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Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2021,

Europe is challenged to increase the share of renewable energy for heating and cooling, industrial processes, power generation and energy storage. Geothermal energy is a vastly under-utilized indigenous, clean, low footprint and continuously available energy resource, and thus uniquely positioned to substantially contribute to a safe and secure energy supply of Europe’s Energy Union. Hitherto only ...
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The aim of SUSFOOD2 is to foster research and innovation in the field of sustainable food systems through enhanced cooperation and coordination between EU member and associated states. It will thereby contribute to the overall EU objective of building the European Research Area as well as a newly emerging Food Research Area. Major challenges will influence future food chains asking for innovative ...
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Organic agriculture is considered to be one of the important development pathways towards a more sustainable agriculture and food production. This development has been and will be dependent on continuous research and innovation.CORE Organic started in 2004 and has been evolving for more than a decade. The present proposal for a CORE Organic Cofund will continue, to update and consolidate the serie ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2021,

SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund will bring together 15 national organisations owning and / or managing major solar power research and innovation programmes throughout Europe, covering photovoltaics (PV) and concentrating solar power (CSP).According to the challenges addressed in the work programme on Low Carbon Energy, SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund has different objectives:• To implement a joint call on subjects of h ...
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ERA-NET Cofund Electric Mobility Europe (EMEurope)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2021,

In collaboration with the European Commission and the European Green Vehicles Initiative Association, European countries and regions will set-up an ERA-NET Cofund to further promote electric mobility in Europe. Electric Mobility Europe builds on the experiences, networks and results of Electromobility+ and is designed to take transnational e-mobility research and policy exchange to the next level. ...
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The aim of the ERA-GAS Cofund is to strengthen the transnational coordination of research programmes and provide added value to research and innovation on greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation in the European Research Area. ERA-GAS will organise a single joint transnational call for proposals with cofunding from the European Commission (EC). In addition, ERA-GAS will undertake additional joint activit ...
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European Research Area on Sustainable Animal Production Systems (SusAn)

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2021,

This proposal seeks funding under the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2014-2015 to establish an ERA-NET for joint European research coordination on Sustainable Animal Production (SusAn). The scope for this ERA-NET has been developed under the SCAR Collaborative Working Group on Sustainable Animal Production (CWG-SAP). Funding organisations from 22 European countries initially seek to support one co-fu ...
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Accellerating CCS technologies as a new low-carbon energy vector (ACT)

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2021,

"This ERA-NET Cofund action is a transnational collaboration on CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) technology. CCS is regarded as one of the main routes for Europe to mitigate climate change. Our initiative "Accelerating CCS technology as a new low-carbon energy vector" (ACT) targets mainly the energy sector, but will also have benefits for energy intensive industries. The vision of ACT is to ensure th ...
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DemoWind 2 proposes to bring together a number of national and transnational organisations with an interest in accelerating cost reduction in offshore wind. It follows on from the first DemoWind initiative that launched in 2014 and, like its predecessor, is focussed on enabling industry, through partnership, to push technologies through TRLs 5-6 to 6-7 in transnationally funded projects. We aim t ...
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The WaterWorks2015 proposal responds to the Horizon 2020 (H2020) Societal Challenge 5 2015 Call topic Water-3 [2015]: Stepping up EU research and innovation cooperation in the water area.WaterWorks2015 aims at pooling resources from the 32 participating research programme owners / managers of 23 countries to implement a joint call for proposals, with EU co-funding in the area of sustainable water ...
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Bioenergy Sustaining the Future (BESTF) 3 (BESTF3)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

This ERA-NET Co-fund will bring together a number of national and transnational organisations with an interest in promoting the greater use of bioenergy. It follows on from two previous BESTF ERA-NET Plus initiatives launched in 2013 and, like its predecessors, aims to kick-start large scale investment in close-to-market implementation of bioenergy, thereby helping to achieve the key objectives of ...
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The objective of FACCE SURPLUS is to strengthen the European Research Area in support of different integrated food and non-food biomass production and transformation systems, especially by organising, implementing and cofunding with the EU a joint call for transnational research projects on the topic of sustainable and resilient agriculture. As this topic falls within the scope of the Strategic Re ...
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European Transport Network Alliance 2020 (ETNA 2020)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

ETNA2020 is a 48-month Coordination and Support Action with the overall aim of facilitating trans-national co-operation among NCPs for ‘Smart, Green and Integrated Transport’, identifying and sharing good practices, and raising the general standard of the support to programme applicants across the EU and globally. To reach the objective above, the project will develop five main activity axes, corr ...
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DemoWind proposes to launch and implement a coordinated, collaborative, joint offshore wind technology demonstration Call worth in excess of €100m between 2015-19 under Horizon 2020 topic LCE 18 – 2014: Supporting Joint Actions on demonstration and validation of innovative energy solutions. Partners: Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom, aim to pool their nati ...
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The Concerted Action will support the implementation of the renewable energy directive 2009/28/EC. As with the first and second phase, the objectives of CA-RES3 are directly linked to the transposition and implementation of the RES Directive. The third phase of the CA-RES will also provide further opportunities to explore possibilities for common approaches in specific areas of implementation of t ...
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The Once Only Principle Project (TOOP)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Jun 30, 2019,

The “Once-Only” Principle Project (TOOP) explores and demonstrates the “once-only” principle through multiple sustainable pilots, using a federated architecture on a cross-border collaborative pan-European scale in order to identify drivers and barriers and to provide a basis for future implementations and wider use. Three pilots are implemented: (1) Cross-border e-Services for Business Mobility, ...
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Public procurement of innovative solutions (PPI) shortens the route to market, sets free the potential of early adopters to implement an innovation and enables public procurers to efficiently answer market demands of innovative products.THALEA II is the first follow-up PPI in healthcare for Intensive Care Units (ICU). It will bring an innovative product to the European healthcare market aiming to ...
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Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) is a proven model for modernizing mostly public buildings by ESCOs with guaranteed energy and cost savings. Nevertheless, a broad roll-out of EPC is being prevented mainly because of two unresolved issues: the split incentives dilemma and the lack of adequately flexible contract models.The guarantEE project will address prevailing barriers to EPC in a team of 1 ...
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The overall idea of the BioHorizon proposal is to establish innovative and mutually learning pan-European platform for transnational activities of NCPs involved in the SC2 and KET-B. The aim is also to create a network of NCPs exploiting the synergies of acquired and distributed knowledge, collective development and trainings, in which all NCPs can learn from each other, thus increasing mutual und ...
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The National Contact Points perform valuable services in guiding and supporting national applicants in preparing proposals for Horizon 2020 funding. We expect that through an enhanced cooperation and networking between these national entities, a higher quality of their consulting services and thus of proposals and projects can be achieved. Therefore, the overall objective of NCPs CaRE is to form a ...
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Organic agriculture is considered to be one of the important development pathways for improving agriculture’s relation with the environment while at the same time ensuring food safety and future food security. This role is dependent on continuous research and innovation.CORE Organic Plus will continue, update and consolidate the series of transnational research calls which support a focused and co ...
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Bioenergy Sustaining the Future 2 (BESTF2)

Start date: Dec 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

This ERA-NET_Plus Coordination and Support Action, BESTF, will bring together a number of national and transnational initiatives in the field of bioenergy. It follows on from the first BESTF call that launched in January 2013 and, like its predecessor, aims to kick-start large scale investment in close-to-market implementation of bioenergy thereby helping to achieve the key objectives of the Europ ...
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The main goal of the FACCE-ERA-NET+ Action is to organise, implement and fund a joint call for transnational research projects on the topic of climate change adaptation, which is a core research theme of the Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE–JPI) and thus to contribute to the delivery of the FACCE–JPI Strategic Research Agenda. It will thereby als ...
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The 2012 Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) establishes a set of binding measures to help the EU reach its 20% energy efficiency target by 2020. Countries have also set their own indicative national energy efficiency targets. To reach these targets, EU countries have to implement energy efficiency policies and monitor their impact. The Commission has also the task of monitoring the impacts of the m ...
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Concerted Action EPBD IV (CAIV_EPBD)

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

The 'Concerted Action EPBD IV', supporting transposition and implementation of Directive 2010/31/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings, is an activity which aims to foster exchange of information and experience among Member States and participating countries with regards to the implementation of the specific Community legislation and ...
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AUTHENT-NET – Food Authenticity Research Network (AUTHENT-NET)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

It is acknowledged that historically anti-food fraud capability within Europe has not been consolidated and lacks the coordination and support structures available to those working in food safety. There are various initiatives underway to redress this balance e.g. DGSanté’s Food Fraud network, DG Research’s FoodIntegrity project, as well as numerous national programmes and industry initiatives. ...
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STEam And Management Under Pressure (STEAM-UP)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

The industrial sector could reduce its energy use by at least 13%. 75% of the potential savings can be found in steam and electric motor systems. Actions to tap the full potential in steam systems have been taken in the past but without success since findings from energy audits were not, or partly, implemented. The following barriers have been identified:- There is no business case for steam savin ...
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Platform of bioeconomy ERA-NET Actions (PLATFORM2)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

PLATFORM brings together ERA-NETs in the area of the bioeconomy. The current proposal will continue and expand the work of FP7 PLATFORM (2012-2014) with the following objectives: to further increase collaboration among actors, to foster inclusiveness, to increase capacities for efficient and effective ERA-NETs, and to inform research policy making. FP7 PLATFORM organised inspiring annual events, d ...
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Information and Communication technologies (ICT) and robotics for sustainable agriculture
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Europe’s vast coast line harbours a huge potential resource of ocean energy to be exploited as a renewable electricity source contributing towards the 2020 targets and beyond. The ocean is a complex working environment, relatively little is known about it and it is widely used by others, such as fishing, shipping and recreation. However, the prize for introducing ocean energy generation is high, e ...
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Fit for Health 2.0 aims to promote and enhance a sustainable participation of European industry in the Health-related sector of Horizon 2020 (H2020). Focusing on research-intensive, high technology SMEs the project offers targeted support measures, covering the entire innovation cycle of research projects. Key assets are highly qualified advice and support including a mentoring and coaching approa ...
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Common Highways Agency Rijkswaterstaat Model (CHARM)

Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Over the past four years, Rijkswaterstaat, the Highways Agency and the Roads and Traffic Agency have worked together to share knowledge and approaches to solving common problems. This relationship is embedded in a joint Memorandum of Agreement.The organisations are very similar and share many of the same problems and challenges in managing their Strategic Road Network (SRN). Each organisation fac ...
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"A consortium led by the Austrian Energy Agency (AEA) developed the project "Uptake of Solid Bioenergy in European Commercial Sectors (Industry, Trade, Agricultural and Service Sectors) – Bioenergy for Business" for the EU-Programme Horizon 2020’s Call 2014 (LCE14). The project partners include a combination of energy agencies, national biomass associations and research-oriented partners with spec ...
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Bibliometric and project participation analysis highlights that scientific cooperation between India and Europe increased significantly in recent years. STI policy stakeholder have supported this dynamic development by agreeing on an EU-India S&T Agreement, and added concrete value through co-drafting an EU/MS-India Strategic Agenda for Research and Innovation, which pinpoints specific thematic ar ...
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Electronic Simple European Networked Services (e-SENS)

Start date: Apr 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

The existing Large Scale Pilots have already proven that providing cross-border services can be made simpler. In numerous domains, technical building blocks have been developed and piloted that enable seamless cross-border services. The essence of the new e-SENS pilot is to consolidate and solidify the work done, to industrialise the solutions and to extend their potential to more and different do ...
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The KONNECT project will strengthen STI cooperation between the EU and Republic of Korea, promoting innovation and the enhancement of communication for technology-related policy dialogue. This project brings together seven organizations from the EU and the Republic of Korea to improve and sustain communication between the two regions at the research and policy level and increase the expand the sco ...
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Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

The starting point for MOPACT is the ambitious goals set by Horizon 2020 and the European Innovation Partnership Pilot Project on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIPAHA). Our response is ambitious too: we aim to provide the research and practical evidence upon which Europe can make longevity an asset for social and economic development. MOPACT will create a high quality, multi-disciplinary critical mas ...
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The overall objectives of the project are to deliver services designed to enhance the innovation management capacity of SMEs in the Netherlands between 1 january 2015 and 31 December 2016.These services will comprise both key account management services under the SME Instrument of Horizon 2020 and services to enhance the innovation management capacities of SMEs.The sub objectives for the first cat ...
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Coordinated Integrated Pest Management in Europe (C-IPM)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Europe faces the challenge of responding to the mandatory implementation of the principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) as called for by Directive 2009/128/EC on the sustainable use of pesticides. Most European countries are investing in research and extension to face this challenge, reduce reliance on pesticides, and reduce risks associated with their use. Added value and synergies can be ...
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Cloud for Europe (C4E)

Start date: Jun 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

Cloud for Europe (C4E) addresses the objectives of the European Cloud Partnership program. It gives a clear view on the public sector requirements and usage scenarios for Cloud Computing in Europe. The main objectives of C4E are to remove the obstacles for Cloud adoption and to harmonize the requirements from different public organisations beyond national borders. Stakeholders from industry, purch ...
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