and experiences concerning maritime transport issues by establishing a network covering all transport related NSRP projects. MTC will identify synergies between NSRP project results and consolidate these into overall programme outcomes on transport. The results will be discussed with the business, public sector & researc ...
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Start date: May 1, 2009, End date: Oct 31, 2012,

Engineered Nanoparticles (ENP) are increasingly produced for use in a wide range of industrial and consumer products. Yet it is known that exposure to some types of particles can cause severe health effects. Therefore it is essential to ascertain whether exposure to ENP can lead to possible health risks for workers and consumers. We have formed a consortium of well-known scientists from European U ...
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Making Capabilities Work (WorkAble)

Start date: Nov 1, 2009, End date: Oct 31, 2012,

“Making Capabilities Work” (WorkAble) will scrutinise strategies to enhance the social sustainability and economic competitiveness of Europe by strengthening the capabilities of young people to actively shape their personal and work lives in knowledge societies and cope with today's economic, cultural, demographic and technological challenges. Bridging quantitative and qualitative methods ...
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The InLiveTox project will form an interdisciplinary consortium at the European level, together with a key American research group to develop an improved in vitro model for the study of nanoparticle (NP) uptake, transport and cellular interaction, thus advancing our understanding of NP toxicity. Rather than repeat what has, or is being done in the field of aerosol NP and lung toxicology, InLiveTo ...
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Dryport - a modal shift in practice (Dryport)

Start date: May 31, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2012,

...l reportVgland_flyerTrafikverket; RFID in RailPort of Göteborg; where to realize newFalköping presentation Skaraborg logistic centerFalköping presentation public sectorFalköping overviewTRI Napier; overview publicationsTRI Napier; project achievementsSEStran; sustainable urban distributionSEStran; study rail freightSEStran; study freight consolidationSEStran; Coatbridge, Scotland's dryportIAW Brem ...
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Northern Maritime University (NMU)

Start date: Dec 31, 2007, End date: Jun 29, 2012,

The NMU project is building on the broad range of knowledge and expertise in the North Sea area which is being harnessed within a common and lasting transnational network of universities, The "Northern Maritime University" will directly address the needs of the maritime industry: To better prepare maritime business managers to cope with growing maritime traffic, port development, and rising enviro ...
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Recent technological advances allow the targeted production of objects and materials in the nanoscale (smaller than 100 nm). Nanomaterials have chemical, physical and bioactive characteristics, which are different from those of larger entities of the same materials. Nanoparticles can pass through body barriers. This is interesting for medical applications, but it raises concerns about their health ...
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Smart Cities (Smart Cities)

Start date: Aug 31, 2008, End date: Oct 30, 2011,

Smart Cities aims to create an innovation network between governments and academia in six countries to promote excellence in the domain of e-services (development and take-up) in order to set a new standard for e-service delivery in the whole NSR. The transnational working method (pooling expertise, joint model development) is proposed to equip decision-makers to achieve further innovation in the ...
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Creative Growth

Start date: Sep 30, 2008, End date: Sep 29, 2011,

...etings, interviews, studyvisits, thematic working groups and interregional seminars to share and experience best practise. During this period the first interregional seminar was hosted by Edinburgh-Napier University(UK) on the theme Successful knowledgetransfer in the creative industries showcasing good exampes and transnational exchange of experience. 4 thematic working groups have been launced o ...
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The goal of the PANORAMA coordination action is to bring together the wide range of researchers in the field covered by the PERADA proactive initiative, and to build a new community of researchers who can work together on common goals, so ensuring that the research carried out by members of that community is integrated, coordinated and informed.The main objectives are:- Construction and maintenan ...
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"INTERCONNECT is concerned with the role of local and regional connections in the context of growing importance of interregional passenger journeys in the European Union. Poor interconnectivity among different transport networks and among different scales of modal networks might compromise the objectives of integration of the TEN-T network investments and policy measures. The proposal addresses t ...
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Motorways of the Seas Strategic Demonstration Project (StratMos)

Start date: Mar 31, 2008, End date: Mar 30, 2011,

The application is for an extension of the project with the inclusion of a further two partners, who have been involved in the Stratmos project from the start but were not able to submit their letters of intent in time for the submission of the project in the first call. The potential partners were involved with the Stratmos predecessor project Northern Maritime Corridor. The Stratmos project aim ...
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The overall aim of the ENRHES project is to perform a comprehensive scientific review of the health and environmental safety of fullerenes, CNTs, metal and metal oxide nanomaterials. The review will consider sources, pathways of exposure, the health and environmental outcomes of concern, in the context informing the regulation of the potential risks of engineered nanoparticles. We will employ a s ...
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This project provides unique opportunity for coached transfer of an established process of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) into countries currently working on their NQFs.The consortium selected for this project includes partners with complementary expertise and needs.
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