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25 European Projects Found

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Background At present, the landscaping industry has little option but to source much of its green cover materials from arable land, i.e. field top soil. By demonstrating the effectiveness of an environmentally sustainable and economically viable alternative source of green cover materials, this project will seek to significantly reduce negative environmen ...
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The overall objective of the project is to enhance the professional growing of special crops and commercialization of their production, processing and retail in the target area through improved education, advisory activities and new research. This, in turn, will provide for the economic development and SME activities of rural areas on both sides of the border.
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Clean Rivers to Healthy Baltic Sea

Start date: Dec 12, 2012, End date: Dec 11, 2014,

Overall objective of the project is to create basic precondition for improving water quality and restore natural biodiversity of Luga river, that will contribute to reduce the nutrient load to the Baltic Sea and to solve tasks of the Baltic Sea Action Plan. Second objective is cooperation development between Russian and Finnish official, scientific, educational and non-governmental organizations, ...
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...age and spreader delivered and put to use. Transfering of the farm level drainage water control investment from Denmark to Latvia, Vecauce farm is in process and is planned together with experts from MTT and Latvian Agricultural University. By this, the setback in Denmark not to be able to proceed with further investments at Hofmansgave is partly compensated by ensuring that the functional and dem ...
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The overall objective: Increased production of locally produced food and health products based on sustainable natural resources in the Barents region. Strengthen cooperation and social development between institutions and scientists in northern agriculture. The specific objective: 1. Increase the production of berries and herbs in the Barents region through cultivation, breeding and testing of lo ...
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Background European Union policy aims to minimise the use of pesticides even though the recent trend has not shown any significant decrease in its application. Pesticide use is particularly linked to climate, land use and technological changes in the northern crop production areas. The EU pesticides legislation is currently undergoing reform and has requ ...
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The Baltic Sea Basin is an area of intensive, and intensifying agricultural production. There are about 36 million units of cattle, 67 million units of pigs, and 190 million units of poultry in the region. (Gren, I.-M. et al., 2008: Cost of nutrient reductions to the Baltic Sea - technical report). Intensifying and concentration of animal production has resulted in environmental problems caused by ...
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The traditional Baltic island sheep are not widely appreciated, although small-scale sheep keeping is a traditional activity for islanders and perfect for Natura/nature protection areas, where extensive farming is forbidden due to environmental considerations. Sheep is fairly unknown as a simultaneous source of meat, wool, and landscape design. Typically, sheep farming is polarized; targeting eith ...
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The InnoEquine project addresses the needs of SMEs in the Central Baltic region and the translation of innovations into new business opportunities, with a particular focus on the equine industries. Over-riding objectives are to define and construct a sustainable path to economic development of this sector, such that it will be able to realize its under-utilized potential. The project is designed t ...
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Baltic environment, food and health: from habits to awareness (FOODWEB)

Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

This project contributes to Central Baltic programme.We focus on the priority 3, Attractive and dynamic societies, from two perspectives: the impact of the Finnish and Estonian and Latvian food production onto sustainable healthiness of the Baltic Sea environment and environmental safety of the food originating from our mutual Baltic food shed. The direction of support of maintaining and improvin ...
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Ecovillages for sustainable rural development (Ecovillages)

Start date: Sep 16, 2010, End date: Dec 15, 2013,

The Ecovillage Movement is an initiative looking for a more sustainable way of living in rural areas and promoting a lot of innovations which deals with climate change, environmental pollution, resource shortages and social problems people face nowadays. Project “Ecovillages for sustainable rural development” aims at fostering ecovillages development as a more sustainable way of living in rural ar ...
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BERAS Implementation offers a response to the challenges to achieve a good environmental status in the Baltic Sea, reinforce sustainable agriculture and enhance rural development in the region.Objectives:Contribute to solving the problem of excessive nutrient losses from agricultural through introduction of conversion to Ecological Recycling Agriculture (ERA) in all countries of the BSRDevelop a s ...
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Baltic COMPASS project has grown out of a large number of international projects in the field of landuse, agriculture, water and environment related to the protection of the Baltic Sea. Specifically, Baltic COMPASS is a response to the need for a transnational approach to reduce eutrophication of the Baltic Sea and contribute in adaption and implementation of the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSA ...
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U. of Turku in FI has contacts with many EE organizations. In many meetings, the question of nature protection has raised up. There are several old parks in both countries, and their re-establishment would make them more attractive for plants, animals and visitors. Cultural background and historic development of parks are quite different in EE and FI, but there are similar problems like how to add ...
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Energy Positive Farm (ENPOS)

Start date: Nov 30, 2009, End date: Oct 31, 2012,

Mechanized agriculture uses fertilizers made with fossile energy and consumes directly fossile energy in running the machinery and processes. Agriculture produces emissions both to air and water when using fossile energy. Agriculture has the possibility to give up partly or totally fossile energy usage. Besides that it has a possibilty to produce bioenergy for consumption and in this case the fa ...
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Agriculture is the largest anthropogenic source of nutrients (N and P) enhancing eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. The reduction of agricultural nutrient load depends on the reduction of emissions from animal and crop production as well as on the enhancement of nutrient retention in the watershed. Available evidence suggests that improving retention processes have a greater potential for reducing ...
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New Plants for Northern Periphery Market 4.4 (NPNP)

Start date: Jun 30, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2012,

The aim of NPNP is to develop new business opportunities within the green sector and provide growth to the region by developing new hardy ornamental plants, origin from the region for public spaces and private gardens. The NPNP will facilitate the creation of greener and more varied public area and city centre in the northern periphery area. ...
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Food International Trade Management (FITIM)

Start date: Feb 28, 2007, End date: Jan 30, 2008,

The project aims at planning of a new FITIM (Food Industry and Trade International Management) educational platform in such a way that it can be later implemented as cooperation between a Finnish and an Estonian institution of higher education and commercial firms. The planning of the platforms takes into consideration the detailed educational requirements of the Finnish and Estonian institutions ...
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The common task of Finland and Estonia is to promote environmental awareness by developing the school students' personal contacts with the countryside heritage, cultural enviroment and nature. This task will be achieved with the experience-based learning that complements the school curriculum. The project tasks and activities help to achieve the goals of the UN decade of education for sustainable ...
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... the economic feasibility of the enterprise (cost-benefit analysis, social auditing) Project partnership: The project proposers are a collaboration of five organisations: the beneficiary – MTT Agrifood Research Finland and partners Häme Regional Environment Centre, Häme Polytechnic and partners - pilot enterprises Tammelan Kala-Apaja, Makuliha Oy, FM-Haus Oy, Kiipulan puutarha. Agropolis ...
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During this project we create contacts with the research institutes of St. Peterburg's area in Russia. We try to have data on the herb production of Russia and the St. Petersburg area, to set up scientific collaboration with research instituties of Russia and St. Peterburg and to find new medicinal plants for experimental cultivation in Finland. There are some marketing companies in the project to ...
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Multifunctional Agriculture (MA) can be found throughout Europe at different quality and quantity stages. MA includes different fields of agriculture combined with other farm activities. In the project we focus on Social Farming (SF). Until now a high quality, European-wide network and coaching model involving the know-how in social, health, justice, education and the organic agriculture sector is ...
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Food security is an important issue related to public health and dairy products are a major part of human diet. Low consumption is linked with many health defects. Turkey ranks lowest milk consumer per capita among EU countries. Therefore, increasing milk production and consumption is a primary goal. However, increasing alone will not be adequate since milk production in Turkey hampered with low h ...
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GILearn is a training project for adult learning in protected designations of origin (PDO) products: its main objective is that European adults gain the knowledge for the identification and valorisation of PDO products and specifically, their unique sensory characteristics. Secondary objectives of GILearn project are the promotion of PDO products and the preservation of traditional manufacture pro ...
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The number of green care entrepreneurs in Europe is growing as the number of people with special needs too. Another challenge is the problem of intergenerational development of existing initiatives. Also pioneers in the new EU-member countries need conducive support. The project included evaluation, coaching, and training of the partners to support their endeavour to develop their organisations an ...
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