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16 European Projects Found

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Healthy Aging Through Internet Counselling in the Elderly (HATICE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

"Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity, hypercholesterolemia, smoking and physical inactivity are common in elderly persons and are all associated with an increased risk of myocardial infarction, stroke and dementia. Efficacious treatments of these cardiovascular diseases are available, but in elderly patients with multiple cardiovascular diseases and risk factors however, treatment is currentl ...
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...nation and realization of such a new, large-scale European effort, thereby providing the basis for an advanced future medicine. The output of CASyM will be a conceptual framework defining the remits, milestones, mechanisms and metrics for the implementation of Systems Medicine. The development of this framework will overcome competitive barriers and proceed to produce a European roadmap for System ...
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Satiety Innovation (SATIN)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The SATIN project has been devised to develop food products produced by novel food processing that control satiety through modification of food structure. To achieve this the SATIN project will:1. Integrate advanced technologies to screen novel food structures through in vitro models toisolate and refine products according to their satiating potential.2. Develop novel food processing technologies ...
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RARE-Bestpractices will develop a sustainable networking platform, supporting the collection of standardized and validated data and efficient exchange of knowledge and reliable information on rare diseases (RD).RD are characterized by low prevalence (EU – 5:10000 persons). There are more than 5000, overall affecting about 30 million citizens of all ages in the EU. RD are often life-threatening and ...
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"Infertility is a serious medical concern preventing the parenthood in 10% of couples. Infertility treatment using assisted reproduction techniques (ART) is popular in Europe with up to 5% of children born thanks to medical help. Despite many technological improvements the overall pregnancy rate after infertility treatment using the most commonly practiced in vitro fertilization (IVF) remains only ...
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Hearing impairment affects 600M people worldwide.  It greatly decreases quality of life, particularly in the elderly, and constitutes an unmet health and medical need.  Regeneration of sensory auditory hair cells is not available as a medical technology.  In concordance with this topic call, we propose a novel strategy based on the development of a new technology, a micronutrient formulation imple ...
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Neurotrophic Cochlear Implant for Severe Hearing Loss (NeuEar)

Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

Sixteen percent of adult Europeans suffer from hearing loss, great enough to adversely affect their daily life. Over the age of 80, 50% of the population is suffering from hearing loss. A large portion of this population is affected by sensoryneural hearing loss (SNHL), a consequence of a progressive degeneration of the primary auditory neurons (ANs), the afferent neurons of the cochlea. These ANs ...
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Users of NGS technologies, producing large and numerous distinct types of omics data, demands statistical methods to combat data and knowledge fragmentation and inappropriate procedures for data analysis. Yet, the current a gap between the available tools for analysis of a single omics data-type versus the requirement of biomedical scientists to understand the integrated results derived from sever ...
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Biomedical research depends on the availability of living non-human primates and biological material with primate origin. The need for animal research using non-human primates is therefore recognised by all governments that support internationally competitive biomedical research aimed at addressing the world’s most pressing medical challenges. While essential for biomedical research owing to their ...
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Ambulatory Bio-Artificial Lung (AmbuLung)

Start date: Jul 1, 2012, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the 4th leading cause of death worldwide. Long-term respiratory support increases the life expectancy and the quality of life of COPD patients and decreases the cost of care. Currently available artificial lungs, such as Novalung’s iLA system, fail after ~ one month, mainly due to thrombus formation at the blood/machine interface. The size of current ...
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"Malaria is a global health priority that has been targeted for elimination in recent years. Attaining the goals that define elimination of malaria in different countries depends critically on provision of effective antimalarials and further that these antimalarials are used appropriately in individual patients. Drug resistance is a major threat to malaria control and has important global public h ...
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Mechanisms of the Development of ALLergy (MEDALL)

Start date: Dec 1, 2010, End date: May 31, 2015,

Causes explaining the epidemic of IgE-associated (allergic) diseases are unclear. MeDALL (Mechanisms of the Development of Allergy) aims at generating novel knowledge on mechanisms of allergy initiation, in particular in childhood. To understand how a complex network of genetic and environmental factors leads to complex allergic phenotypes, a novel stepwise, large and integrative translational app ...
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The Affinomics programme aims to leverage existing efforts in Europe to generate large-scale resources of validated protein-binding molecules (‘binders’) as affinity reagents for characterisation of the human proteome and to apply them in comprehensive structural and functional analyses of protein expression, interactions and complexes. Proteome targets will be focused on five categories of inter- ...
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The therapeutic challenge of complex diseases requires the use of combination therapies to target the distinct mechanisms and pathways involved. Such complex diseases will benefit from the design of computational models adopting a systems perspective to integrate the knowledge generated by ‘omics technologies and clinical data. Multiple Sclerosis is a prototypic debilitating complex disease in whi ...
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"The proposed project ECNIS2 aims at continuing the integrative and coordinative works initiated during ECNIS network with an ultimate goal of transforming network into a virtual centre, the European Centre for Research and Education on Cancer, Environment and Food (ECRECEF).ECNIS has already laid foundations for the development of the centre by bringing together researchers from different discipl ...
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The objective of the LAMPETRA proposal is developing lamprey/salamander bioinspired artefacts to perform neuroscientific studies related to goal-directed locomotion and to find new solutions for high-performance artificial locomotion, in terms of fast-response, adaptability, reliability, energy efficiency, and control. These issues will be pursued by implementing a bio-inspired artificial system ( ...
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