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INCLUFAR Inclusive farming - Transfer of concepts, experiences, skills and training tools for Social Farming and eco-social inclusion

The number of green care entrepreneurs in Europe is growing as the number of people with special needs too. Another challenge is the problem of intergenerational development of existing initiatives. Also pioneers in the new EU-member countries need conducive support. The project included evaluation, coaching, and training of the partners to support their endeavour to develop their organisations and to meet the needs mentioned before. The project transferred concepts, experiences, skills, and training tools for social farming and eco-social inclusion between all partners including stakeholders and beneficiaries. The compiled INCLUFAR-curriculum offers a broad occupational perspective for relevant target groups like farmers, gardeners, craftsmen, artists, social workers, scientists, students, public authorities. Thus the objective of the project to meet the need for education and training of qualified staff for high quality inclusive farming entrepreneurship became more conscious and supported the endeavour to apply social inclusion in the rural areas to create new working places for both group's professionals and people with special needs.

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9 Partners Participants